(1) 闲置资源能够被重新利用,从源头减少资源浪费,提高了资源利用率。
(2) 增加大学生额外收入,提高大学生生活品质
(3) “校园闲智”提供技能出租,取人之长补己之短。
(4) 信息交流共享,提高信息资源利用率。
(5) “校园闲智”以技会友,提供高质量交友。
(6) 平台交换交易均有相应合同生成,法律保障买卖双方权益。
2.1 用户登录模块 该模块用于用户注册、登录、填写完善个人资料、实名认证等;包括限制注册时的密码格式应含有大小写字母及数字的密码组合,且密码长度不低于六位数;基本信息包括 所在院校、有效学号、联系方式、学籍认证等。
2.2 管理员管理模块 管理员在看次模块中主要负责整个系统的运营维护。管理以及及时维护各功能模块。拥有该网站对于基础事物的最高维护权限。享有该网站各功能模块的管理权限。
2.3 资源管理模块 主要负责存储和管理各用户的物品信息,技能信息等,包含物品或技能名称、购买时间、交易价格或交换条件、技能出租时间等
2.4 交易管理模块 交易物品或资源出售界面、交易相关信息、买卖双方聊天窗口、交易合同、交易订单、买卖双方评价等
2.5 信息管理模块 此模块主要负责信息的收集、整理、查询以及发布等。包括查询信息、发布所需物品、发布帖子、聊天信息、失物招领、寻物启事、找人找车找组织等等。
2.6 用户管理模块 用于维护和管理用户信息及修改信息等。

  1. Innovative features of the project
    (1) idle resources can be reused to reduce resource waste at the source and improve resource utilization.
    (2) increase the extra income of college students and improve their quality of life
    (3) “campus leisure wisdom” provides skills for rent, and takes advantage of others’ strengths to make up for their weaknesses.
    (4) information exchange and sharing to improve the utilization rate of information resources.
    (5) “campus leisure wisdom” provides high-quality friends through technical association.
    (6) the platform exchange transactions all have corresponding contracts, and the rights and interests of both parties are protected by law.
  2. Main contents of the project
    Develop “campus leisure wisdom” website. After students register and complete real-name authentication in this system, they can not only buy goods and obtain information as consumers, but also upload the goods they want to sell, skills they want to rent and information they want to publish as suppliers.At the same time, users can also make new friends by exchanging goods and sharing skills with other users.
    The website is mainly composed of six functional modules, including user login module, administrator management module, resource management module, transaction management module, information management module and user management module.The main functions of each module are as follows:
    2.1 user login module this module is used for user registration, login, filling in and improving personal information, real-name authentication, etc.;Including that the password format at the time of restricted registration shall contain a combination of upper and lower case letters and Numbers, and the length of the password shall not be less than six digits;The basic information includes the institution, valid student number, contact information, student status certification, etc.
    In the sub-module, the administrator is mainly responsible for the operation and maintenance of the whole system.Manage and maintain functional modules timely.Has the highest maintenance permissions for the underlying things on the site.Enjoy the management authority of each functional module of the website.
    2.3 the resource management module is mainly responsible for storing and managing the item information and skill information of each user, including item or skill name, purchase time, transaction price or exchange condition, skill rental time, etc
    2.4 transaction management module transaction items or resources sales interface, transaction related information, buyer and seller chat window, transaction contract, transaction order, buyer and seller evaluation, etc
    2.5 information management module this module is mainly responsible for information collection, sorting, query and release.This includes searching information, Posting needed items, Posting posts, chatting messages, lost and found, lost and found notices, finding people, finding cars, finding organizations, and so on.
    2.6 user management module is used to maintain and manage user information and modify information.


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