

Resume no. :

Name: zhaopin.com nationality: China.

Current location: guangzhou nationality: han.

Registered residence: guangdong province figure: 170 cm 60 kg.

Marital status: unmarried age: 25.

Training certification: integrity badge:

Job intention and work experience.

Talent type: ordinary job hunting.

Position: trade: foreign trade member (can be concurrently network), clothing/textile/leather/shoes: merchandiser, computer: software engineer.

Working years: 3 title: no title.

Job type: full-time available date: anytime.

Monthly salary requirement: 2000--3500 hope working area: guangzhou, guangdong province.

Personal work experience:

Company name: guangzhou wenluo trading company starting and ending month: 2008-06-2009-03.

Company nature: wholly foreign-owned industry: other.

Position: foreign trade clerk.

Job description: mainly responsible for the company's customer to the local professional wholesale market purchase, help translation, order terms negotiation, etc, and to follow up the batch of orders, from that contract to pay a deposit, problem solving, arrange the warehouse receipt, inspection and book cabinet. At the same time, it also provides the resource information for the customer, according to the customer sample search supplier and the best quotation. After nearly three years and the Middle East customers (there are), southeast Asia and the United States market of business experience, familiar with the local wholesale market and factory, has the strong negotiation and bargaining power, can carefully documentary, independent communication with guests communication.

Reason for leaving: better development.

Company name: guangzhou brunei trading company starting and ending month: 2006-07 ~ 2008-06.

Company nature: wholly foreign-owned industry: other.

Position: network administrator.

Job description: responsible for the daily hardware maintenance of the company's computers. Software maintenance and management; · familiar with network maintenance based on WINDOWS environment, host, storage and database system management. At the same time, I am self-taught business English. Enrich and improve my personal ability..

Reason for leaving: transfer to the Marketing Department.

Company name: lenovo brand store starting and ending month: 2006-04 ~ 2006-07.

Company nature: private enterprise industry: computer industry.

Position: technician/salesman.

Job description: under the lenovo company high standard requirements, make I am strict with myself to become a professional, careful responsible, have the consciousness of service technicians, and in the management of operation and treat people, professional skills, and dealing with guests accumulated some work experience.

Reason for leaving: further study.

Education background

Graduate school: blue sky college.

Highest degree: junior college graduation date: 2006-07-01.

Major 1: network and software development

Education training experience:

The school (institution) will be terminated at the beginning of the year.

2003-06 2004-06 blue sky college network and multimedia technology English pet-4 4537871.

2004-06 2005-06 blue sky college network and multimedia technology national computer level 3 0523641.

2004-07 2005-06 blue sky college network and multimedia technology national computer level 2 (JAVA) only by computer, written test not 4388747.

Language ability

Foreign language: good English.

Other foreign language skills: English pet-4.

Mandarin level: good cantonese level: good.

Ability to work and other specialties.

Be familiar with local wholesale market and factory, have strong negotiation and bargaining power, be able to follow the instructions carefully, and communicate with guests independently.

Daily hardware maintenance for company computers. Software maintenance and management; Familiar with network maintenance based on WINDOWS environment;

Fluent in English, cantonese and mandarin.

Familiar with computer office software.

Detailed autobiography

Strive for balance between work and life, career and family, external and self balance. Understand how nervous the balance principle of people in work, know how to adjust their pace of life, how to appreciate life emotional appeal and interest, maintain a calm state of mind and poise.

Happiness is the open and vibrant inner space, not the end of the road, but the accumulation of all the factors above, it will not appear at any time, but it is extremely important..

Custom makes all things easy.

Life can't be like cooking, it's all ready to cook.

Personal contact information

Address: huiqiao new town, baiyun district, guangzhou city.

Contact number: 020-8xxxxxxxxx family phone:

Mobile phone: QQ number:

Personal homepage:


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