刘文龙( male, 29 )Self Assessment / Objective<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

>>Self Assessment:

Energetic and ready for new technology and others new things!


>>Contact Means

Mobile   :13913320757(Mobile)

E-mail   :<?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />liam7953@yahoo.com.cn

Blogs    :http://hpunix.cnblogs.com/


>>Career Objectives:

It, telecommunication related jobs, the development of embed systems, Unix

relative development, or some kind of development related with computer system;

as well as the FAE of CMOS chip...


>>Summary/Target Job

Current Industry: Telecommunication (Equipment. operation)

Current Job Category: Telecommunication Engineer

Working Experience: 5 year(s)

Career Level: Senior Position (Non-managerial)

Desired Salary: Negotiable

Target Industry:

Electronics. Micro-electronics

Telecommunication (Equipment. Operation*Value-Added Service)

Computer Software

Computer Hardware. Network Equipment

Target Job Category:

Senior Software Engineer FAE/SALE;

Project Manager.Supervisor.Leader

Desired Job Type: Full Time

Target Location: Shanghai, Beijing, Nanjing

Start Working: Negotiable

Overseas Work Experience: Yes


>>Working Experience

**Alcatel-Lucent China

##Team Leader/Architecture 2006/8 - Now

Work Location: NanJing Reporting to: PM

Number of People under My Supervision: 15 People

Mainly jobs:

1:In charge of the maintains of Driver and BSP part for Evolium;

(Which based on the Mavell’s bridge and PPC750...)

2:In charge of the ATCA RNC ip part HLD, and part of works for the ATM

part, as well as the selection of hardware items;

3:In charge of the development and maintain for the Nortel Nodeb's BCS

(Almost equal to driver and eos), which based on vxworks and linux;

4:The BCS teams works in the Asia and Pacific area, as well as the

Global Product Support;

5:The taskforce schedule, Human resource inspirit, Progress schedule and

control, Quality progress define and control, as well as some other works;

6:The communication and cooperation and synchronization between team of

France, U.S and Germany;

**ZTE Corporation

##Sr. engineer/Director of section office 2006/04 - 2006/08

Reporting to: Minister of Department

Number of People under My Supervision: 9 People

Responsibilities & Achievements:

Mainly Responsibilities:

Take the responsibility of the design and development of High Performance Router System. In charge of the

Human resources schedule and allocated.

Concretely Responsibilities:

Design of Operations, Design of the whole system, Resolve of difficulty, Daily works task force schedule;

Mainly jobs:

1:Design of the whole system(Include part of hardware/BSP/driver

/operation/part of protocol/part of data transmit)

2:Design of operation(include of most operation can support by the

router system)

3:Resolve of difficulty problems: difficult resolves involved hardware

and software as well as the outer-applied-problems

4:the distribute of the human resource base on previously works;

5:The topic of team member prompting/ Following up of the project progress / Risk prevent and avert..

##Sr. engineer/Leader of group2005/10 - 2006/04

Reporting to: PM

Number of People under My Supervision: 7 People

Responsibilities & Achievements:

Mainly Responsibilities:

In charge of the design and development of High Performance Router System

Concretely Responsibilities:

Design of Operations, Design of the whole system, Resolve of difficulty

problems ,distribute of Human resources

Mainly jobs:

1:Design of the whole system(Include part of hardware/BSP/driver

/operation/part of protocol/part of data transmit)

2:Design of operation(include of most operation can support by the

router system)

3:Resolve of difficulty problems: difficult resolves involved hardware

and software as well as the outer-applied-problems

4:the distribute of the human resource base on previously works

##Software&System Engineer |Nanjing R&D Institute2004/09 - 2005/10

Responsibilities & Achievements:

Maintenance bsp related and new functions design and coding


Description of the Project

Software Environment:win2000\uFF0CTORNADO2.11 TORNADO2.2

Hardware Environment:PC and ZTE PRODUCTED devices

Develop Tools:  TORNADO2.11 TORNADO2.2 GNU MAK

Related Technologies(Just the main part)\uFF1A

1:Update the whole project from tornado 2.11 to 2.2

2:The new VPN related function’s design coding and test

3: Maintenance of BSP related

##Software&System Engineer |Nanjing R&D Institute2004/01 - 2004/09

Responsibilities & Achievements:

Development and maintenance of IPV6's driver and bsp


Description of the Project:

Software Environment: win2000\uFF0CTORNADO2.11 TORNADO2.2

Hardware Environment: PC and ZTE PRODUCTED devices

Develop Tools: TORNADO2.11 TORNADO2.2 GNU MAK

Related Technologies(Just the main part)\uFF1A

1:RM related development and  maintenance

2:BSP&BOOT's development and  maintenance

3:Related interface board's  development and  maintenance

Reason for Quit: The seperation of protocol and driver

Company Profile:

Company Profile: ZTE Corporation is China's largest listed elecommunications

equipment provider specializing in offering customized network solutions for

telecom carriers worldwide.

**NanJing YingYun Ltd.

SoftWare engineer |Development & Reaserch Department2002/07 - 2003/03

Responsibilities & Achievements:

The whole development process

Description of the Project;

Software Environment: window2000 ads

Hardware Environment:ibm workstation, telcommusic's voice cards

Develop Tools: vc++,sqlserver2000

Related Technologies(Just the main part;)

1,The voice ralated Embed programme.

2;Ralated functions of database operations

3;The realized of GUI of the Programme.

4.The Optimum of the database's performance

Reason for Quit: Write off of the company

Company Profile:

A corporation dedicated to the software on the filed of against orgery


**Civil AviationCollege of GuangZhou

SoftWare Engineer |Education department2002/03 - 2002/06Location: GuangZhou

Responsibilities & Achievements: The whole development process

Description of the Project;

Software Environment: window2000,win98

Hardware Environment:common pc

Develop Tools: vc++,access

Related Technologies(Just the main part;)

1,Operation on database with ADO.

2;Realized the advanced GUI with VC

3:Dispoal and trasform of the pictures;

Reason for Quit: Complete of the Project



**NanjingUniversity of Aeronautic and Astronautic  2001/09 - 2004/04

Computer Application Related| Electronic Science and Technology| Master |Nanjing

**ShandongUniversity of Technology                           1997/09 - 2001/07

Electronic and Mechanical Engineering| Machinery| Bachelor |ZiBo



Chinese Mandarin: Mother tongue

English: Fluent

English: CET 6

Oral English: Fluent


>>Skills & Specialty

Conversance with development tool Tornado 2.11 &2.2;

Conversance with the BSP and BOOT development of 2400;

Conversance with the RESOUCE MANAGEMENT of NP'S;

Conversance with the architecture of 2350/2400/2800 cpu based on XSCALE; Conversance with the Intel NP 2350/2400/2800; Conversance with the Cavium Octeon NP/Wintegra Winpath NP

Conversance with asm language based on arm/xscale;

Conversance with v6 related and l2 relate operations (VPWS\VPLS\VSWITCH) as well as qos/frr/pbr/loadShare;

Familar with development of common device's driver;

Familar with the x86 ppc and mips based cpus;

Very familar with the product of Intel;

Visual C++ Conversance;

C/C++ Conversance;

Java Conversance;

Hardware Familar;

Windows NT/ 2000 Conversance;

Win32 Conversance;

XML Skillful;

AUTOCAD Skillful;

Linux Conversance;

OO Conversance;

HP-UX Skillful;

COM/DCOM Skillful;

Web Servers Skillful;

CORBA Skillful;

TCP/IP Familar;

ASP Familar;

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