柠檬树(Lemon tree)
“傻子的花园”(FOOL'S GARDEN)成立于1992年,由德国的五个小伙子组成,其音乐风格朴实平淡。1996年以一曲《柠檬树》走红全球。

整首歌给人一种淡淡地欢快,什么都不用想,什么都不想做,只想坐在阳光里有一搭没一搭地听这首歌。曲子清新欢快,如果你有什么烦恼和不快,学着唱一曲Lemon tree把烦恼统统丢开去吧:)

Lemon tree/Fool's Garden 歌词

I'm sitting here in a boring noon
    It's just another rainy sunday afternoon
    I'm wasting my time
    I get nothing to do
    I'm hanging around
    And I'm waiting for you
    But nothing have happened and I wonder

I'm driving a run in my car
    I'm driving too fast
    And I'm driving too far
    I'd like to change my point of view
    I feel so lonely
    I'm waiting for you
    But nothing have happened and I wonder

I wonder how,I wonder why
    Yesterday you tell me about the bule blue sky
    And all that I can see
    It's just a yellow lemon tree
    I'm turning my head up and down
    I'm turning,turning,turning,turning, turning around
    And all that I can see
    It's just another lemon tree

I'm sitting here and I miss the power
    I'd like to go out taking a shower
    but there is a heavy cloud inside my head
    I feel so tired
    I put myself to bed
    but nothing have happened and I wonder

Isolation,it's not good for me
    Isolation,I don't want to sit on the lemon tree
    I'm stepping around in the desert of joy
    Baby,anyhow I gain another toy
    and everything will happen and you wonder

I wonder how,I wonder why
    Yesterday you tell me about the bule blue sky
    and all that I can see
    It's just a yellow lemon tree
    I'm turning my head up and down
    I'm turning,turning,turning,turning, turning around
    and all that I can see
    It's just yellow lemon tree
    I wonder how,I wonder why
    Yesterday you tell me about the bule blue sky
    and all that I can see
    It's just a yellow lemon tree.

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