本文翻译自:Fastest way to duplicate an array in JavaScript - slice vs. 'for' loop

In order to duplicate an array in JavaScript: which of the following is faster to use? 为了在JavaScript中复制数组,请使用以下哪项更快?

Slice method 切片方法

var dup_array = original_array.slice();

For loop For循环

for(var i = 0, len = original_array.length; i < len; ++i)dup_array[i] = original_array[i];

I know both ways do only a shallow copy : if original_array contains references to objects, objects won't be cloned, but only the references will be copied, and therefore both arrays will have references to the same objects. 我知道这两种方法都只能进行浅表复制 :如果original_array包含对对象的引用,则不会克隆对象,但只会复制引用,因此两个数组都将引用相同的对象。 But this is not the point of this question. 但这不是这个问题的重点。

I'm asking only about speed. 我只问速度。




There are at least 5 (!) ways to clone an array: 至少有5种 (!)克隆数组的方法:

  • loop
  • slice 切片
  • Array.from() Array.from()
  • concat 康卡特
  • spread operator (FASTEST) 点差算子(FASTEST)

There has been a huuuge BENCHMARKS thread , providing following information: 有一个很棒的BENCHMARKS线程 ,提供以下信息:

  • for blink browsers slice() is the fastest method, concat() is a bit slower, and while loop is 2.4x slower. 对于眨眼的浏览器, slice()是最快的方法, concat()慢一点, while loop慢2.4倍。

  • for other browsers while loop is the fastest method, since those browsers don't have internal optimizations for slice and concat . 对于其他浏览器, while loop是最快的方法,因为这些浏览器没有对sliceconcat进行内部优化。

This remains true in Jul 2016. 2016年7月仍然如此。

Below are simple scripts that you can copy-paste into your browser's console and run several times to see the picture. 以下是一些简单的脚本,您可以将其复制粘贴到浏览器的控制台中,然后运行几次以查看图片。 They output milliseconds, lower is better. 他们输出毫秒,越低越好。

while loop while循环

n = 1000*1000;
start = + new Date();
a = Array(n);
b = Array(n);
i = a.length;
while(i--) b[i] = a[i];
console.log(new Date() - start);

slice 切片

n = 1000*1000;
start = + new Date();
a = Array(n);
b = a.slice();
console.log(new Date() - start);

Please note that these methods will clone the Array object itself, array contents however are copied by reference and are not deep cloned. 请注意,这些方法将克隆Array对象本身,但是数组内容是通过引用复制的,因此不会进行深度克隆。

origAr == clonedArr //returns false
origAr[0] == clonedArr[0] //returns true


Technically slice is the fastest way. 从技术上讲, slice 最快的方法。 However , it is even faster if you add the 0 begin index. 但是 ,如果添加0开始索引,它甚至更快。


is faster than 比...快


http://jsperf.com/cloning-arrays/3 http://jsperf.com/cloning-arrays/3


There is a much cleaner solution: 有一个更清洁的解决方案:

var srcArray = [1, 2, 3];
var clonedArray = srcArray.length === 1 ? [srcArray[0]] : Array.apply(this, srcArray);

The length check is required, because the Array constructor behaves differently when it is called with exactly one argument. 长度检查是必需的,因为当仅使用一个参数调用Array构造函数时,其行为会有所不同。



var dup_array = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(original_array))



arr2 = [...arr1];

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