

Day52abreast [ə'brest] adv.并肩地;并列 adj.并排的;肩并肩的搭:keep abreast of 了解最新情况;跟上(某事物的发展)写作小站:I promise I will keep you abreast of the latest developments.我保证我会随时告诉你最新进展。warranty ['wɒrənti] n.(商品)保证书,保单例:We will supply free services for repairing products to consumers as long as the products are under warranty.只要产品在包子器内,我们就为消费者提供免费维修服务。explore [ɪk'splɔː(r)] v.探索;探测;探险;探查例:The government was attempting to explore the new mechanism to deal with economic crisis.政府正在尝试探索应对经济危机的新机制派:explorer n.探险者/exploration n.探测;探究consignment [kən'saɪnmənt] n.委托;运送;寄存物例:We are required by our customer to cover the consignment against All Risks and War Risks.客户要求我们给这批货投保全险和战争险。商:consignment store 委托商行,寄销店/a consignment of goods 一批托运的货物valuation [,vælju'eɪʃn] n.估价;估值;评价例:The quotation for the assets is far beyond the valuation of takeovers.这些资产的报价远远超过所有收购者的估价。商:property valuation 财产估价/stock valuation 股票估价/valuation fee 评估费morale [mə'rɑːl] n.士气,斗志例:A salary increase is the best way to boost the employees' morale.加薪是提高员工工作积极性的最好办法。operation [,ɒpə'reɪʃn] n.运转,操作;实施例:The management system has been in operation since the establishment of the company.这套管理制度从公司建立时就开始实行了。搭:in operation 在工作中;生效/come into operation 开始工作;开始生效/push sth. into operation 实施;使某物运转派:operational adj.操作的;运营的(例:operational cost 运营成本)NASDAQ (=National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations System)(美国)全国证券业协会行情自动传报系统;纳斯达克例:The burst of dot- combubble and the crash of the NASDAQ stock market led the American economy into recession.网络泡沫的破灭和纳斯达克股票市场的崩溃使美国经济陷入萧条。oppose [ə'pəʊz] v.反对;对抗,战争例:No one dare oppose the president's opinion in the company.公司内没有人敢反对总裁的意见。搭:oppose a proposal/scheme 反对一项提议/一个方案派:opposition n.反对;反对派(例:in opposition 反对的/in opposition to 反对)/opposed adj.强烈反对的;截然不同的/opposing adj.对立的;相反的wander ['wɒndə(r)] vt.漫步,漫游 vi.徘徊,游荡;迷路;难题 n.游荡;闲逛;迷路例:I am not wandering off the point but just referring to the back-ground of the event.我没有偏离正题,只是想提一下这个事件的背景。派:wanderer n.漫游者;流浪者/wanderings n.漫游;流浪;胡言乱语Day53practice ['præktɪs] n.实践;惯例例:It is our usual practice to ask the customer to pay 30% of the payment before production.我们的惯例是要求客户在生产前预付30%的款项。搭:in practice 实际上,事实上/put sth. into practice 将...付诸实践/practice makes perfect 熟能生巧派:practical adj.实际的,现实的compulsory [kəm'pʌlsəri] adj.义务的;必修的;强制的例:Forced or compulsory labour is not allowed in manufacturing.生产过程中不得使用强迫或强制劳工。搭:be compulsory for 有义务做/compulsory education 义务教育refill [,ri:fɪl] vt./['ri:fɪl] n.再装满,再注满例:The refill packs are favoured by the consumers because they are cheaper and lighter.由于更便宜、更轻便,补充装产品受到消费者的青睐。搭:refill the wine glass 再次将酒杯斟满派:refillable adj.可再次充满的,适于再装的

effective [ɪ'fektɪv] adj.有效的;给人印象深刻的;实际的例:The contract became effective as of December 20th,2012.本合同从2012年12月20日起生效。派:ineffective adj.无效的/effectively adv.有效地;实际上/effectiveness n.效果;有效性(例:the effectiveness of products 产品的有效性)compliment ['kɒmplɪmənt] n.赞美(话),恭维(话);[pl.]致意,问候 vt.称赞,恭维例:His professional performance won sincere compliments.他专业的表现赢得了真诚地赞美。搭:compliment sb. on 就...表扬某人/pay sb. a compliment 对某人表示赞扬/compliments slip 致意便条,礼贴派:complimentary adj.免费赠送的;赞美的(例:complimentary ticket 赠票)inclusive [ɪn'klu:sɪv] adj.包含的,包括的例:It has to be made clear that my quotation is not inclusive of delivery.需要说清楚地是,我的报价不含运费。派:inclusively adv.包含地;概括地/inclusive-ness n.包容性depreciate [dɪ'pri:ʃieɪt] v.(使)贬值;降价;轻视例:The real value of currency depreciates as the result of inflation.通货膨胀导致货币实际价值的降低。商:depreciate one's achievement 贬低某人的成就/depreciate oneself 自卑margin ['mɑːdʒɪn] n.边缘部分;页边的空白;利润;定金商:profit margin 利润率/gross margin 毛利/margin cover 弥补差额的资金搭:high/low margin 高/低利润/on the margin of 处于...的边缘派:marginal adj.小的;非主体的;空白处的 n.边缘席位(例:marginal costing 边际成本计算)wi-fi ['waɪfaɪ] n.无线网络例:People's life and work are getting more and more rapid, convenient and efficient with the application of wi-fi technology.随着无线上网技术的应用,人们的生活和工作变得越来越快捷、方便和高效。go-slow [,gəʊ'sləʊ] n.怠工;减慢 adj.怠工的例:The union organised a go-slow to show their protest against the decision.工会组织怠工以表达他们对该决定的抗议。搭:call/organise a go-slow 号召/组织怠工。Day54debit ['debɪt] n.(账簿的)借方;记入借方的款项 vt.记入(账户的)借方 商:debit balance 借方余额/debit card 借记卡/debit column 借方栏/debit note 借项通知单搭:debit an account 记入借方账户conduct [kən'dʌkt] vt.实施,进行;引导,管理例:We are very interested in the company's credit standing and its ability to conduct business.我们对这家公司的信誉和业务能力非常感兴趣。搭:conduct an experiment 进行实验/conduct an inquiry 进行询问/conduct a survey 进行调查派:conduction n.传导/conductive adj.能传导(电、热等)的/conductor n.(管弦乐队的)指挥;售票员(例:bus conductor 公共汽车售票员)regardless [rɪ'gɑːdləs] adj./adv. 不管的(地);不顾的(地);不注意的(地)例:All the members protested, but the chairman carried on regardless.所有成员都极力反对,但主席仍置之不理,一意孤行。market ['mɑːkɪt] n.市场,集市;股市;行情,销路 vt.销售;推销商:monopolise the market 垄断市场/market share 市场占有率,市场份额/market value 市场价值/market price 市场价/stock market 股票市场/market segmentation 市场细分搭:come on the market 开始在市场上销售;上市/flood the market(大量同类商品)充斥着市场派:marketer n.市场营销人员/marketable adj.畅销的,销路好的(例:marketable products 畅销产品)liaison [li'eɪzn] n.联络,联系;联系人例:We hope you can work in close liaison with our investigation.我们希望你能密切配合我们的调查。搭:liaison officer 联络员asset ['æset] n.有价值的人(或物);优点,才能;[常pl.]资产;财产商:fixed assets 固定资产/current assets 流动资产/tangible assets 有形资产/assets value 资产价值/assets management 资产管理response [rɪ'spɒns] n.回答,答复;反应,响应例:The company began to accept on-line orders in response to the consumers' requirements.为了满足消费者的要求,这家公司开始接受网上订单。搭:in response to 作为对...的答复/response rate 回复率;回收率stall [stɔːl] v.(使)熄火;(使)停顿,停止;拖延 n.货摊;(飞行器等)失控下降;熄火例:The trade talk was stalled with both parties refusing to compromise.由于双方都不妥协,贸易洽谈陷入僵局。商:market stall 市场上的货摊搭:stall on/over 在...上拖延时间net [net] adj.(指金额)净余的,纯粹的;(指重量)净的;(指价格)固定的 vt.净赚;净获 n.网 例:The sales of the products net ted $10000.这些产品的销售收入净额一万美元。商:net assets value 资产净值/net book value 账面净值/net income 净收益/net loss 净亏损/net profit 净利润/net weight 净重impulse ['ɪmpʌls] n.冲动,心血来潮;推动力商:impulse buying 即兴购买搭:act on impulse 冲动行事;意气用事派:impulsive adj.任性的;易冲动的写作小站:Economic boom and lowering interest rates give an impulse to the struggling real estate industry.经济繁荣与利率下调让陷入困境的房地产企业起死回生了。Day55link [lɪŋk] n.环;关系,联系;纽带 v.连接;联合;携手例:International trade is a vital link between different countries.国际贸易是不同国家间的重要纽带。商:establish/maintain trade links 建立/维护贸易关系搭:link with 连接;与...联系起来/key link 关键环节派:linkage n.联系;连接deflate [dɪ'fleɪt] v.(使)缩小;通货紧缩,物价下降;(使)泄气例:The up-regulating of the required reserve ratio deflated money supply.上调准备金率使货币供应量紧缩。派:deflation n.通货紧缩/deflationary adj.通货紧缩的(例:deflationary policy 通货紧缩政策)confidential [,kɒnfɪ'denʃl] adj.秘密的,机密的;信任的;亲密的;担任机密工作的商:confidential agreement 秘密协议/confidential data 机密资料派:confidentiality n.机密(例:commercial confidentiality 商业机密)写作小站:The confidential technical information should be kept with great care and should not be disclosed to any third party.应该十分谨慎地保守这项技术的机密信息,不能透漏给任何第三方。abuse [ə'bju:s] n.滥用;虐待;辱骂 [ə'bju:z] vt.滥用;虐待;辱骂例:The government should make sure that the powers of public servants will not be abused.政府应该确保公务员权利不被滥用。搭:abuse of power 滥用职权/be open to abuse 易被人钻空子派:abuser n.滥用者/abusive adj.辱骂的;滥用的;虐待的declare [dɪ'kleə(r)] vt.宣布,声明;断言 vi.申报例:If passengers had nothing to declare, they could go through the Green Channel.如果乘客没有物品要申报,可以走绿色通道。商:declare bankruptcy 宣布破产搭:declare against/for 声明反对/支持 派:declared adj.公开宣布的(例:a declared statement 一份公开宣布的声明)/decla-ration n.宣布,声明;申报(例:declaration of income 收入申报表/declaration of solvency 清偿声明书)ascend [ə'send] vi.上升;追溯例:Our digital products have already ascended into the international market.我们的数码产品已经跻身国际市场。派:ascendant adj.上升的;占优势地;支配的/ascendancy n.支配地位;优势outline ['aʊtlaɪn] n.轮廓;简述,摘要 vt.描画轮廓;概述例:Due to time limits, he just showed us the outline of his proposal.由于时间限制,他只向我们展示了建议书的提纲。搭:outline map/sketch 略图/草图/in outline 概括地,扼要地network ['netwɜːk] n.网络 vi.建立关系网例:The company has constructed a nationwide sales network through the local agents and branches. 通过当地的代理商和分支机构,这家公司已经建立起了一个全国性的销售网络。搭:be linked to/share a network 连接到/共享网络/network terminal 网络终端factor ['fæktə(r)] n.因素,要素;应收账款承购商 vt.包括...因素例:Technological innovation is an important factor to strengthen the enterprise's core competitiveness.技术创新是增强企业核心竞争力的一个重要因素。搭:factor sth. in/into sth. 在某事中考虑某因素offset ['ɒfset] vt.抵消;弥补 adj.胶板印刷的例:The encouraging sales in the domestic market could not offset the weakness in the overseas market.国内市场振奋人心的销售形势不能抵消海外市场的疲软搭:offset...against 用...来抵消/offset printing 胶印Day56content ['kɒntent] n.内容,目录;满足;容量例:Eric is ambitious and is not content with just being the vice manager.埃里克很有野心,不满足于只做副经理搭:be content with 对...很满意/be content to do 乐意去做/content oneself with sth.对某物感到满足,满足于派:contented adj.满足的;惬意的/contentious adj.争论的;有争议的(例:a contentious issue 一个有争议的问题)appendix [ə'pendɪks] n.附录;附加物;阑尾例:We mustn't neglect the appendix part when signing a contract.我们签合同时千万不能忽视附录部分。outlay ['aʊtleɪ] n.费用,支出商:outlay account 支出账户/financial/capital outlay 财政/资本支出coup [ku:] n.政变;出乎意料的行动 v.(使)倾斜搭:stage/mount a coup 发动政变/an abortive coup 一次失败的政变ahead [ə'hed] adj.向前的;在前的;领先的 adv.向前地;领先地例:Private enterprises are forging ahead on their own.私人企业正靠着自己的力量稳步前进。搭:ahead of 在...的前面diminish [dɪ'mɪnɪʃ] v.(使)减小,(使)缩小 例:Under the conditions of the economic recession, we have no choice but to diminish the loss to the minimum.在经济萧条的情况下,我们别无选择,只能尽力把损失降到最低。商:diminishing returns 递减的收益搭:diminished responsibility (因精神失常等)减轻的罪责drill [drɪl] n.钻头;操练,训练 v.钻(孔),打(眼);操练,训练例:They work hard to drill for more oil to meet the demands of domestic consumers.他们努力钻出更多石油以满足国内消费者的需求。搭:fire drill 消防演习/drill sth. into sb.反复向某人灌输某事unique [ju'ni:k] adj.独特的;稀罕的;唯一的,独一无二的例:This sidtrict made use of its unique resources and location advantages to develop eco- tourism and had made considerable economic benefits.该地区利用其独特的资源和区位优势来发展生态旅游,已经获得了客观的经济效益。派:uniquely adv.独特地/uniqueness n.独特性energise ['enədʒaɪz] vt.激励;使活跃;供给...能量例:The leaders of the company ofen organise trips to energise their staff.公司领导经常组织旅游来激励员工。menu ['menju:] n.菜单搭:menu bar 菜单栏/pull-down menu 下拉式菜单


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