Tews Technologies TPMC871 PCMCIA PMC 接口模块

Tews Technologies TPMC871 PCMCIA PMC 接口模块

Tews Technologies TPMC871 PCMCIA PMC 接口模块

TPMC871是一个标准的单宽32位PMC模块,具有一个用于16位PC卡或32位CardBus卡的接口,使用PC卡控制器和电源管理单元。PC卡控制器的寄存器映射与Intel 82365-DF兼容。


 符合标准的单宽32位PMC模块符合IEEE P1386.1

 PCI 2.1兼容接口

 电路板尺寸:149 mm x 74 mm

 基于COM20020的ARCNET接口配有收发器和双端口RAM

 适用于工业/工厂自动化和汽车应用

 确定性5 Mbps令牌传递协议

 改进的诊断

 隔离RS485差分驱动器接口,带on单板DC/DC转换器

 工作温度范围-40°C至+85°C

Tews Technologies TPMC871 PCMCIA PMC 接口模块

The TPMC871 is a standard single-width 32 bit PMC module with one interface for 16 bit PC Card or 32 bit CardBus cards using a PC Card controller and a power management unit. The register map of the PC Card controller is Intel 82365-DF compatible.

The power management unit provides 3.3V or 5.0V PC Card power supply and 3.3V, 5.0V or 12V PC Card programming voltage. Due to the short circuit and thermal protection of the power management unit no external fuses are needed on the module.

The TPMC871 provides full ExCA register implementation of one 16 bit PC Card compatible with PCMCIA 2.1/JEIDA 4.2 standards. Both memory and I/O cards are supported. Up to five memory windows and up to two I/O windows are available for PC Card 16 accesses. For 32 bit CardBus cards two memory windows and two I/O windows are supported by the controller. CardBus card status information can be accessed in five CardBus socket registers which can be mapped in the host memory space.

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