

NAMEw - Show who is logged on and what they are doing.


DESCRIPTIONw  displays  information  about  the  users currently on the machine, and their processes.  The header shows, in this order, the current time, how long the system has been running, how manyusers are currently logged on, and the system load averages for the past 1, 5, and 15 minutes.The following entries are displayed for each user: login name, the tty name, the remote host, login time, idle time, JCPU, PCPU, and the command line of their current process.The JCPU time is the time used by all processes attached to the tty.  It does not include past background jobs, but does include currently running background jobs.The PCPU time is the time used by the current process, named in the "what" field.

接下来的条目展示每个用户:登录名,tty 名,远程的(登录)主机,登录时间,空闲时间,JCPU,PCPU,以及当前进程的命令行。

COMMAND-LINE OPTIONS-h, --no-headerDon't print the header.-u, --no-currentIgnores the username while figuring out the current process and cpu times.  To demonstrate this, do a "su" and do a "w" and a "w -u".-s, --shortUse the short format.  Don't print the login time, JCPU or PCPU times.-f, --fromToggle printing the from (remote hostname) field.  The default as released is for the from field to not be printed, although your system administrator or distribution maintainer  mayhave compiled a version in which the from field is shown by default.--help Display help text and exit.-i, --ip-addrDisplay IP address instead of hostname for from field.-V, --versionDisplay version information.-o, --old-styleOld style output.  Prints blank space for idle times less than one minute.user   Show information about the specified user only.


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