





# Python2.7.13The time of list to set :  0.000111617786487
The time of list to set2 -set3 :  7.74054381383e-05
The time of list to set2 & set3 :  3.67782744746e-05
The time of list to set2 | set3 :  0.000196293348649
The time of list to set2 != set3 :  1.71061741742e-06
The time of list to set2 == set3 :  4.27654354355e-07
The time of list to set2 in set3 :  9.23733405407e-05
The time of list to set1007 = set2 not in set3 :  6.92800054056e-05The time of set to list :  2.73698786787e-05
The time of list to list2 & list3 :  8.55308708711e-07
The time of list to list2 | list3 :  4.27654354355e-07
The time of list to list2 != list3 :  4.27654354355e-06
The time of list to list2 == list3 :  4.27654354355e-07
The time of list to list2 in list3 :  8.4247907808e-05
The time of list to list1007 = list2 not in list3 :  6.11545726728e-05
# Python3.6.1
The time of list to set :  9.451161231251095e-05
The time of list to set2 -set3 :  7.312889459474832e-05
The time of list to set2 & set3 :  5.260148558569621e-05
The time of list to set2 | set3 :  0.00010220939069090543
The time of list to set2 != set3 :  8.553087087106309e-07
The time of list to set2 == set3 :  4.276543543550986e-07
The time of list to set2 in set3 :  5.473975735747257e-05
The time of list to set1007 = set2 not in set3 :  2.352098948953888e-05The time of set to list :  1.0263704504526053e-05
The time of list to list2 & list3 :  4.276543543550986e-07
The time of list to list2 | list3 :  1.2829630630657295e-06
The time of list to list2 != list3 :  8.553087087106309e-07
The time of list to list2 == list3 :  0.0
The time of list to list2 in list3 :  2.4376298198249295e-05
The time of list to list1007 = list2 not in list3 :  2.3520989489539098e-05

无论是类型转变还是集合操作现在版本的list(list转set)都具有比较明显的优势,甚至一些集合操作的性能list平均要比set快上个几十几百倍=- =




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