1 Hello world

1.1 可执行文件

rustc main.rs //编译
./main 运行二进制文件

1.2 注释





/// 为接下来的项生成帮助文档


{} 在输出中充当占位符

1.3 格式化输出


fn main() {println!("{} days", 31i32); //居然可以加后缀println!("{0},this is {1}. {1},this is {0}", "Alice", "Bob"); //要打印的值是有索引的println!("{subject}", subject = "the lazy dog"); //可以使用命名参数println!("{} of {:b}", 1, 16); //十进制转二进制

1.4 Debug

所有 std 库类型都天生可以使用 {:?} 来打印:
#[derive(Debug)] //所有类型加上debug都能自动为其实现Debug trait,fmt::Display 则需要手动实现
struct DebugPrintable(String); //单元组结构体,牛
struct Deep(DebugPrintable); //还可以嵌套打印
fn main() {let de = Deep(DebugPrintable(String::from("shiyivei")));println!("{:?}", de);println!("{0:?}", Deep(DebugPrintable(String::from("shiyivei")))); //可以直接传值打印println!("{0:#?}", Deep(DebugPrintable(String::from("yivei")))); //要想变得更美,用#,它就会给你打印成结构体

1.5 Display

use std::fmt;#[derive(Debug)]
struct Structure(i32); //单元组结构体,牛impl fmt::Display for Structure {fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {write!(f, "{}", self.0)}
}fn main() {println!("{}", Structure(10)); //只会打印某个值println!("{:#?}", Structure(20)); //会打印整个结构体

1.6 测试实例:List

write!(f, "{}", value)?; //如果有错误就返回错误,没有错误就继续执行
use std::fmt;#[derive(Debug)]
struct List(Vec<i32>); //单元组结构体,牛impl fmt::Display for List {fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {let vec = &self.0;write!(f, "[")?;for (count, v) in vec.iter().enumerate() {if count != 0 {write!(f, ", ")?;}write!(f, "{}", v)?;}write!(f, "]")}
}fn main() {let v = List(vec![1, 2, 3]); //有时候为了美观需要为类型实现display traitprintln!("{}", v); //只会打印某个值println!("{:#?}", List(vec![1, 2, 3])); //会打印整个结构体

2 原生类型


char(字符):单个 Unicode 字符,如 'a','α' 和 '∞'(每个都是 4 字节)
单元类型(unit type):()。其唯一可能的值就是 () 这个空元组


数组(array):如 [1, 2, 3]
元组(tuple):如 (1, true)

2.1 字面量和运算符

前缀 0x、0o、0b,数字可以用十六进制、八进制或二进制记法表示
在数值字面量中插入下划线,比如:1_000 等同于 1000,0.000_001 等同于 0.000001


println!("1 - 2 = {}", 1i32 - 2); //类型决定了它的操作范围
 println!("1 * 2^5 = {}", 1u32 << 5); //位运算

2.2 元组


fn reverse(pair: (i32, bool)) -> (bool, i32) {let (integer, boolean) = pair;(boolean, integer) //最后一个语句不要加 ;
}let (a, b) = reverse((12, true));
println!("{},{}", a, b);let tuple = reverse((12, true));
println!("{:?}", tuple);
struct Matrix(f32, f32, f32, f32); //结构体元组,元组也可以套娃,可以解构

2.3 数组和切片


let xs: [i32; 5] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; 数组,存储在栈上
fn analyze_slice(slice: &[i32]) { //引用指的是给栈上的数据再创建一个指针,存放在栈上,引用停止时,它指向的栈上数据并不会被丢弃,只会丢弃引用本身这个指针,创建一个引用的行为就是借用,借用可以更改可变值,但是同一时间只能有一个可变借用,引用变量也可以是变得或者不可变的println!("first element of the slice: {}", slice[0]);println!("the slice has {} elements", slice.len());

3 自定义类型


3.1 结构体




struct Uint(i32);
struct Pair(i32, i32);
#[allow(dead_code)] // 该属性用于隐藏对未使用代码的警告。
struct Point {x: i32,y: i32,
}fn main() {let _uint = Uint(-9);let pair = Pair(1, 2);let point = Point { x: 3, y: 4 };println!("{:#?},{:?},{:?}", _uint, pair, point);

3.2 枚举



enum WebEvent {PageLoad,//单元结构体PageUnload,KeyPress(char),//元组结构体Paste(String),Click { x: i64, y: i64 },
}fn inspect(event: WebEvent) {match event { //枚举常和match结合使用WebEvent::PageLoad => println!("page load"),WebEvent::PageUnload => println!("page unload"),WebEvent::KeyPress(c) => println!(" pressed {}", c),WebEvent::Paste(s) => println!("pasted \"{}\"", s),WebEvent::Click { x, y } => println!("click at x={},y={}", x, y),}
}fn main() {let load = WebEvent::PageLoad;let un_load = WebEvent::PageUnload;let press = WebEvent::KeyPress('x');let paste = WebEvent::Paste("my_text".to_owned());let click = WebEvent::Click { x: 20, y: 80 };inspect(load);inspect(un_load);inspect(press);inspect(paste);inspect(click);


enum ThisEnumHasALongName {Add,Subject,
}type Name = ThisEnumHasALongName;//重给起一个名字;let x = Name::Add;,最常见的就是在impl块中使用self

3.2.1 使用use


3.2.2 C风格用法

enum Number {Zero,One,Two,
enum Color {Red = 0xff0000,Green = 0x00ff00,Blue = 0x0000ff,
}fn main() {println!("zero is {}", Number::Zero as i32);println!("zero is {}", Number::Two as i32);println!("Red is {}", Color::Red as i32);println!("Green is {}", Color::Green as i32);

3.3.3 测试实例:链表

use List::*;
enum List {Cons(u32, Box<List>),Nil,
}impl List {fn new() -> List {Nil}fn prepend(self, elem: u32) -> List {Cons(elem, Box::new(self))}#[allow(dead_code)]fn len(&self) -> u32 {match *self {Cons(_head, ref tail) => 1 + tail.len(),Nil => 0,}}fn stringify(&self) -> String {match *self {Cons(head, ref tail) => { //这个ref相当于给等号右边的值加&format!("{},{}", head, tail.stringify())}Nil => {format!("Nil")}}}
}fn main() {let mut list = List::new();list = list.prepend(1);list = list.prepend(2);list = list.prepend(3);println!("{}", list.stringify())

3.3 常量

const TEST: i32 = 10;
static TESTAGAIN: &'static str = "Rust";

4 变量绑定


let uint = ();
println!("{:?}", uint);

4.1 可变变量

加上 mut

4.2 作用域和遮蔽

4.3 先声明再绑定


4.4 冻结


5 类型系统

5.1 类型转换

Rust 不提供原生类型之间的隐式类型转换,使用as关键字进行显式类型转换

fn main() {let decimal = 49.4;let integer = decimal as u8;let chare = integer as char;println!("{},{},{}", decimal, integer, chare);println!("{}", 1000 as u16)

5.2 字面量


let num = 20i64

5.3 类型推断


5.4 别名


type accountId = u32;
type IoResult<T> = Result<T, IoError>;

6 类型转换


6.1 From 和 Into


use std::convert::From;#[derive(Debug)]
struct Num {value: i32,
}impl From<i32> for Num { //自已实现一个fromfn from(item: i32) -> Self {Num { value: item }}


use std::convert::From;#[derive(Debug)]
struct Num {value: i32,
}impl From<i32> for Num {fn from(item: i32) -> Self {Num { value: item }}
}fn main() {let int = 5;let num: Num = int.into();println!("{:?}", num);

6.2 TryFromTryInto trait

TryFromTryInto trait 用于易出错的转换

use std::convert::TryFrom;
use std::convert::TryInto;#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
struct EventNum(i32);impl TryFrom<i32> for EventNum {type Error = ();fn try_from(value: i32) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {if value % 2 == 0 {Ok(EventNum(value))} else {Err(())}}
}fn main() {assert_eq!(EventNum::try_from(8), Ok(EventNum(8)));assert_eq!(EventNum::try_from(5), Err(()));let result: Result<EventNum, ()> = 8i32.try_into();assert_eq!(result, Ok(EventNum(8)))

6.3 ToString 和 FromStr

6.3.1 其他类型转字符串

要把任何类型转为String,请先实现Display trait,还多了一个打印的特性


use std::fmt;
use std::string::ToString;struct Circle {radius: i32,
}impl fmt::Display for Circle {fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {write!(f, "Circle of radius {}", self.radius)}
}fn main() {let circle = Circle { radius: 10 };println!("{}", circle.radius.to_string());

6.3.2 字符串转数字


let parse: u32 = "5".parse().unwrap();
let turbo_parsed = "10".parse::<u32>().unwrap(); //涡轮鱼法,好奇怪的名字
println!("{},{}", parse + 10, turbo_parsed + 21);

6.3.3 把字符串转为其他类型

只需要为目标类型(自定义的)实现 FromStr trait 即可,标准库中为无数类型实现了FromStr trait

let f = "23.8";
let my_f = f.parse::<f32>().unwrap();
println!("{}", my_f);

7 表达式


8 流程控制

8.1 if/else


8.2 loop 循环

fn main() {let mut count = 0u32;println!("let us count until infinity");loop {count += 1;if count == 3 {println!("three");continue;}if count == 6 {println!("ok, that's enough");break;}}

8.2.1 嵌套循环和标签

fn main() {'outer: loop {println!("entry the outer loop");'inner: loop {println!("entry the inner loop");// break 'outer;break;}println!("this point will never be reached");break;}println!("exit the outer loop")

8.2.2 从loop循环中返回

fn main() {let mut count = 0;let result = loop {count += 1;if count == 10 {break count * 2;}};assert_eq!(result, 20) //在常规代码中,也可以使用断言语句

8.3 while 循环

8.4 for循环


    fn main() {for i in 0..101 { //要包含右端点的可以选择 0..=101if i % 15 == 0 {println!("15")} else if i % 5 == 0 {println!("5")} else if i % 3 == 0 {println!("3")} else {println!("i")}}


iter 借用

fn main() {let names = vec!["frank", "bob", "ferries"];for name in names.iter() { //借用集合中的元素,遍历完原集合可以继续使用match name {&"ferries" => println!("{} is good at rust", name),_ => println!("hello {}", name),}}

Into_iter 消耗

fn main() {let names = vec!["frank", "bob", "ferries"];for name in names.into_iter() {//消耗集合中的元素,遍历完原集合可以继续使用match name {"ferries" => println!("{} is good at rust", name),_ => println!("hello {}", name),}}

Iter_mut 就地改变

fn main() {let mut names = vec!["frank", "bob", "ferries"];for name in names.iter_mut() {//改变集合中的元素*name = match name {&mut "ferries" => "hello ferries", //直接更改,这一点比go语言要方便,go语言只有一种方式,就是通过索引_ => "hello",}}println!("{:?}", names)

8.5 match 匹配



fn main() {let boolean = true;let library = match boolean {true => 0,false => 1,};


fn main() {let triple = (1, 1, 2);println!("{:?}", triple);match triple {(0, y, z) => println!("{},{},{}", 0, y, z), //解构两个(1, x, ..) => println!("{},{}", 1, x),      //只解构第二个_ => println!("others"),}
fn main() {let color = Color::RGB(127, 40, 17); //注意枚举实例的构造match color {Color::Red => println!("The color is red"),Color::Blue => println!("The color is blue"),Color::Green => println!("The color is green"),Color::RGB(r, g, b) => println!("Red {},Green {},Blue {}", r, g, b),Color::HSV(r, g, b) => println!("Red {},Green {},Blue {}", r, g, b),Color::CMY(r, g, b) => println!("Red {},Green {},Blue {}", r, g, b),Color::HSL(r, g, b) => println!("Red {},Green {},Blue {}", r, g, b),Color::CMYK(r, g, b, k) => println!("Red {},Green {},Blue {}", r, g, b),}



解引用使用: *

解构使用:&、ref 和 mut


let ref x = 3;
let ref mut y = "non";


let refe = &4;
fn main() {let refe = &4;match refe {&val => println!("the value is {:?}", val), //val这个名字随意命名}match *refe {val => println!("the value is {:?}", val), //两种方式}let ref x = 3; //获得引用let mut y = 7;match x {ref x => println!("{}", x),}match y {ref mut m => {//获得了引用*m += 10;println!("{}", m) //解应用后才能更改值}}
fn main() {let foo = Foo { x: (1, 2), y: 3 }; //先实例化,再解构let Foo { x: (x, y), y: z } = foo; //解构和赋值有点像,只不过在=左边,并且值用变量名称代替,右边是实例println!("{},{},{},{}", x, y, z, foo.y); //这样就可以一个一个打印出来了,当然如果不解构,也是可以打印的

8.5.2 卫语句


fn main() {let pair = (2, -2);match pair {(x, y) if x + y == 0 => println!("a = -b"),_ => println!("a != -b"),}

8.5.3 绑定


fn main() {match age() {0 => println!("not born"),n @ 1..=12 => println!("child"), //间接访问变量比如函数体内部的值,使用@重新绑定n @ 13..=19 => println!("young man"),_ => println!("old man"),}
}fn age() -> u32 {15

可以使用绑定来解构 enum变体

fn main() {match some_number() {Some(n @ 42) => println!("The answer is {}", n),_ => println!("old man"),}
}fn some_number() -> Option<u32> {Some(42)

8.6 If let

只取想要的值,其他都用else 分支来处理

fn main() {let number = Some(7);let letter: Option<i32> = None;let emotion: Option<i32> = None;if let Some(i) = letter {println!("{}", i)} else {println!("nothing match")}


enum Foo {Bar}fn main() {let a = Foo::Bar;// 变量匹配 Foo::Barif let Foo::Bar = a {// ^-- 这就是编译时发现的错误。使用 `if let` 来替换它。println!("a is foobar");}

8.7 while let

if let 和 while let都可以把match 分支改的好看

fn main() {let mut optional = Some(9);//枚举Oprion的一个字段居然可以拿出来单独用loop {match optional {Some(i) => {if i > 9 {optional = None} else {optional = Some(i + 1);println!("{}", i)}}_ => break,}}
 while let Some(i) = optional {if i > 10 {println!("Now the code is more beautiful");optional = None} else {optional = Some(i + 1);println!("{}", i)}}

9 函数

使用return 可以提前返回值,默认情况下返回最后一个表达式


9.1 方法

struct Pair(Box<i32>, Box<i32>);impl Pair {fn destory(&self) {let Pair(first, second) = self;println!("Distory pair: {},{}", first, second); //离开作用域后释放}
}fn main() {let pair = Pair(Box::new(1), Box::new(2));pair.destory();

9.2 闭包


|val| val + x //一个可以捕获x变量的闭包


使用 || 代替 () 包含参数



fn  function      (i: i32) -> i32 { i + 1 } //函数
let closure_one = |i: i32| -> i32 { i + 1 }; //闭包
println!("func {}", function(21));
println!("closure {}", closure_one(21)) //传参的时候一摸一样

9.2.1 捕获


fn main() {use std::mem;let color = String::from("Green");let print = || println!("color {}", color); //闭包借用,借用后归还print(); //调用let re_borrow = &color; //仍然可以被借用print();let _move = color; //也可以被move,栈上数据拷贝}


let mut count = 0;let mut inc = || {//闭包也要是可变的count += 1;println!("count: {}", count); //可变引用};inc();inc();


let movable = Box::new(3);let consume = || {println!("movable: {:?}", movable);mem::drop(movable)};consume();

加上move 会强制让闭包获得变量的所有权

 let heck = vec![1, 3, 4, 5];let contains = move |x| heck.contains(x);println!("{}", contains(&4));println!("{}", contains(&3));

9.2.2 作为输入参数


fn main() {use std::mem;let greeting = String::from("hello");let mut farewell = "goodbye".to_owned();let diary = || {//捕获了两个参数,一个可变一个不可变,println!("I said {}", greeting);farewell.push_str("!!!");println!("then I screamed {}", farewell);println!("Now I can sleep,zzz");mem::drop(farewell)};apply(diary);let double = |x| 2 * x; //一些操作逻辑在定义闭包时才实现println!("value is {}", apply_to_3(double));
fn apply<F>(f: F)
where//where 子句跟在返回值类型的后面,但是在函数体外F: FnOnce(), //闭包获取参数所有权
}fn apply_to_3<F>(f: F) -> i32
whereF: Fn(i32) -> i32, //有返回值的话要填参数类型

9.2.3 匿名类型


9.2.4 输入函数


fn function() {//作为参数的函数println!("I am a function")
let closure = || println!("I am a closure1");//作为参数的闭包fn call_me<F: Fn()>(f: F) { //调用者f()

9.2.5 输出参数

Rust目前不支持泛型返回,支持前面三种有效特征的闭包作为返回值,并且需要move 参数

fn create_fn() -> impl Fn() {let text = "Fn".to_owned();move || println!("this is a {}", text)
fn create_fnMut() -> impl FnMut() {let text = "FnMut".to_owned();move || println!("this is a {}", text)
fn create_fnOnce() -> impl FnOnce() {let text = "FnOnce".to_owned();move || println!("this is a {}", text)
}fn main() {let fn_palin = create_fn();let mut fn_mut = create_fnMut();let fn_once = create_fnOnce();fn_palin();fn_mut();fn_once();

9.2.6 两个函数find和any


9.3 高阶函数

fn main() {let upper = 100000;//函数式编程,把一堆条件写成了链式函数let sum_of_squared_odd_numbers: u32 = (0..).map(|n| n * n).take_while(|&n| n < upper).filter(|&n| is_odd(n)).fold(0, |sum, i| sum + i);println!("functional style {}", sum_of_squared_odd_numbers);
fn is_odd(n: u32) -> bool {n % 2 == 1


9.4 发散函数


fn foo() -> ! {panic!("this call never returns")
fn some_fn() {() //照常返回
fn main() {fn some_odd_numbers(up_to: u32) -> u32 {//在main函数内部写一个具名函数let mut acc = 0;for i in 0..up_to {let addition: u32 = match i % 2 == 1 { //注意这种写法true => i,false => continue,};acc += addition;}acc}println!("{}", some_odd_numbers(9))

10 模块

10.1 可见性

pub(crate) fn public_function_in_crate() { //pub crate 使得函数只有在当前crate中可见println!("called `my_mod::public_function_in_crate()");

10.2 结构体的可见性


10.3 use


use deeply::nested::function as other_function;

10.4 super 和 self


10.5 文件分层


11 crate

crate是rust编译的独立单元,可以被编译为二进制执行文件或者库文件。可以通过rustc的选项 – crate-type重载???

11.1 库


11.2 使用库

extern crate xxx;use xxx::yyy::zzz;

12 Cargo

12.1 依赖


12.2 约定规范

其他二进制问价放在src bin目录下

12.3 测试


12.4 构建脚本


13 属性

属性是应用于某些模块、crate 或项的元数据(metadata)。这元数据可以用来:

  • 条件编译代码
  • 设置 crate 名称、版本和类型(二进制文件或库)
  • 禁用 lint (警告)
  • 启用编译器的特性(宏、全局导入(glob import)等)
  • 链接到一个非 Rust 语言的库
  • 标记函数作为单元测试
  • 标记函数作为基准测试的某个部分


  • #[attribute = "value"]
  • #[attribute(key = "value")]
  • #[attribute(value)]


#[attribute(value, value2)]#[attribute(value, value2, value3,value4, value5)]

13.1 死代码

#[allow(dead_code)] //注意在实际过程中应该将死代码清除

13.2 crate

用cargo 就行了

13.3 cfg


  • cfg 属性:在属性位置中使用 #[cfg(...)]
  • cfg! 宏:在布尔表达式中使用 cfg!(...)

13.3.1 自定义条件

有部分条件如 target_os 是由 rustc 隐式地提供的,但是自定义条件必须使用 --cfg 标记来传给 rustc

fn conditional_function() {println!("condition met!")
}fn main() {conditional_function();

14 泛型


struct SingleGen<T>(T);

14.1 函数

fn generic<T>(_s: SGen<T>) {} //参数类型为泛型的函数

14.2 实现

struct GenVal<T> { //定义写一次Tgen_val: T,
}impl<T> GenVal<T> { //实现写两次fn value(&self) -> &T {&self.gen_val}
}fn main() {let x = GenVal { gen_val: 45 };println!("{:?}", x);

14.3 trait


struct Empty;
struct Null;trait DoubleDrop<T> {fn double_drop(self, _: T); //定义类型里面的方法
}impl<T, U> DoubleDrop<T> for U {//为trait实现traitfn double_drop(self, _: T) {}
}fn main() {let empty = Empty;let null = Null;empty.double_drop(null); //这个操作会释放其本身和传入的参数类型

14.4 约束



fn print<T: Display>(t: T) {println!("{}", t)


struct S<T: Display>(T);
fn print_type<T: Debug>(t: T) {//函数的泛型参数必须实现Debugprintln!("{:?}", t);
}#[derive(Debug)] //通过宏为类型实现Debug trait
struct Retangle {length: u32,width: u32,


let retangle = Retangle {length: 32,width: 46,};print_type(retangle)

14.4.1 空约束


14.5 多重约束

用 + 连接

fn compare_types<T: Debug, U: Debug>(t: &T, u: &U) {println!("t: `{:?}", t);println!("u: `{:?}", u);

14.6 where子句


trait PrintInOption {   fn print_in_option(self);
}// 这里需要一个 `where` 从句,否则就要表达成 `T: Debug`(这样意思就变了),
// 或者改用另一种间接的方法。
impl<T> PrintInOption for T whereOption<T>: Debug {// 我们要将 `Option<T>: Debug` 作为约束,因为那是要打印的内容。// 否则我们会给出错误的约束。fn print_in_option(self) {println!("{:?}", Some(self));}

14.7 new type的用法


14.8 关联项目



14.9 虚类型参数

出现于静态检查时的参数 有点没太懂

15 作用域规则

15.1 RALL


fn main() {let int_val = Box::new(4); //在堆上分配内存println!("{}", int_val);//定义一个作用域{let int_val1 = Box::new(5i32);} //内存释放for i in 0..=10 {//在数字区间遍历println!("{:?}", create());} //内存释放//int_val 内存释放
}fn create() -> u32 {let int_val = Box::new(32u32);println!("int_val {}", int_val);*int_val


Rust中析构函数是通过Drop trait提供的,并且是自动调用的

struct Top;impl Drop for Top {fn drop(&mut self) {println!("Top is being dropped")}
fn main() {let x = Top;//我们为这个类型实现了Drop traitprintln!("Made a TopDrop")////在此会调用Drop trait
Made a TopDrop
Top is being dropped

15.2 所有权和移动

15.2.1 可变性


let x = Box::new("x");
let y = x;
println!("{}", y);
// println!("{}",x) x引用的数据所有权已经转移


fn main() {let immutable_value = Box::new(35i32);println!("{}", immutable_value);let mut can_change_value = immutable_value;*can_change_value = 25i32;println!("{}", can_change_value)

15.2.2 部分移动

fn main() {#[derive(Debug)]struct Person {name: String,age: u32,}let person = Person {name: String::from("John"),age: 27,};let Person { name, ref age } = person; //这里的name是解构出来的变量,而不是上面的结构体字段名称println!("{:?}", name);println!("{:?}", age);// println!("{:?}",person) //不能再整体使用,因为部分字段age 被移动

15.3 借用


fn main() {let value1 = Box::new(45i32);let value2 = 35i32;eat_value(value1); //值传递reserve_value(&value2); //借用
}fn eat_value(value: Box<i32>) {println!("the {} was destroyed", value)
fn reserve_value(value: &i32) {println!("the {} is still alive", value)

15.3.1 可变性


struct Book {title: &'static str,auther: &'static str,year: u32,
}fn borrow_book(book: &Book) {println!("value was borrow {},{},{}",book.title, book.auther, book.year)
}fn new_edition(book: &mut Book) {book.year = 2022;println!("year was changed {}", book.year)
}fn main() {let book = Book {//一个实例title: "cat",auther: "shiyivei",year: 2001,};borrow_book(&book); //借用不可变变量let mut mut_book = book; //一个可变实例,移动borrow_book(&mut mut_book); //借用可变变量new_edition(&mut mut_book);

15.3.2 别名使用


15.3.3 ref 模式

使用let 进行模式匹配和解时,ref‘可用来创建结构体/元组的字段的引用,前面已经展示过了。它是在左边对新变量的引用

15.4 生命周期

15.4.1 显示标注



15.4.2 函数


  1. 任何引用都需标注好生命周期
  2. 任何被返回的引用都必须具有和某个输入量相同的生命周期或者静态类型
fn add_one<'a>(x: &'a mut i32) {*x += 1;println!("{}", x)
}fn sum<'a, 'b>(x: &'a mut i32, y: &'a mut i32) {println!("{}", *x + *y) //引用要解引用了才能计算
}fn pass<'a, 'b>(x: &'a mut i32, _: &'b i32) -> &'a i32 {x
fn main() {let (mut a, mut b) = (1i32, 2i32);add_one(&mut a);sum(&mut a, &mut b);let x = pass(&mut a, &mut b);


15.4.3 方法


struct Owner(i32);impl Owner {fn add_one<'a>(&'a mut self) {self.0 += 1; //要写成+=,不要只写为+}fn print<'a>(&'a mut self) {println!("{}", self.0);}
fn main() {let mut owner = Owner(1);owner.add_one();owner.print();println!("{}", owner.0)

15.4.4 结构体

struct Owner<'a> {x: &'a i32,y: &'a i32,
enum Either<'a> {Num(i32),     //枚举里面是两个元组结构体Ref(&'a i32), //枚举里面是两个元组结构体
}fn main() {let tuple = (5, 6); //给元组命名let (x, y) = (3, 4); //直接解构let double = Owner { x: &x, y: &y };let en1 = Either::Num(y); //注意枚举实例化的方式let en2 = Either::Ref(&x);println!("{:?}", double);println!("{:?}", en1);println!("{:?}", en2);

15.4.5 trait

struct Borrowed<'a> {x: &'a i32,
}impl<'a> Default for Borrowed<'a> { //在impl之后,Borrow之前fn default() -> Self {Self { x: &99 }}
}fn main() {let borrow: Borrowed = Borrowed::default();println!("{:?}", borrow)

15.4.6 约束

可以把生命周期看作是类泛型特性,在实际过程中某个类型参数需要实现特定trait,也需要满足生命周期要求 'a 和 T地位一样

use std::fmt::Debug; //引入的traits或者其他类型要尽量在rs文件开头#[derive(Debug)]
struct Borrowed<'a, T: 'a> {x: &'a T,
}fn print<T>(t: T)
whereT: Debug,
{println!("{:?}", t)
}fn bound_print<'a, T>(t: &'a T)
whereT: Debug + 'a,
{println!("{:?}", t)
}fn main() {let x = 32;let t = Borrowed { x: &x };print(t);bound_print(&x);

15.4.7 强制转换


fn multiply<'a>(first: &'a i32, second: &'a i32) -> i32 {//两个参数生命周期都被强制转为‘afirst * second
}fn choose_first<'a: 'b, 'b>(first: &'a i32, _: &'b i32) -> &'b i32 {//手动声明以b‘为准first
fn main() {let a = 23i32;{let b = 32;let res = multiply(&a, &b);choose_first(&a, &b);println!("res {}", res);println!("choose {}", choose_first(&a, &b))}

15.4.8 static

static 是最长的,存在于整个程序运行期间, ‘static 可以被转为一个更短的生命周期。两种方式,他们都把数据保存在可执行文件的只读内存区

使用 static 声明来产生常量(constant)
产生一个拥有 &'static str 类型的 string 字面量
static NUM: i32 = 99;fn func<'a>(value: &'a i32) -> &'a i32 {&NUM
}fn main() {{let static_string = "I'm in read_only memory";println!("{}", static_string)}{let short_life_value = 19; //定义一个生命周期比较短的变量func(&short_life_value);println!("{:?}", func(&short_life_value));//使用它也是可以的}println!("{}", NUM)

15.4.9 省略


fn example1(t: &i32) -> &i32 {t
fn example2<'a>(t: &'a i32) -> &i32 {t

16 Trait


struct Sheep {naked: bool,name: &'static str,
//定义trait,方法集,为类型定义方法集合,主要是确定参数和返回值的类型和属性(trait 生命周期等)
trait Animal {fn new(name: &'static str) -> Self; //trait中的方法不用在方法名称前面声明生命周期标签,在实现的时候声明就可以了fn name(&self) -> &'static str;fn noise(&self) -> &'static str;fn talk(&self) {println!("{} sas {}", self.name(), self.noise())}
impl Sheep {fn is_naked(&self) -> bool {self.naked}fn shear(&mut self) {if self.naked {println!("{} is already sheard", self.name())} else {println!("{} gets a shortcut", self.name());self.naked = true}}
impl Animal for Sheep {fn new(name: &'static str) -> Sheep {Sheep {name: name,naked: false,}}fn name(&self) -> &'static str {self.name}fn noise(&self) -> &'static str {if self.naked {"naked"} else {"no naked"}}fn talk(&self) {println!("{} {}", self.name(), self.noise())}
}fn main() {let mut dolly: Sheep = Animal::new("Dolly");dolly.talk();dolly.shear();dolly.talk();

16.1 Derive

#[derive] 属性,编译器能够提供某些 trait 的基本实现,其实就是为类型在trait中实现方法,这也是rust语言最强的地方之一

下面是可以自动派生的 trait:

  • 比较 trait: Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd
  • Clone, 用来从 &T 创建副本 T
  • Copy,使类型具有 “复制语义”(copy semantics)而非 “移动语义”(move semantics)。
  • Hash,从 &T 计算哈希值(hash)。
  • Default, 创建数据类型的一个空实例。
  • Debug,使用 {:?} formatter 来格式化一个值
#[derive(PartialEq, PartialOrd, Debug)] //牛啊,以前一直不懂
struct Comparable(i32);fn main() {let c1 = Comparable(26);let c2 = Comparable(30);let res = if c1 == c2 {println!("c1 = c2")} else {println!("c1 != c2")};println!("res is {:?}", res)

16.2 使用dyn返回trait


struct Sheep {}
struct Cow {}trait Animal {// 实例方法签名fn noise(&self) -> &'static str;
}// 实现 `Sheep` 的 `Animal` trait。
impl Animal for Sheep {fn noise(&self) -> &'static str {"baaaaah!"}
}// 实现 `Cow` 的 `Animal` trait。
impl Animal for Cow {fn noise(&self) -> &'static str {"moooooo!"}
}// 返回一些实现 Animal 的结构体,但是在编译时我们不知道哪个结构体。
fn random_animal(random_number: f64) -> Box<dyn Animal> {if random_number < 0.5 {Box::new(Sheep {})} else {Box::new(Cow {})}
}fn main() {let random_number = 0.234;let animal = random_animal(random_number);println!("You've randomly chosen an animal, and it says {}", animal.noise());

16.3 运算符重载

啥意思,就是让运算符有更多的行为,比如,+ 表示求和,也可以表示把字符串连接起来,我们甚至可以把+ 定义为-

use std::ops;
struct Foo;
struct Bar;#[derive(Debug)]
struct FooBar;#[derive(Debug)]
struct BarFoo;//分别实现了traitimpl ops::Add<Bar> for Foo {type Output = FooBar; //重命名fn add(self, _a: Bar) -> FooBar {println!("> Foo.add(Bar) was called");FooBar}
}impl ops::Add<Foo> for Bar {type Output = BarFoo; //重命名fn add(self, _a: Foo) -> BarFoo {println!("> Bar.add(Foo) was called");BarFoo}
}fn main() {println!("{:?}", Foo + Bar);println!("{:?}", Bar + Foo);

16.4 Drop


BoxVecStringFile,以及 Process 是一些实现了 Drop trait 来释放 资源的类型。Drop trait 也可以为任何自定义数据类型手动实现

struct Droppable {name: &'static str,
impl Drop for Droppable {fn drop(&mut self) {println!("> Dropping {}", self.name);}
}fn main() {let name = "choose";let drop = Droppable { name: &name };//函数结束时自动实现,控制台会打印信息

16.5 Iterator


struct Fibonacci {curr: u32,next: u32,
}impl Iterator for Fibonacci {type Item = u32;fn next(&mut self) -> Option<u32> {//枚举作为返回值类型时,只需要在枚举中放入值即可let new_next = self.curr + self.next;self.curr = self.next;self.next = new_next;Some(self.curr)}
}fn fibonacci() -> Fibonacci {Fibonacci { curr: 1, next: 1 }
}fn main() {let mut sequence = 0..5; //序列是迭代器的实例println!("{:?}", sequence.next());println!("{:?}", sequence.next());println!("{:?}", sequence.next());println!("{:?}", sequence.next());println!("{:?}", sequence.next());for i in 0..3 {println!("i is {}", i);}for i in fibonacci().take(4) {//使用take可以把值从枚举中拿出来,提取前n项,从iteratorprintln!("the before 4 is {}", i);}for i in fibonacci().skip(4).take(4) {//相当于跳过了前四项,重新开始数了4项println!("removed {}", i);}let array = [1u32, 3, 3, 7];for i in array.iter() {println!("the element in array is {}", i)//迭代打印数组,牛皮}

16.6 impl trait

如果函数返回实现了MyTrait的类型,可以将其返回类型编写为 -> impl MyTrait。 这一节不是很懂

use std::iter;
use std::vec::IntoIter;fn combine_vecs_explicit_return_type(v: Vec<i32>,u: Vec<i32>,
) -> iter::Cycle<iter::Chain<IntoIter<i32>, IntoIter<i32>>> {//使用结构体组合了两个i32v.into_iter().chain(u.into_iter()).cycle()
fn combine_vecs(v: Vec<i32>, u: Vec<i32>) -> impl Iterator<Item = i32> {v.into_iter().chain(u.into_iter()).cycle()
}fn main() {let v1 = vec![1, 2, 3];let v2 = vec![4, 5];let mut v3 = combine_vecs(v1, v2); //传参assert_eq!(Some(1), v3.next());assert_eq!(Some(2), v3.next());assert_eq!(Some(3), v3.next());assert_eq!(Some(4), v3.next());assert_eq!(Some(5), v3.next());println!("All down")

某些rust类型无法写出,如每个闭包都有自己未命名的类型.在使用impl Trait语法之前,必须在堆上分配才能返回闭包。但是可以像下面这样静态的完成所有操作

fn make_adder_function(y: i32) -> impl Fn(i32) -> i32 {//返回再返回?不是很懂let closure = move |x: i32| x + y;closure
}//使用map或者filter 闭包的迭代器,这可以使得使用map或filter更容易fn double_positives<'a>(numbers: &'a Vec<i32>) -> impl Iterator<Item = i32> + 'a {numbers.iter().filter(|x| x > &&0).map(|x| x * 2)

16.7 Clone

通常我们使用Clone trait的clone方法

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
struct Nil;#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
struct Pair(Box<i32>, Box<i32>);fn main() {let nil = Nil;let copied_nil = nil; //空值转移了相当于没转移println!("{:?}", nil);println!("{:?}", copied_nil);let pair = Pair(Box::new(1), Box::new(2));println!("{:?}", pair);let moved_pair = pair;// println!("{:?}",pair); 所有权转移,不可以再用println!("{:?}", moved_pair);let clone_moved_pair = moved_pair.clone();//堆栈上的数据都赋值了一份println!("{:?}", clone_moved_pair);drop(moved_pair);println!("{:?}",clone_moved_pair)

16.8 父Trait


trait Person {fn name(&self) -> String;
trait Student: Person {fn university(&self) -> String;
}trait Programmer {fn fav_language(&self) -> String;
}trait ComScistudent: Programmer + Student {fn git_username(&self) -> String;
}fn comp_sci_student_greeting(student: &dyn ComScistudent) -> String {format!("my name is {} and i attended {}. My favorite language is {}. My git username is {}",student.name(),student.university(),student.fav_language(),student.git_username())
}fn main() {}

16.9 消除重叠trait

trait UserNameWeight {fn get(&self) -> String;
}trait AgeWeight {fn get(&self) -> u8;
}struct Form {username: String,age: u8,
impl UserNameWeight for Form {fn get(&self) -> String {self.username.clone()}
}impl AgeWeight for Form {fn get(&self) -> u8 {self.age}
}fn main() {let form = Form {username: "shiyivei".to_owned(),age: 27,};let username = <Form as UserNameWeight>::get(&form); //不是很懂assert_eq!("shiyivei".to_owned(), username);let age = <Form as AgeWeight>::get(&form);assert_eq!(27, age)

17 使用macro_rules !创建宏




17.1 语法

17.1.1 指示符

宏参数使用 $作为前缀,使用指示符来注明类型

macro_rules! say_hello {//() 代表不接受参数() => {println!("Hello!") //展开成为此内容};
}macro_rules! create_function {($func_name:ident) => {//ident 会被替换fn $func_name() {println!("You called {:?}()", $func_name());stringify!($func_name);}};
create_function!(bar);macro_rules! print_result {($expression:expr) => {//stringify! 会把对象转换为字符串println!("{:?} = {:?}", stringify!($expression), $expression);};
}fn main() {say_hello!();foo();bar();print_result!(1u32 + 1);({let x = 1u32;x * x + 2 * x - 1;});


expr 表达式
ident 用于变量名或者函数名
pat 模式
stmt 语句
tt 标记树 token tree
ty 类型type

17.1.2 重载

宏可以重载,从而接受不同的参数组合。在这方面,macro_rules! 的作用类似于匹配(match)的代码块

macro_rules! test {($left:expr; and $right:expr) => {println!("{:?} and {:?} is {:?}",stringify!($left),stringify!($right),$left && $right)};($left:expr; or $right:expr) => {println!("{:?} and {:?} is {:?}",stringify!($left),stringify!($right),$left || $right)};
}fn main() {test!(1i32 + 1 == 2i32; and 2i32 * 2 == 4i32);test!(true;or false)

17.1.3 重复

宏在参数列表中使用 + 和 * 代表参数出现的次数

macro_rules! find_min {($x:expr) => ($x);($x:expr,$($y:expr),+) => (std::cmp::min($x,find_min!($($y),+)));
}fn main() {println!("{}", find_min!(1u32));println!("{}", find_min!(1u32 + 2, 2u32));println!("{}", find_min!(5u32, 2u32 * 3, 4u32));println!("{}", find_min!(5u32, 2u32 * 3, 100u32, 20u32, 30u32));//不是很懂

17.2 不用重复写代码


macro_rules! find_min {($x:expr) => ($x);($x:expr,$($y:expr),+) => (std::cmp::min($x,find_min!($($y),+)));
}fn main() {println!("{}", find_min!(1u32));println!("{}", find_min!(1u32 + 2, 2u32));println!("{}", find_min!(5u32, 2u32 * 3, 4u32));println!("{}", find_min!(5u32, 2u32 * 3, 100u32, 20u32, 30u32));

17.3 DSL(领域专用语言)

macro_rules! calculate { //做了个计算器(eval $e:expr) => {{{let val :usize = $e;println!("{} = {}",stringify!{$e},val);}}};
}fn main() {calculate!(eval 1 +2 );calculate!(eval(1 + 2) * (3 / 4))

17.4 可变参数接口

比如说println 就可,再如:

macro_rules! calculate {// 单个 `eval` 的模式(eval $e:expr) => {{{let val: usize = $e; // Force types to be integersprintln!("{} = {}", stringify!{$e}, val);}}};// 递归地拆解多重的 `eval`(eval $e:expr, $(eval $es:expr),+) => {{calculate! { eval $e }calculate! { $(eval $es),+ }}};
}fn main() {calculate! { // 妈妈快看,可变参数的 `calculate!`!eval 1 + 2,eval 3 + 4,eval (2 * 3) + 1}

18 错误处理


Option 类型是为了值是可选的、或者缺少值并不是错误的情况准备的

当错误有可能发生,且应当由调用者处理时,使用 Result

18.1 panic

fn give_princess(gift: &str) {if gift == "snake" {panic!("Aaaaaaa!")}println!("I love {}s", gift);
}fn main() {give_princess("snake");give_princess("teddy bear")

18.2 Option和Unwrap

fn give_princess(gift: Option<&str>) {match gift {Some("snake") => println!("Yuck! I'm throwing that snake in a fire"),Some(inner) => println!("{}?,how nice", inner),None => println!("no gift? oh well"),}
}fn give_gift(gift: Option<&str>) {let inside = gift.unwrap();if inside == "snake" {panic!("Aaaa")}println!("I love {}s !!!", inside)
}fn main() {let food = Some("chicken");let snake = Some("snake");let void = None;give_princess(food);give_princess(snake);give_princess(void);let bird = Some("bird");let nothing = None;give_gift(bird);give_gift(nothing);

18.2.1 使用?解开Option

#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
struct PhoneNumber {area_code: Option<u8>,number: u32,
}#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
struct Job {phone_number: Option<PhoneNumber>,
}struct Person {job: Option<Job>,
}impl Person {fn work_phone_area_code(&self) -> Option<u8> {self.job?.phone_number?.area_code}
}fn main() {let p = Person {job: Some(Job {phone_number: Some(PhoneNumber {area_code: Some(61),number: 15278,}),}),};assert_eq!(p.work_phone_area_code(), Some(61))

18.2.2 组合算子:map


enum Food {Apple,Carrot,Potato,
struct Chopped(Food);
struct Peeled(Food);
struct Cooked(Food);fn peel(food: Option<Food>) -> Option<Peeled> {match food {Some(food) => Some(Peeled(food)),None => None,}
}fn chop(peeled: Option<Peeled>) -> Option<Chopped> {match peeled {Some(Peeled(food)) => Some(Chopped(food)),None => None,}
}fn cook(chopped: Option<Chopped>) -> Option<Cooked> {chopped.map(|Chopped(food)| Cooked(food))
}fn process(food: Option<Food>) -> Option<Cooked> {food.map(|f| Peeled(f)).map(|Peeled(f)| Chopped(f)).map(|Chopped(f)| Cooked(f))
}fn eat(food: Option<Cooked>) {match food {Some(food) => println!("Mmm,I love {:?}", food),None => println!("Oh no! It wasn't edible"),}
}fn main() {let apple = Some(Food::Apple);let carrot = Some(Food::Carrot);let potato = None;let cooked_apple = cook(chop(peel(apple)));let cooked_carrot = cook(chop(peel(carrot)));let cooked_potato = process(potato);eat(cooked_apple);eat(cooked_carrot);eat(cooked_potato);

18.2.3 组合算子:and_then

enum Food {A,B,C,
enum Day {M,T,W,
}fn x(food: Food) -> Option<Food> {match food {Food::A => None,_ => Some(food),}
fn y(food: Food) -> Option<Food> {match food {Food::B => None,_ => Some(food),}
}fn z(food: Food) -> Option<Food> {match x(food) {None => None,Some(food) => match y(food) {None => None,Some(food) => Some(food),},}
fn u(food: Food) -> Option<Food> {x(food).and_then(y)
}fn v(food: Food, day: Day) {match x(food) {Some(food) => println!("{:?},{:?}", food, day),None => println!("no"),}
}fn main() {let (a, b, c) = (Food::A, Food::B, Food::C);v(a, Day::M);v(b, Day::T);v(c, Day::W);

18.3 Result


成功找到T元素 Ok(T),没找到返回Err(E)



fn multiply(first_num_str: &str, second_num_str: &str) -> i32 {let first_number = first_num_str.parse::<i32>().unwrap();let second_number = second_num_str.parse::<i32>().unwrap//使用unwrap解包并产生panicfirst_number * second_number
}fn main() {let twenty = multiply("10", "2");println!("{}", twenty);let tt = multiply("t", "2");println!("{}", tt)//解析错误

18.3.1 Result 的map


use std::num::ParseIntError;fn multiply(first_num_str: &str, second_num_str: &str) -> Result<i32, ParseIntError> {match first_num_str.parse::<i32>() {Ok(first_number) => match second_num_str.parse::<i32>() {Ok(second_number) => Ok(first_number * second_number),Err(e) => Err(e),},Err(e) => Err(e),}
}fn print(result: Result<i32, ParseIntError>) {match result {Ok(n) => println!("{}", n),Err(e) => println!("{}", e),}
}fn main() {let twenty = multiply("10", "2");print(twenty);let tt = multiply("t", "2");print(tt)


use std::num::ParseIntError;fn multiply(first_num_str: &str, second_num_str: &str) -> Result<i32, ParseIntError> {first_num_str.parse::<i32>().and_then(|first_number| {second_num_str.parse::<i32>().map(|second_number| first_number * second_number)})
}fn print(result: Result<i32, ParseIntError>) {match result {Ok(n) => println!("{}", n),Err(e) => println!("{}", e),}
}fn main() {let twenty = multiply("10", "2");print(twenty);let tt = multiply("t", "2");print(tt)

18.3.2 给Result起别名


use std::num::ParseIntError;type AliaseResult<T> = Result<T, ParseIntError>;
fn multiply(first_num_str: &str, second_num_str: &str) -> AliaseResult<i32> {first_num_str.parse::<i32>().and_then(|first_number| {second_num_str.parse::<i32>().map(|second_number| first_number * second_number)})
}fn print(result: AliaseResult<i32>) {match result {Ok(n) => println!("{}", n),Err(e) => println!("{}", e),}
}fn main() {print(multiply("10", "2"));print(multiply("t", "2"))

18.3.3 提前返回


use std::num::ParseIntError;fn multiply(first_num_str: &str, second_num_str: &str) -> Result<i32, ParseIntError> {let first_number = match first_num_str.parse::<i32>() {Ok(first_number) => first_number,Err(e) => return Err(e),};let second_number = match second_num_str.parse::<i32>() {Ok(second_number) => second_number,Err(e) => return Err(e),};Ok(first_number * second_number)
}fn print(result: Result<i32, ParseIntError>) {match result {Ok(n) => println!("{}", n),Err(e) => println!("{}", e),}
}fn main() {print(multiply("10", "2"));print(multiply("t", "2"))

18.3.4 引入?


use std::num::ParseIntError;fn multiply(first_num_str: &str, second_num_str: &str) -> Result<i32, ParseIntError> {let first_number = first_num_str.parse::<i32>()?;let second_number = second_num_str.parse::<i32>()?;Ok(first_number * second_number)
}fn print(result: Result<i32, ParseIntError>) {match result {Ok(n) => println!("{}", n),Err(e) => println!("{}", e),}
}fn main() {print(multiply("10", "2"));print(multiply("t", "2"))



18.4 处理更多错误类型

18.4.1 从Option中取出Result

fn double_first(vec: Vec<&str>) -> i32 {let first = vec.first().unwrap();2 * first.parse::<i32>().unwrap()
}fn main() {let nums = vec!["32", "46", "78"];let empty = vec![];let string = vec!["todo", "32", "78"];println!("The first double is {}", double_first(nums));println!("The second double is {}", double_first(empty));println!("the first double is {}", double_first(string));


use std::num::ParseIntError;fn double_first(vec: Vec<&str>) -> Result<Option<i32>, ParseIntError> {let opt = vec.first().map(|first| first.parse::<i32>().map(|n| 2 * n));opt.map_or(Ok(None), |r| r.map(Some))
}fn main() {let nums = vec!["32", "46", "78"];let empty = vec![];let string = vec!["todo", "32", "78"];println!("the first vec is {:?}", double_first(nums));println!("the first vec is {:?}", double_first(empty));println!("the first vec is {:?}", double_first(string))

18.4.2 定义一种错误类型


use std::error;
use std::fmt;type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, DoubleError>;#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
struct DoubleError;impl fmt::Display for DoubleError {fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {write!(f, "Invalid first item to double")}
}impl error::Error for DoubleError {fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn error::Error + 'static)> {None}
}fn double_first(vec: Vec<&str>) -> Result<i32> {vec.first().ok_or(DoubleError).and_then(|s| s.parse::<i32>().map_err(|_| DoubleError).map(|i| 2 * i))
}fn print(result: Result<i32>) {match result {Ok(n) => println!("the first doubed is {}", n),Err(e) => println!("Error {}", e),}
}fn main() {let numbers = vec!["42", "93", "18"];let empty = vec![];let strings = vec!["tofu", "93", "18"];print(double_first(numbers));print(double_first(empty));print(double_first(strings))

18.4.3 把错误装箱


只要实现了Error trait类型,Box就可以通过From将其转换为Box,注意写法

use std::error;
use std::fmt;type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, Box<dyn error::Error>>;#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
struct EmptyVec;impl fmt::Display for EmptyVec {fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {write!(f, "Invalid first to double")}
}impl error::Error for EmptyVec {fn description(&self) -> &str {"Invalid first item to double"}fn cause(&self) -> Option<&dyn error::Error> {None}
}fn double_first(vec: Vec<&str>) -> Result<i32> {vec.first().ok_or_else(|| EmptyVec.into()).and_then(|s| s.parse::<i32>().map_err(|e| e.into()).map(|i| 2 * i))
}fn print(result: Result<i32>) {match result {Ok(n) => println!("the first double is {}", n),Err(e) => println!("Error:{}", e),}
}fn main() {let numbers = vec!["42", "93", "18"];let empty = vec![];let strings = vec!["tofu", "93", "18"];print(double_first(numbers));print(double_first(empty));print(double_first(strings));

18.4.4 ?的其他用法


use std::error;
use std::fmt;type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, Box<dyn error::Error>>;#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
struct EmptyVec;impl fmt::Display for EmptyVec {fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {write!(f, "Invalid first to double")}
}impl error::Error for EmptyVec {}fn double_first(vec: Vec<&str>) -> Result<i32> {let first = vec.first().ok_or(EmptyVec)?;let parsed = first.parse::<i32>()?;Ok(2 * parsed)
}fn print(result: Result<i32>) {match result {Ok(n) => println!("the first double is {}", n),Err(e) => println!("Error:{}", e),}
}fn main() {let numbers = vec!["42", "93", "18"];let empty = vec![];let strings = vec!["tofu", "93", "18"];print(double_first(numbers));print(double_first(empty));print(double_first(strings));

18.4.5 包裹错误


use std::error;
use std::fmt;
use std::num::ParseIntError;type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, Box<dyn error::Error>>;#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
enum DoubleError {EmptyVec,Parse(ParseIntError),
}impl fmt::Display for DoubleError {fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {match *self {DoubleError::EmptyVec => write!(f, "please use a vector with at least one element"),DoubleError::Parse(ref e) => e.fmt(f),}}
}impl error::Error for DoubleError {fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn error::Error + 'static)> {match *self {DoubleError::EmptyVec => None,DoubleError::Parse(ref e) => Some(e),}}
}impl From<ParseIntError> for DoubleError {fn from(err: ParseIntError) -> DoubleError {DoubleError::Parse(err)}
}fn double_first(vec: Vec<&str>) -> Result<i32> {let first = vec.first().ok_or(DoubleError::EmptyVec)?;let parsed = first.parse::<i32>()?;Ok(2 * parsed)
}fn print(result: Result<i32>) {match result {Ok(n) => println!("the first double is {}", n),Err(e) => println!("Error:{}", e),}
}fn main() {let numbers = vec!["42", "93", "18"];let empty = vec![];let strings = vec!["tofu", "93", "18"];print(double_first(numbers));print(double_first(empty));print(double_first(strings));

18.5 遍历Result


fn main() {let strings = vec!["tofu", "93", "18"];let nums: Vec<_> = strings.into_iter().map(|s| s.parse::<i32>().ok()).collect();println!("Results: {:?}", nums)


fn main() {let strings = vec!["tofu", "93", "18"];let nums: Vec<_> = strings.into_iter().filter_map(|s| s.parse::<i32>().ok()).collect();println!("Results: {:?}", nums)


fn main() {let strings = vec!["tofu", "93", "18"];let nums: Result<Vec<_>, _> = strings.into_iter().map(|s| s.parse::<i32>()).collect();println!("Results: {:?}", nums)


使用Partition() 收集所有合法的值和错误

fn main() {let strings = vec!["tofu", "43", "89"];let (nums, err): (Vec<_>, Vec<_>) = strings.into_iter().map(|s| s.parse::<i32>()).partition(Result::is_ok);println!("{:?}", nums);println!("{:?}", err);


fn main() {let strings = vec!["tofu", "43", "89"];let (nums, err): (Vec<_>, Vec<_>) = strings.into_iter().map(|s| s.parse::<i32>()).partition(Result::is_ok);let numbers: Vec<_> = nums.into_iter().map(Result::unwrap).collect();let errors: Vec<_> = err.into_iter().map(Result::unwrap_err).collect();println!("{:?}", numbers);println!("{:?}", errors);

19 标准库类型


  • 可增长的 String(字符串),如: "hello world"
  • 可增长的向量(vector): [1, 2, 3]
  • 选项类型(optional types): Option<i32>
  • 错误处理类型(error handling types): Result<i32, i32>
  • 堆分配的指针(heap allocated pointers): Box<i32>

19.1 箱子、栈和堆


use std::mem;#[allow(dead_code)]
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
struct Point {x: f64,y: f64,
struct Rectangle {p1: Point,p2: Point,
}fn origin() -> Point {Point { x: 0.0, y: 0.0 }
}fn boxed_origin() -> Box<Point> {Box::new(Point { x: 0.0, y: 0.0 })
}fn main() {let point: Point = origin();let rectangle: Rectangle = Rectangle {p1: origin(),p2: Point { x: 3.0, y: 4.0 },};let boxed_rectangle: Box<Rectangle> = Box::new(Rectangle {p1: origin(),p2: origin(),});let boxed_point: Box<Point> = Box::new(origin());println!("Point occupies {} bytes in the stack",mem::size_of_val(&point));println!("Rectangle occupies {} bytes in the stack",mem::size_of_val(&rectangle));println!("box rectangle occupies {} bytes in the stack",mem::size_of_val(&boxed_rectangle));let unboxed_point: Point = *boxed_point;println!("Unboxed point occupies {} bytes in the stack",mem::size_of_val(&unboxed_point))

19.2 动态数组


fn main() {let collected_iterator: Vec<i32> = (0..10).collect();println!("{:?}", collected_iterator);let mut xs = vec![1i32, 2, 3];println!("vec is {:?}", xs);xs.push(4i32);println!("vec is {:?}", xs);println!("the popped element is {:?}", xs.pop());for x in xs.iter() {println!("> {}", x);}for (i, x) in xs.iter().enumerate() {println!("in position {} we have value {}", i, x);}for x in xs.iter_mut() {*x *= 3;}println!("xs is  {:?}", xs)

19.3 字符串


String 和 &str ,Str是一个Vec(Vec),而 &str指向的是一个切片

fn main() {let pangram: &'static str = "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog";println!("{}", pangram);for word in pangram.split_whitespace().rev() {println!("{}", word)}let mut chars: Vec<char> = pangram.chars().collect();chars.sort(); //排序chars.dedup(); //去重println!("{:?}", chars);let mut string = String::new();for c in chars {string.push(c);string.push_str(",")}let chars_to_trim: &[char] = &[' ', ','];let trimed_str: &str = string.trim_matches(chars_to_trim);println!("{}", trimed_str);let alice = String::from("I like dogs");let bob: String = alice.replace("dog", "cat");println!("bob says I like dogs {}", bob);println!("alice says I like dogs {}", alice);println!("")



19.4 选项Option


19.5 Result


19.6 Panic!


19.7 Hash表

哈希表的键可以是任意实现了Eq或者Hash trait的类型


HashMap::with_capacity(uint) 创建具有初始容量的HashMap,也可以使用HashMap::new()来获得带有默认容量的HashMap
use std::collections::HashMap;fn call(number: &str) -> &str {match number {"798" => "sorry","675" => "hello",_ => " Hi ",}
}fn main() {let mut contacts = HashMap::new();contacts.insert("da", "798");contacts.insert("fa", "675");match contacts.get(&"da") {Some(&number) => println!(" calling da: {}", call(number)),_ => println!("wrong number"),}contacts.remove(&"da");for (contact, &number) in contacts.iter() {println!(" calling fa: {}:{}", contact, call(number));}

19.7.1 更改类型或者自定义关键字类型


use std::collections::HashMap;#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
struct Account<'a> {username: &'a str,password: &'a str,
}struct AccountInfo<'a> {name: &'a str,email: &'a str,
}type Accounts<'a> = HashMap<Account<'a>, AccountInfo<'a>>;fn try_logon<'a>(accounts: &Accounts<'a>, username: &'a str, password: &'a str) {println!("Username: {}", username);println!("Password: {}", password);println!("attempting logon...");let logon = Account {username: username,password: password,};match accounts.get(&logon) {Some(account_info) => {println!("Successful logon");println!("Name:{}", account_info.name);println!("Email: {}", account_info.email);}_ => println!("Login failed"),}
fn main() {let mut accounts: Accounts = HashMap::new();let account = Account {username: "shiyivei",password: "123456",};let account_info = AccountInfo {name: "jianquan",email: "jianquan@gmail.com",};accounts.insert(account, account_info);try_logon(&accounts, "shiyivei", "123456");try_logon(&accounts, "shiyivei", "123456");

19.7.2 散列集HashSet


use std::collections::HashSet;fn main() {let mut a: HashSet<i32> = vec![1i32, 2, 3].into_iter().collect();let mut b: HashSet<i32> = vec![2i32, 3, 4].into_iter().collect();assert!(a.insert(4));assert!(a.contains(&4));// assert!(b.insert(4), "the value 4 already in b");b.insert(5);println!("A: {:?}", a);println!("B: {:?}", b);println!("Union: {:?}", a.union(&b).collect::<Vec<&i32>>());println!("Difference: {:?}", a.difference(&b).collect::<Vec<&i32>>());println!("intersection: {:?}",a.intersection(&b).collect::<Vec<&i32>>());println!("Symmetric Difference: {:?}",a.symmetric_difference(&b).collect::<Vec<&i32>>());

19.8 引用计数Rc


use std::rc::Rc;fn main() {let rc_examples = "Rc example".to_string();{println!("-----------start----------------");let rc_a: Rc<String> = Rc::new(rc_examples);println!("Reference Count of rc_a : {}", Rc::strong_count(&rc_a));{println!("---------------clone---------------");let rc_b: Rc<String> = Rc::clone(&rc_a);println!("Reference Count of rc_b : {}", Rc::strong_count(&rc_b));println!("Reference Count of rc_a : {}", Rc::strong_count(&rc_a));println!("equal {}", rc_a.eq(&rc_b));println!("length {}", rc_a.len());println!("value rc_b {}", rc_b);println!("-----------end--------------")}println!("Reference Count of rc_a : {}", Rc::strong_count(&rc_a));println!("-----------outofscope-----------")}

19.9 共享的引用计数Arc


use std::sync::Arc;
use std::thread;fn main() {let apple = Arc::new("the same apple");for _ in 0..10 {let apple = Arc::clone(&apple);thread::spawn(move || {println!("{:?}", apple);});}

20 标准库的更多介绍

20.1 线程

rust通过使用spawn函数提供了创建本地操作系统的(native OS)线程的机制,该函数的餐食是一个通过值捕获变变量的闭包。线程由操作系统调度

use std::thread;
static NTHEADS: i32 = 10;
fn main() {let mut children = vec![];for i in 0..NTHEADS {//children.push(thread::spawn(move || {println!("this is thread number {}", i)}));}for child in children {let _ = child.join();}

20.1.1 测试实例

use std::thread;fn main() {//定义了一个变量let data = "2452015845283756927556438457";//定义了一个空数组let mut children = vec![];//把数据分段let chunked_data = data.split_whitespace();for (i, data_segment) in chunked_data.enumerate() {println!("data segment {} is \"{}\"", i, data_segment);children.push(thread::spawn(move || -> u32 {let result = data_segment.chars().map(|c| c.to_digit(10).expect("should be a digit")).sum();println!("process segment {},result: {}", i, result);result}));}let mut intermediate_sums = vec![];for child in children {let intermediate_sum = child.join().unwrap();intermediate_sums.push(intermediate_sum);}let final_result = intermediate_sums.iter().sum::<u32>();println!("inal result: {}", final_result)

20.2 通道


use std::sync::mpsc;
use std::sync::mpsc::{Receiver, Sender};
use std::thread;static NTHEADS: i32 = 3;
fn main() {let (tx, rx): (Sender<i32>, Receiver<i32>) = mpsc::channel();for id in 0..NTHEADS {let thread_tx = tx.clone();thread::spawn(move || {thread_tx.send(id).unwrap();println!("thread {} finished", id);});}let mut ids = Vec::with_capacity(NTHEADS as usize);for _ in 0..NTHEADS {ids.push(rx.recv());}println!("{:?}", ids)

20.3 路径

Path结构体代表了底层文件系统的文件路径。 Path分为两种:UNIX和Windows::Path,prelude 会选择并输出符合平台类型的Path种类



use std::path::Path;
fn main() {let path = Path::new(".");let display = path.display();let new_path = path.join("a").join("b").join("c");match new_path.to_str() {None => panic!("new path is not valid UTF-8 sequence"),Some(s) => println!("new path is {}", s),}

20.4 文件输出

File 的所有方法都返回的是io::Result 类型,它是Result<T,io::Error> 的别名

20.4.1 打开文件


use std::fs::File;
use std::io::prelude::*;
use std::path::Path;fn main() {let path = Path::new("hello.txt");let display = path.display();let mut file = match File::open(&path) {Err(why) => panic!("could open {}: {:?}", display, why),Ok(file) => file,};let mut s = String::new();match file.read_to_string(&mut s) {Err(why) => panic!("could not read {} : {:?}", display, why),Ok(_) => print!("{} contains \n{}", display, s),}

20.4.2 创建文件create


static LOREM_IPSUM: &'static str ="Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod
tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam,
quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo
consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse
cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non
proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
";use std::fs::File;
use std::io::prelude::*;
use std::path::Path;fn main() {let path = Path::new("out/lorem_ipsum.txt");let display = path.display();let mut file = match File::create(&path) {Err(why) => panic!("couldn't create {}: {:?}", display, why),Ok(file) => file,};match file.write_all(LOREM_IPSUM.as_bytes()) {Err(why) => {panic!("couldn't write to {}: {:?}", display, why)}Ok(_) => println!("successfully wrote to {}", display),}

20.4.3 读取行


use std::fs::File;
use std::io::{self, BufRead};
use std::path::Path;fn main() {if let Ok(lines) = read_lines("./hosts") {for line in lines {if let Ok(ip) = line {println!("{}", ip);}}}
fn read_lines<P>(filename: P) -> io::Result<io::Lines<io::BufReader<File>>>
whereP: AsRef<Path>,
{let file = File::open(filename)?;Ok(io::BufReader::new(file).lines())


20.5 子进程

use std::process::Command;fn main() {let output = Command::new("rustc").arg("--version").output().unwrap_or_else(|e| panic!("failed to execute process: {}", e));if output.status.success() {let s = String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout);print!("rustc succeed and stdout was:\n{}", s);} else {let s = String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stderr);print!("rustc failed and stderr was: \n {}", s)}

20.5.1 管道

use std::io::prelude::*;use std::process::{Command, Stdio};static PANGRAM: &'static str = "the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog\n";
fn main() {let proccess = match Command::new("wc").stdin(Stdio::piped()).stdout(Stdio::piped()).spawn(){Err(why) => panic!("couldn't spawn wc: {:?}", why),Ok(process) => process,};match proccess.stdin.unwrap().write_all(PANGRAM.as_bytes()) {Err(why) => panic!("couldn't write to wc stdin: {:?}", why),Ok(_) => println!("sent pangram to wc"),}let mut s = String::new();match proccess.stdout.unwrap().read_to_string(&mut s) {Err(why) => panic!("couldn't read  wc from stdout: {:?}", why),Ok(_) => print!("wc responded with: \n{:?}", s),}

20.5.2 等待


use std::process::Command;fn main() {let mut child = Command::new("sleep").arg("5").spawn().unwrap();let _resukt = child.wait().unwrap();println!("reached end of main");

20.6 文件系统操作


use std::fs;
use std::fs::{File, OpenOptions};
use std::io;
use std::io::prelude::*;
use std::os::unix;
use std::path::Path;fn cat(path: &Path) -> io::Result<String> {let mut f = File::open(path)?;let mut s = String::new();match f.read_to_string(&mut s) {Ok(_) => Ok(s),Err(e) => Err(e),}
}fn echo(s: &str, path: &Path) -> io::Result<()> {let mut f = File::create(path)?;f.write_all(s.as_bytes())
}fn touch(path: &Path) -> io::Result<()> {match OpenOptions::new().create(true).write(true).open(path) {Ok(_) => Ok(()),Err(e) => Err(e),}
fn main() {println!("`mkdir a`");match fs::create_dir("a") {Err(why) => println!("! {:?}", why.kind()),Ok(_) => {}}println!("`echo hello > a/b.txt`");echo("hello", &Path::new("a/b.txt")).unwrap_or_else(|why| println!("! {:?}", why.kind()));println!("`mkdir -p a/c/d`");fs::create_dir_all("a/c/d").unwrap_or_else(|why| println!("! {:?}", why.kind()));println!("`touch a/c/e.txt");touch(&Path::new("a/c/e.txt")).unwrap_or_else(|why| println!("! {:?}", why.kind()));println!("`ln -s ../b.txt a/c/b.txt`");if cfg!(target_family = "unix") {unix::fs::symlink("../b.txt", "a/c/b.txt").unwrap_or_else(|why| {println!("! {:?}", why.kind());});}println!("`cat a/c/b.txt`");match cat(&Path::new("a/c/b.txt")) {Err(why) => println!("! {:?}", why.kind()),Ok(s) => println!("> {}", s),}println!("`ls a`");match fs::read_dir("a") {Err(why) => println!("! {:?}", why.kind()),Ok(paths) => {for path in paths {println!("> {:?}", path.unwrap().path())}}}println!("`rm a/c/e.txt`");fs::remove_file("a/c/e.txt").unwrap_or_else(|why| {println!("! {:?}", why.kind());});println!("`rmdir a/c/d`");fs::remove_dir("a/c/d").unwrap_or_else(|why| {println!("! {:?}", why.kind());});


20.7.1 程序参数


use std::env;fn main() {let args: Vec<String> = env::args().collect();println!("My path is {}", args[0]);println!("I got {:?} arguments: {:?}", args.len() - 1, &args[1..]);

20.7.1 参数解析


use std::env;fn increase(number: i32) {println!("{}", number + 1)
}fn decrease(number: i32) {println!("{}", number - 1)
}fn help() {println!("usage:match_args <string> Check whether given string is the answer.match_args {{increase|decrease}} <integer>ncrease or decrease given integer by one")
fn main() {let args: Vec<String> = env::args().collect();match args.len() {1 => {println!("My name is 'match_args', Try pass some arguments");}2 => match args[1].parse() {Ok(42) => println!("This is the answer"),_ => println!("This is not the answer"),},3 => {let cmd = &args[1];let num = &args[2];let number: i32 = match num.parse() {Ok(n) => n,Err(_) => {println!("error: second argument is not an integer");help();return;}};match &cmd[..] {"increase" => increase(number),"decrease" => decrease(number),_ => {println!("error:invalid argument");help();}}}_ => {help();}}

20.8 外部语言函数接口


use std::fmt;#[link(name = "m")]extern "C" {fn csqrtf(z: Complex) -> Complex;fn ccosf(z: Complex) -> Complex;
}fn cos(z: Complex) -> Complex {unsafe { ccosf(z) }
}fn main() {let z = Complex { re: -1., im: 0. };let z_sqrt = unsafe { csqrtf(z) };println!("the square root of {:?} is {:?}", z, z_sqrt);println!("cos({:?}) = {:?}", z, cos(z));
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
struct Complex {re: f32,im: f32,
}impl fmt::Debug for Complex {fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {if self.im < 0. {write!(f, "{}-{}i", self.re, -self.im)} else {write!(f, "{}+{}i", self.re, self.im)}}

21 测试


22 不安全的操作

通过 FFI 调用函数(这已经在之前的章节介绍过了)
内联汇编(inline assembly)



fn main() {let raw_p: *const u32 = &10;unsafe { assert!(*raw_p == 10) }



use std::slice;fn main() {let some_vector = vec![1, 2, 3, 4];let pointer = some_vector.as_ptr();let length = some_vector.len();unsafe {let my_slice: &[u32] = slice::from_raw_parts(pointer, length);assert_eq!(some_vector.as_slice(), my_slice);}

23 兼容性

23.1 原始标志符


extern crate foo;fn main() {foo::r#try():

24 补充


文档:通过附带的 rustdoc 生成库文档给用户

24.1 文档




24.2 Playpen

即Rust PlayGround,想要踏实学习Rust的话还会老老实实配置开发环境吧,也不是很难


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