
Monica: Just breathe, breathe.. that's it. Just try to think of nice calm things...
Phoebe: (sings) Raindrops on roses and rabbits and kittens, (Rachel and Monica turn to look at her.) bluebells and sleighbells and- something with mittens... La la la la...something and noodles with string.  These are a few...
Rachel: I'm all better now.
Phoebe: (grins and walks to the kitchen and says to Chandler and Joey.) I helped!
Monica: Okay, look, this is probably for the best, y'know? Independence. Taking control of your life.  The whole, 'hat' thing.
因为前面Rachel比喻说自己不想做shoes,要做hat。所以这里Monica说'hat' thing.
Joey: (comforting her) And hey, you need anything, you can always come to Joey. Me and Chandler live across the hall. And he's away a lot.
按照正规的语法,应该说Chandler and I,在口语中me也是可以接受的。一般在说话的时候会吧自己放在最后表述,这里Joey为了强调自己,把me放在了前面。
Monica: Joey, stop hitting on her! It's her wedding day!
在口语中hit on sb.可以表示勾引某人的意思。同样的表达还有to make a pass at someone和 to come on to someone。
Joey: What, like there's a rule or something?
(The door buzzer sounds and Chandler gets it.)
Chandler: Please don't do that again, it's a horrible sound.
Paul: (over the intercom) It's, uh, it's Paul.
Monica: Oh God, is it 6:30?  Buzz him in!
Joey: Who's Paul?
Ross: Paul the Wine Guy, Paul?
Monica: Maybe.
Joey: Wait. Your 'not a real date' tonight is with Paul the Wine Guy?
Ross: He finally asked you out?
Monica: Yes!
Chandler: Ooh, this is a Dear Diary moment.
西方人写日记一开头总爱写Dear Diary,...... 这里的意思是这是一个要写入日记的时刻, 表明值得纪念或不平常的时刻。
Monica: Rach, wait, I can cancel...
Rachel: Please, no, go, that'd be fine!
在我看的版本中,Rachel说的是:“Please, no, go, I'll be fine。”
Monica: (to Ross) Are, are you okay? I mean, do you want me to stay?
Ross: (choked voice) That'd be good...
Monica: (horrified) Really?
Ross: (normal voice) No, go on! It's Paul the Wine Guy!
go on:继续。这里Ross的意思是继续你的约会吧。
Phoebe: What does that mean?   Does he sell it, drink it, or just complain a lot? (Chandler doesn't know.)
(There's a knock on the door and it's Paul.)
Monica: Hi, come in! Paul, this is.. (They are all lined up next to the door.)... everybody, everybody, this is Paul.
All: Hey! Paul! Hi! The Wine Guy! Hey!
Chandler: I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name. Paul, was it?
没有听清楚或没有听见,可以用I don't catch...
Monica: Okay, umm-umm, I'll just--I'll be right back, I just gotta go ah, go ah...
Ross: A wandering?
Monica: Change!  Okay, sit down. (Shows Paul in) Two seconds.
Phoebe: Ooh, I just pulled out four eyelashes. That can't be good.
(Monica goes to change.)
Joey:  Hey, Paul!
Paul: Yeah?
Joey: Here's a little tip, she really likes it when you rub her neck in the same spot over and over and over again until it starts to get a little red.
Monica: (yelling from the bedroom) Shut up, Joey!
Ross: So Rachel, what're you, uh... what're you up to tonight?
Rachel: Well, I was kinda supposed to be headed for Aruba on my honeymoon, so nothing!
head for:取向于,这里应该是去往的意思
Ross: Right, you're not even getting your honeymoon, God.. No, no, although, Aruba, this time of year... talk about your- (thinks) -big lizards... Anyway, if you don't feel like being alone tonight, Joey and Chandler are coming over to help me put together my new furniture.
Chandler: (deadpan) Yes, and we're very excited about it.
Rachel: Well actually thanks, but I think I'm just gonna hang out here tonight.  It's been kinda a long day.
hang out:挂出,闲逛。hang out here就是说在这里闲逛,呆在这里。
It's been kinda a long day。今天真是漫长的一天啊。Rachel觉得这一天很难过,逃婚,和老爸解释,所以这么说。
Ross: Okay, sure.
Joey: Hey Pheebs, you wanna help?
Phoebe: Oh, I wish I could, but I don't want to.

如果你想礼貌的拒绝别人的邀请,例如 I wish I could, but + 借口,例如 I wish I could, but I have to work。这里Phoebe是过于诚实了。

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