
Today, I want to ask you a small daily knowledge. First, I want to ask you a question. What do you do for leisure?


At this time, they all said to play the phone, play the computer, then your phone computer to see more will have what reaction?


There is a baby voice gas children said, of course, is the eye pain, and very uncomfortable, the eyes are very dry, dry.


So you know eye fatigue, daily Diet should be how to pay attention to it?


Here to tell you about eye care diet tips, remember to your favorite family collection.


We all know that the rabbit favorite to eat carrot bar, carrots contain a very rich nutritional value. Carrots contain a lot of carotene, carotene is to maintain human health indispensable nutrients, often eat carrots can play a protection of vision, moisture skin, improve the immune function.


Carrots can be eaten raw, but also with other food to eat, how to eat it will be more able to play its nutritional value? In fact, there is an easy to ignore the common sense, that is the effect of cooked carrots is the best, many ways to eat, the following sharing method is the most recommended, remember to collect.

1.使用胡萝卜包饺子和蒸包子了,由于胡萝卜中含量有大量的胡萝卜素,但是只溶解在油脂中才能被 人 体吸收,所以把胡萝卜与肉类混合做馅,动物油脂会提高胡萝卜素的吸收率,营养价值更佳。

1. Use Carrots in dumplings and steamed buns. Because carrots contain a lot of carotene, but it can only be absorbed by the body when dissolved in fat, so mix carrots with meat for stuffing, the animal fat can enhance the Carotene absorption rate, the nutritional value is better.

2.可以与其他食物炖煮也是一个不错的选择,比如羊肉就是非常不错的,可以先把胡萝卜整根煮熟 以后,然后在切块与羊肉一起炖煮。

2. It can be cooked with other foods, such as lamb, which is very good. You can cook the whole carrot first and then stew it with the lamb.

3.同时也可以用油炒着吃可以促进人体对于胡萝卜素的吸收,像胡萝卜与土豆丝同炒,在夏天的时候 吃清凉可口是,不仅能补充胡萝卜素还可以起到滋养肌肤的作用。

3. Can also be fried with oil can promote the human body for the absorption of carotene, like carrots and potatoes stir-fried, eat cool and delicious in the summer, not only can supplement carotene can also play a role in nourishing the skin.

4.将胡萝卜和去皮的土豆蒸烂,压成泥,加葱花和少许盐、味精拌匀,做成小饼,油煎成外焦里嫩的 胡萝卜土豆泥小饼。

4. Steam and mash carrots and peeled potatoes, press them into puree, add chopped spring onion and a little salt and MSG, mix well, and make cookies.

5.将鸡蛋加葱花、盐和猪肝末分别炒熟,将胡萝卜、土豆、豌豆煮烂。以上食品连同煮菜的汤,加少 许米煮沸,用勺搅动二三次,再用小火焖20分钟,做成什锦煨饭。

5. Add the eggs, chopped scallions, salt and pork liver fried separately cooked, carrots, potatoes, peas boiled rotten. Bring to a boil with a few grains, stir with a spoon two or three times, and simmer over low heat for 20 minutes to make simmered rice.

6.将胡萝卜擦丝剁烂,加肉末、鸡蛋、淀粉、盐、葱花,调匀,制成小丸子,放入沸水中,做成胡萝 卜肉末氽丸子。

6. Rub The carrot shredded chop rotten, add meat, eggs, starch, salt, chopped scallions, mix well, made into small balls, put into boiling water, made of carrot meat for a short ball.


If the rabbit eat boiled carrots, will not be more lovely, today home must tell mom and dad, after the family cooked carrots to eat, we quickly hide it.

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