
Helm3(K8S 资源对象管理工具)视频教程:https://edu.csdn.net/course/detail/32506
Helm3(K8S 资源对象管理工具)博客专栏:https://blog.csdn.net/xzk9381/category_10895812.html



# 语法
whiptail --title "<message box title>" --msgbox "<text to show>" <height> <width># 实例
whiptail --title "Message box title" --msgbox " Choose Ok to continue." 10 60


# 语法
whiptail --title "<dialog box title>" --yesno "<text to show>" <height> <width># 实例
if (whiptail --title "Yes/No Box" --yesno "Choose between Yes and No." 10 60) thenecho "You chose Yes. Exit status was $?."
elseecho "You chose No. Exit status was $?."
fi# 或者也可以是自定义选项
if (whiptail --title "Yes/No Box" --yes-button "Man" --no-button "Woman"  --yesno "What is your gender?" 10 60) thenecho "You chose Man Exit status was $?."
elseecho "You chose Woman. Exit status was $?."


whiptail --title "<input box title>" --inputbox "<text to show>" <height> <width> <default-text>#实例
NAME=$(whiptail --title "Free-form Input Box" --inputbox "What is your pet's name?" 10 60 Peter 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3)exitstatus=$?
if [ $exitstatus = 0 ]; thenecho "Your name is:" $NAME
elseecho "You chose Cancel."


# 语法
whiptail --title "<password box title>" --passwordbox "<text to show>" <height> <width># 实例
PASSWORD=$(whiptail --title "Password Box" --passwordbox "Enter your password and choose Ok to continue." 10 60 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3)
if [ $exitstatus = 0 ]; thenecho "Your password is:" $PASSWORD
elseecho "You chose Cancel."


# 语法
whiptail --title "<menu title>" --menu "<text to show>" <height> <width> <menu height> [ <tag> <item> ] # 实例
OPTION=$(whiptail --title "Menu Dialog" --menu "Choose your favorite programming language." 15 60 4 \
"1" "Python" \
"2" "Java" \
"3" "C" \
"4" "PHP"  3>&1 1>&2 2>&3)exitstatus=$?
if [ $exitstatus = 0 ]; thenecho "Your favorite programming language is:" $OPTION
elseecho "You chose Cancel."
fi# 此处的选择输出的内容为你选择的标签的‘tag’位置,上面实例中的‘1’、‘2’、‘3’、‘4’

六、 radiolist对话框( 单选对话框,可以控制默认的选择位置,即使在脚本中默认选择多个,也只会输出一个结果)

# 语法
whiptail --title "<radiolist title>" --radiolist "<text to show>" <height> <width> <list height> [ <tag> <item> <status> ] . . .# 实例
DISTROS=$(whiptail --title "Test Checklist Dialog" --radiolist \
"What is the Linux distro of your choice?" 15 60 4 \
"debian" "Venerable Debian" ON \
"ubuntu" "Popular Ubuntu" OFF \
"centos" "Stable CentOS" OFF \
"mint" "Rising Star Mint" OFF 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3)exitstatus=$?
if [ $exitstatus = 0 ]; thenecho "The chosen distro is:" $DISTROS
elseecho "You chose Cancel."


# 语法
whiptail --title "<checklist title>" --checklist "<text to show>" <height> <width> <list height> [ <tag> <item> <status> ] . . .# 实例
DISTROS=$(whiptail --title "Checklist Dialog" --checklist \
"Choose preferred Linux distros" 15 60 4 \
"debian" "Venerable Debian" ON \
"ubuntu" "Popular Ubuntu" OFF \
"centos" "Stable CentOS" ON \
"mint" "Rising Star Mint" OFF 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3)exitstatus=$?
if [ $exitstatus = 0 ]; thenecho "Your favorite distros are:" $DISTROS
elseecho "You chose Cancel."


# 语法
whiptail --gauge "<test to show>" <height> <width> <inital percent># 实例
{for ((i = 0 ; i <= 100 ; i+=20)); dosleep 1echo $idone} | whiptail --gauge "Please wait while installing" 6 60 0



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