


9.90 积分

毕业论文(设计) 外文翻译 外文原文 Web Services Testing, the Methodology, and the Implementation of the Automation-Testing Tool Abstract. Web Services testing is essential to achieve the goal of scalable, robust and successful Web Services especially in business environment where maybe exist hundreds of Web Services working together. In this paper, we give detailed explanation about the Web Services testing methodology and skill, which are very helpful to the testers. Compared with tradition programming testing, the Web Services testing has its own feature such as performance, authorization, and security. Based on the knowledge of the aspects of Web Services, we design and implement a testing tool to perform some tests automatically. 1 Introduction With the growing of using XML Web Services [1,2,3], we find that the Web Services testing technique should be enhanced in the Web Service developing cycle. Although Web Services are web application [4], we could use tradition web testing methods, but it has own feature. Testing is essential to achieve the goal of scalable, robust and successful Web Services, testers should concentrate in some key points of Web Services testing in order to design test cases specific to the task. In this paper, we give the basic concepts for the Web Services testing and implement an automatic test tool for some testing. 2 Web Services Testing Methodology The Web Services are modular, self-described and self-contained applications [5]. With the open standards, 关 键 词: 文献翻译 doc C语言翻译 的设计 c语言 C语言 系统的 C 语言 系统的设计 DOC 文献 翻译 系统C语言 文献译文



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