Google Code Jam 2010
Qualification Round 资格赛

Problem A. Snapper Chain 问题A.按扣链条

The Snapper is a clever little device that, on one side, plugs its input plug into an output socket, and, on the other side, exposes an output socket for plugging in a light or other device.

When a Snapper is in the ON state and is receiving power from its input plug, then the device connected to its output socket is receiving power as well. When you snap your fingers -- making a clicking sound -- any Snapper receiving power at the time of the snap toggles between the ON and OFF states.

In hopes of destroying the universe by means of a singularity, I have purchased N Snapper devices and chained them together by plugging the first one into a power socket, the second one into the first one, and so on. The light is plugged into the Nth Snapper.

Initially, all the Snappers are in the OFF state, so only the first one is receiving power from the socket, and the light is off. I snap my fingers once, which toggles the first Snapper into the ON state and gives power to the second one. I snap my fingers again, which toggles both Snappers and then promptly cuts power off from the second one, leaving it in the ON state, but with no power. I snap my fingers the third time, which toggles the first Snapper again and gives power to the second one. Now both Snappers are in the ON state, and if my light is plugged into the second Snapper it will be on.

I keep doing this for hours. Will the light be on or off after I have snapped my fingers K times? The light is on if and only if it's receiving power from the Snapper it's plugged into.

Input 输入
The first line of the input gives the number of test cases, T. T lines follow. Each one contains two integers, N and K.

Output 输出
For each test case, output one line containing "Case #x: y", where x is the case number (starting from 1) and y is either "ON" or "OFF", indicating the state of the light bulb.
对于每一个测试用例,输出一行,包含“Case #x: y",x是用例号码,从一开始,y是ON或者OFF,表示灯的亮灭状态。

Limits 限制
1 ≤ T ≤ 10,000.

Small dataset 小数据集
1 ≤ N ≤ 10;
0 ≤ K ≤ 100;

Large dataset 大数据集
1 ≤ N ≤ 30;
0 ≤ K ≤ 108;

Sample 例子

Input Output
1 0   Case #1: OFF
1 1   Case #2: ON
4 0   Case #3: OFF
4 47  Case #4: ON

比如K=47,转换为二进制K=0010 1111,而N=4,满足条件,灯是亮的,因此状态为ON。
N   K
1   1
2   3
3   7
4   15
5   31
6   63
7   127
8   255
D100-->B0110 0100
D108-->B0110 1100

可以定义函数char D2B(K),一个char类型的,按位存取1或者0,8位长度足够了。
int GetLen(D2B(K)) 返回一个整数.然后与N比较一下就可以了。
比较char的时候,可以按位比,用与或之类的,从长到短比较1111 1111~ 0000 0001。

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