









// C++ program to implement the program
// that illustrates Online shopping
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
using namespace std;char c1, confirm_quantity;
float quantity;
int selectedNum;
double total_amount = 0;
int flag = 0;// Stores items with their corresponding
// price
map<string, double> items = {{ "Samsung", 15000 },{ "Redmi", 12000 },{ "Apple", 100000 },{ "Macbook", 250000 },{ "HP", 40000 },{ "Lenovo", 35000 },{ "C", 1000 },{ "C++", 3000 },{ "Java", 4000 },{ "Python", 3500 }
};// Stores the selected items with
// their quantity
map<string, int> selected_items;// Function to print the bill after shopping
// is completed prints the items, quantity,
// their cost along with total amount
void printBill(map<string, double> items,map<string, int> selected_items,float total_amount)
{cout << "Item    "<< "Quantity   "<< "Cost\n";for (auto j = selected_items.begin();j != selected_items.end(); j++) {cout << j->first << "   ";cout << j->second << "       ";cout << (selected_items[j->first])* (items[j->first])<< endl;}cout << "-----------------------"<< "-------------\n";cout << "Total amount:          "<< total_amount << endl;cout << "-----------------------"<< "-------------\n";cout << "*****THANK YOU && HAPPY"<< " ONLINE SHOPPING*****";
}// Function to ask the basic details of
// any customer
void customerDetails()
{cout << "Enter your name: ";string customer_name;getline(cin, customer_name);cout << "WELCOME ";for (int i = 0;i < customer_name.length();i++) {cout << char(toupper(customer_name[i]));}cout << "\n";
}// showMenu() is to print the
// menu to the user
void showMenu()
{cout << "Menu\n";cout << "= = = = = = = = "<< " = = = = = \n";cout << "1.Mobile\n2.laptop\n3"<< ".Computer courses\n";cout << "= = = = = = = = "<< " = = = = = \n";
}// Function to display the mobile products
void showMobileMenu()
{cout << "- - - - - - - - - - -"<< " - -\nItem    Cost\n";cout << "1.Samsung Rs.15, 000/-\n";cout << "2.Redmi Rs.12, 000/-\n";cout << "3.Apple Rs.1, 00, 000/-\n";cout << "- - - - - - - - - - - - -\n";
}// Function to display Laptop products
void showLaptopMenu()
{cout << "- - - - - - - - - - -"<< " - -\nItem    Cost\n";cout << "1.Macbook Rs.2, 00, 000/-\n";cout << "2.HP     Rs.40, 000/-\n";cout << "3.Lenovo Rs.35, 000/-\n";cout << "- - - - - - - - - - - - -\n";
}// if the user selects computer courses,
// then courses list will be displayed
void showComputerCourseMenu()
{cout << "- - - - - - - - - - "<< " - -\nItem     Cost\n";cout << "1.C    Rs.1, 000/-\n";cout << "2.C++     Rs.3, 000/-\n";cout << "3.Java  Rs.4, 000/-\n";cout << "4.Python Rs.3, 500/-\n";cout << "- - - - - - - - - - - - -\n";
}// Function to display the mobile category
void selectedMobile()
{cout << "Do you wish to conti"<< "nue?(for yes" + "press (Y/y ), "<< " if no press other letter ): ";cin >> c1;if (c1 == 'Y' || c1 == 'y') {cout << "Enter respective number: ";cin >> selectedNum;if (selectedNum == 1|| selectedNum == 2|| selectedNum == 3) {// Selected Samsungif (selectedNum == 1) {cout << "selected Samsung\n";do {cout << "Quantity: ";cin >> quantity;cout << "You have selected Samsung - "<< quantity << endl;cout << "Are you sure?"<< "(for yes press (Y/y ), "<< " if no press other letter): ";cin >> confirm_quantity;} while ((confirm_quantity != 'y'&& confirm_quantity != 'Y')|| (quantity < 0)|| (ceil(quantity) != floor(quantity)));if (confirm_quantity == 'y'|| confirm_quantity == 'Y') {total_amount += quantity* items["Samsung"];selected_items["Samsung"] = quantity;cout << "amount = "<< total_amount << endl;}}// Selected Redmiif (selectedNum == 2) {cout << "selected Redmi\n";do {cout << "Quantity: ";cin >> quantity;cout << "You have selec"<< "ted Redmi - "<< quantity << endl;cout << "Are you sure?(f"<< "or yes press (Y/y ), "<< " if no press other letter ): ";cin >> confirm_quantity;} while ((confirm_quantity != 'y'&& confirm_quantity != 'Y')|| (quantity < 0)|| (ceil(quantity)!= floor(quantity)));if (confirm_quantity == 'y'|| confirm_quantity == 'Y') {total_amount += quantity* items["Redmi"];selected_items["Redmi"] = quantity;cout << "amount = "<< total_amount << endl;}}// Selected Appleif (selectedNum == 3) {cout << "You have selected Apple\n";do {cout << "Quantity: ";cin >> quantity;cout << "You have selected"<< " Apple - "<< quantity<< endl;cout << "Are you sure?"<< "(for yes press (Y/y )"<< ", if no press other letter ): ";cin >> confirm_quantity;} while ((confirm_quantity != 'y'&& confirm_quantity != 'Y')|| (quantity < 0)|| (ceil(quantity)!= floor(quantity)));if (confirm_quantity == 'y'|| confirm_quantity == 'Y') {total_amount += quantity* items["Apple"];selected_items["Apple"] = quantity;cout << "amount = "<< total_amount<< endl;}}}else {flag = 1;}}else {flag = 1;}
}// If Laptop category is selected
void selectedLaptop()
{cout << "Do you wish to continue?"<< "(for yes press (Y/y ), "<< "if no press other letter): ";cin >> c1;if (c1 == 'Y' || c1 == 'y') {cout << "Enter respective number: ";cin >> selectedNum;if (selectedNum == 1|| selectedNum == 2|| selectedNum == 3) {// selected Macbookif (selectedNum == 1) {cout << "selected Macbook\n";do {cout << "Quantity: ";cin >> quantity;cout << "You have selected"<< " Macbook - "<< quantity << endl;cout << "Are you sure?"<< "(for yes press (Y/y ), "<< " if no press other letter ): ";cin >> confirm_quantity;} while ((confirm_quantity != 'y'&& confirm_quantity != 'Y')|| (quantity < 0)|| (ceil(quantity)!= floor(quantity)));if (confirm_quantity == 'y'|| confirm_quantity == 'Y') {total_amount += quantity* items["Macbook"];selected_items["Macbook"] = quantity;cout << "amount = "<< total_amount<< endl;}}// selected HPif (selectedNum == 2) {cout << "selected HP\n";do {cout << "Quantity: ";cin >> quantity;cout << "You have selected"<< " HP - "<< quantity << endl;cout << "Are you sure?"<< "(for yes press (Y/y ), "<< " if no press other letter ): ";cin >> confirm_quantity;} while ((confirm_quantity!= 'y'&& confirm_quantity != 'Y')|| (quantity < 0)|| (ceil(quantity)!= floor(quantity)));if (confirm_quantity == 'y'|| confirm_quantity == 'Y') {total_amount += quantity* items["HP"];selected_items["HP"] = quantity;cout << "amount = "<< total_amount<< endl;}}// selected Lenovoif (selectedNum == 3) {cout << "selected Lenovo\n";do {cout << "Quantity: ";cin >> quantity;cout << "You have selected"" Lenovo - "<< quantity << endl;cout << "Are you sure?"<< "(for yes press (Y/y ), "<< "if no press other letter ): ";cin >> confirm_quantity;} while ((confirm_quantity != 'y'&& confirm_quantity != 'Y')|| (quantity < 0)|| (ceil(quantity)!= floor(quantity)));if (confirm_quantity == 'y'|| confirm_quantity == 'Y') {total_amount += quantity* items["Lenovo"];selected_items["Lenovo"] = quantity;cout << "amount = "<< total_amount<< endl;}}}else {flag = 1;}}else {flag = 1;}
}// If computer course
// category is selected
void selectedCourses()
{cout << "Do you wish to continue?"<< "(for yes press (Y/y ), "<< " if no press other letter ): ";cin >> c1;if (c1 == 'Y' || c1 == 'y') {cout << "Enter the respective number: ";cin >> selectedNum;if (selectedNum == 1|| selectedNum == 2|| selectedNum == 3|| selectedNum == 4) {// selected Cif (selectedNum == 1) {cout << "selected C Language"<< " course\n";total_amount += items["C"];selected_items["C"]++;cout << "amount = "<< total_amount<< endl;}// selected C++if (selectedNum == 2) {cout << "selected C++ Language course\n";total_amount += items["C++"];selected_items["C++"]++;cout << "amount = " << total_amount << endl;}// selected Javaif (selectedNum == 3) {cout << "selected Java Language course\n";total_amount += items["Java"];selected_items["Java"]++;cout << "amount = " << total_amount << endl;}// selected pythonif (selectedNum == 4) {cout << "selected Python"<< " Language course\n";total_amount += items["Python"];selected_items["Python"]++;cout << "amount = "<< total_amount<< endl;}}else {flag = 1;}}else {flag = 1;}
}// Driver code
int main()
{// function callcustomerDetails();do {showMenu();cout << "Do you wish to continue?"<< "(for yes press (Y/y ), "<< " if no press other letter ): ";char c;cin >> c;if (c == 'Y' || c == 'y') {cout << "Enter respective number: ";int num;cin >> num;if (num == 1 || num == 2|| num == 3) {switch (num) {case 1:// For MobileshowMobileMenu();selectedMobile();break;case 2:// For LaptopshowLaptopMenu();selectedLaptop();break;case 3:// For computer courseshowComputerCourseMenu();selectedCourses();break;}}else {flag = 1;}}else {flag = 1;}} while (flag == 0);// print billprintBill(items, selected_items,total_amount);




第一步:首先,一张地图(say map<string, long double> items)是构造的,它存储产品及其成本。构建另一个映射(say map<string, long double>selected_items ),它用于按数量推送所选项目。然后将total_amount(存储总金额)初始化为0。使用标志并初始化为0。如果客户输入错误,则标志变为1,并通过打印项目及其价格直接退出,然后打印总金额。

第二步:询问详细信息,例如客户的姓名。在我们的准则中customerDetails() 函数就是为此目的而构造的。toupper()用于将字符串中的所有字符转换为大写。

第三步:向用户显示菜单。showMenu() 函数是为此目的而创建的。

第四步:询问用户是否愿意继续。在这里do while循环被使用,这个循环将继续,直到标志变为1。每当标志变为1时,它直接打印账单。




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