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While reading EricGu’s post on Performance of Generics, I was struck by this sentence which expresses perfectly what I was trying to express to a group of programmers earlier today who were arguing about the :? operators in C# being “faster” than explicit if statements.  I called B.S. on the whole topic. Thanks Eric!

在阅读EricGu的有关泛型性能的文章时,这句话使我震惊,它完美地表达了我今天试图向一群争论:?的程序员表达的内容。 C#中的运算符比显式if语句“更快”。 我在整个主题上都打给BS。 谢谢埃里克!

Performance is rarely dominated by small decisions, such as whether you use an ArrayList or a List<int> to store your data. It's usually dominated by algorithmic concerns - how you process data, how much redundant processing you're doing, etc. My experience is that the ability to be able to address these concerns is fairly well correlated with the resiliency of your code to change, which usually comes down to how clean and understandable the code is. If you have clean code and good tests, it is probably feasible to refactor your code to improve performance once you find out where the performance issues are.

性能很少受小的决定所支配,例如使用ArrayList还是List <int>来存储数据。 它通常由算法方面的问题所主导-您如何处理数据,正在执行多少冗余处理等。我的经验是,能够解决这些问题的能力与代码更改的弹性相当相关,通常归结为代码的简洁性和可理解性。 如果您拥有干净的代码和良好的测试,一旦发现性能问题所在,就可以重构代码以提高性能。

Note that I'm not saying that you should put performance off until the end - that rarely works, as time at the end is fairly precious. I think you should focus on macro performance rather than micro performance. [EricGu]

请注意,我并不是说您应该将性能推迟到最后-这很少起作用,因为最后的时间非常宝贵。 我认为您应该关注宏观绩效,而不是微观绩效。 [ EricGu ]

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/performance-in-general

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