
class Solution {public int majorityElement(int[] nums) {Map<Integer, Integer> map = new HashMap<>();for(Integer item: nums){if(null != map.get(item)){map.put(item, map.get(item) + 1);}elsemap.put(item,1);}for(Integer freq: map.keySet()){if(map.get(freq) > (nums.length / 2))return freq;}return -1;}

其实这个看似简单的问题有一个特殊的解法,就是我们要说的***Boyer–Moore majority vote algorithm*** :摩尔投票法


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class Solution{public int majorityElement(int[] nums){int res = 0;int count = 0;for (int num : nums) {if (count == 0) {res = num;}count += (num == res) ? 1 : -1;}return res;}


The algorithm maintains in its local variables a sequence element and a counter, with the counter initially zero.
It then processes the elements of the sequence, one at a time. When processing an element x, if the counter is zero, the algorithm stores x as its remembered sequence element and sets the counter to one.
Otherwise, it compares x to the stored element and either increments the counter (if they are equal) or decrements the counter (otherwise).
At the end of this process, if the sequence has a majority, it will be the element stored by the algorithm. This can be expressed in pseudocode as the following steps:Initialize an element m and a counter i with i = 0
For each element x of the input sequence:
If i = 0, then assign m = x and i = 1
else if m = x, then assign i = i + 1
else assign i = i − 1
Return m
Even when the input sequence has no majority, the algorithm will report one of the sequence elements as its result.
However, it is possible to perform a second pass over the same input sequence in order to count the number of times the reported element occurs and determine whether it is actually a majority. This second pass is needed, as it is not possible for a sublinear-space algorithm to determine whether there exists a majority element in a single pass through the input.

— 引用自wikipedia

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