
by Lukas Lukac

卢卡斯·卢卡奇(Lukas Lukac)

Ethereu M 69:如何在10分钟内建立完全同步的区块链节点 (Ethereum 69: how to set up a fully synced blockchain node in 10 mins)

Welcome in the first article of our new go-ethereum series!


In the next 10 mins you will:


  • Learn the first blockchain glossary without any necessary prior ecosystem knowledge在没有任何必要的先前生态系统知识的情况下学习第一个区块链词汇表
  • Setup your fully synced testing node (“client/server”) in under 10mins

    10分钟下 你的设置完全同步测试节点 (“客户端/服务器”)

  • Create your account and receive a transaction of 8ETH from the Ethereum foundation for FREE


Our motto is, practice before theory — so let’s jump straight into the installation of a fully synced Ethereum testing node connected to a Rinkeby test network!


格思 (Geth)

Geth is a command line interface (CLI), a compiled binary, program, and client for running a full Ethereum node implemented in Go.


We will use Geth to:


  • run a fully synced Ethereum node to connect to a test network called Rinkeby运行完全同步的以太坊节点以连接到名为Rinkeby的测试网络
  • create a new account to be able to send and receive transactions创建一个新帐户以能够发送和接收交易
  • for reading the EVM state, e.g. checking a balance of any account (want to know how much balance your girlfriend, boyfriend, wife, neighbour has? Sweet transparency!)用于读取EVM状态,例如检查任何帐户的余额(想知道您的女朋友,男朋友,妻子,邻居的余额是多少?透明性好!)

安装Geth (Installing Geth)

We can install it directly from the repositories:




brew tap ethereum/ethereumbrew install ethereum



sudo apt-get install software-properties-commonsudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:ethereum/ethereumsudo apt-get updatesudo apt-get install ethereum



Good luck :)

Verify the installation:


which geth> /usr/local/bin/geth
geth version> Geth> Version: 1.8.20-stable

Ensure you are running the same version in order to be able to perform a full sync of a Rinkeby network, as described in the next steps because Rinkeby actioned a constantinople hardfork supported by Geth 1.8.20. This detailed blog post explains more details if you are intrigued!

确保能够运行同一版本,以便能够完全同步Rinkeby网络,如以下步骤所述,因为Rinkeby采取了Geth 1.8.20支持的君士坦丁堡硬叉。 如果您对此感兴趣,这篇详细的博客文章将解释更多详细信息!

运行区块链节点 (Running a blockchain node)

Well, the devil is in the details…but getting started is actually simple. Kudos to the Ethereum developers.

好吧,魔鬼在细节中……但是入门实际上很简单。 对以太坊开发人员表示敬意。

Let’s setup a new fully synced Rinkeby (Ethereum test network using the Clique PoA protocol) node.

让我们设置一个新的完全同步的Rinkeby (使用Clique PoA协议的以太坊测试网络) 节点

The Rinkeby PoA implementation is much faster but significantly less secure. It is more centralised from the mainnet concensus PoW which is perfectly fine being a test network. Rinkeby manages to approve a new block with a bunch of transactions every 15s.

Rinkeby PoA实施速度更快,但安全性大大降低。 它是从Mainnet共识PoW集中的,这是一个很好的测试网络。 Rinkeby设法每15秒批准一堆新交易。

Ok, ok, ok...What do those words actually mean?


  • Rinkeby: name of the Proof of Authority test network


  • Node: basically a traditional server executing Ethereum client/server


  • Concensus: an algorithm defining how the transactions will be validated, appended, and persisted in the database on every Node


  • Block: a bunch of transactions in a complicated array dispatched around the wire between all the nodes of the network every 15s


  • Transaction: don’t think about a bank transaction. A blockchain transaction is a state change. Renaming the owner of a smart contract from Alice to Bob? Changing balance of your account from 1ETH to 5ETH? Setting variable “foo” value to “foo_value_123” in your smart contract? That’s a transaction.

    交易:不要考虑银行交易。 区块链交易是一种状态变化。 将智能合约的所有者从爱丽丝重命名为鲍勃? 您的帐户余额从1ETH更改为5ETH? 在您的智能合约中将变量“ foo”的值设置为“ foo_value_123”吗? 那是一笔交易。

You can read more about the Rinkeby PoA proposal here: https://github.com/ethereum/EIPs/issues/225

您可以在此处阅读有关Rinkeby PoA提案的更多信息: https : //github.com/ethereum/EIPs/issues/225

geth --rinkeby --datadir=~/.gophersland_ethereum_r1 --port=30304 --cache=2048 --rpc --rpcport=8546 --rpcapi=eth,web3,net,personal --syncmode=fast

The above command will:


  • initialize a new directory where all data will be stored in ~/.gophersland_ethereum_r1. The default directory would be: ~/.ethereum

    初始化一个新目录,所有数据都将存储在~/.gophersland_ethereum_r1 。 默认目录为: ~/.ethereum

  • start downloading the Ethereum history necessary to become a new fully valid, synced Node of the network开始下载以太坊历史记录,以成为网络的一个新的完全有效的,同步的节点
  • the communication will happen over port 30304通信将通过端口30304进行
  • cache, a kind of a buffer, will be set to 2GB to speed up the sync process缓存(一种缓冲区)将设置为2GB,以加快同步过程
  • additional RPC API will launch so we can communicate with our node through consoles, nice GUI over on port 8546, later on还将启动其他RPC API,以便我们可以通过控制台,端口8546上的漂亮GUI与控制台与节点通信,稍后再通过

Wait for few hours until the blockchain is fully synced.


The current block number as of 24th of September is: 3039786. On my AMD Ryzen 5 2600, 3.4Ghz, the sync process took 3 hours. Oh yes, I have a new gaming PC!

截至9月24日,当前块编号为:3039786。在我的AMD Ryzen 5 2600(3.4Ghz)上,同步过程花费了3个小时。 哦,是的,我有一台新的游戏PC!

Meanwhile you can follow GophersLand on Twitter or prepare dinner, probably breakfast as well, go to the gym… let’s just say, blockchain is not the fastest database :)


Eventually the printed message will be:


  • INFO [<time>] Imported new chain segment count=1INFO [<时间>]导入的新链段数= 1
  • INFO [<time>] Imported new chain segment count=1INFO [<时间>]导入的新链段数= 1
  • INFO [<time>] Imported new chain segment count=1INFO [<时间>]导入的新链段数= 1
  • INFO [<time>] Imported new chain segment count=1INFO [<时间>]导入的新链段数= 1

Congratulation, you are now part of the blockchain revolution in less than 10mins!!!


创建您的第一个区块链账户 (Creating your first blockchain account)

密钥库 (Keystore)

All the Ethereum accounts and their keys are stored in a directory called the “keystore”. The directory is empty by default as we haven’t created our own account yet!

所有以太坊账户及其密钥都存储在名为“ keystore ”的目录中。 默认情况下该目录为空,因为我们尚未创建自己的帐户!

enchanter@lukas-gaming:~$ ls -la ~/.gophersland_ethereum_r1/
drwx------  4 enchanter enchanter 4096 sep 24 15:26 .drwxr-xr-x 18 enchanter enchanter 4096 sep 24 11:51 ..drwx------  4 enchanter enchanter 4096 sep 24 15:26 gethsrw-------  1 enchanter enchanter    0 sep 24 15:26 geth.ipcdrwx------  2 enchanter enchanter 4096 sep 23 09:54 keystore
enchanter@lukas-gaming:~$ ls -la ~/.gophersland_ethereum_r1/keystore/
drwx------ 2 enchanter enchanter 4096 sep 23 09:54 .drwx------ 4 enchanter enchanter 4096 sep 24 15:26 ..

帐户 (Account)

To create a new account, execute the following, already familiar, geth cmd.

要创建一个新帐户,请执行以下已经很熟悉的geth cmd。

geth --datadir=~/.gophersland_ethereum_r1 account new

You will be prompted to enter a passphrase (this is your SUPER SECRET PASSWORD). This is required for decrypting your newly generated private key associated with your new Ethereum address, as it allows you to use it later on for signing transactions on the blockchain. Note it down somewhere, since we will need it later. But don’t worry if you forget it, this is just a test network anyway.

系统将提示您输入密码(这是您的超级密码)。 这是解密与新的以太坊地址关联的新生成的私钥所必需的,因为它允许您以后使用它在区块链上签署交易。 记下它,因为稍后我们将需要它。 但是请放心,如果您忘记了它,无论如何这只是一个测试网络。

enchanter@lukas-gaming:~$ ls -la ~/.gophersland_ethereum_r1/keystore/
drwx------ 2 enchanter enchanter 4096 sep 23 09:54 .drwx------ 4 enchanter enchanter 4096 sep 24 15:26 ..
enchanter@lukas-gaming:~$ geth --datadir=~/.gophersland_ethereum_r1 account new
INFO [09-24|15:36:33.566] Maximum peer count                       ETH=25 LES=0 total=25
Your new account is locked with a password. Please give a password. Do not forget this password.
Passphrase: Repeat passphrase:
Address: {ceee57f2b700c2f37d1476a7974965e149fce2d4}
enchanter@lukas-gaming:~$ ls -la ~/.gophersland_ethereum_r1/keystore/
drwx------ 2 enchanter enchanter 4096 sep 24 15:36 .drwx------ 4 enchanter enchanter 4096 sep 24 15:26 ..-rw------- 1 enchanter enchanter  491 sep 24 15:36

Woohoo! My new Ethereum address is alive: ceee57f2b700c2f37d1476a7974965e149fce2d4.

hoo! 我新的以太坊地址还活着: ceee57f2b700c2f37d1476a7974965e149fce2d4.

You will normally encounter this address prefixed with “0x” to indicate the address encoding, HEX.

通常,您会遇到以“ 0x ”为前缀的该地址,以指示地址编码HEX

The newest format of the keyfiles is: UTC--<created_at UTC ISO8601>-<your address in hex encoding>. The order of accounts when listing is lexicographic, but as a consequence of the timespamp format, it is actually in order of creation.

密钥文件的最新格式为:UTC- UTC--<created_at UTC ISO8601>-<your address in hex编码UTC--<created_at UTC ISO8601>-<your address in hex >。 列出时的帐户顺序是按字典顺序排列的,但由于时间戳格式的影响,实际上是按创建顺序排列的。

If you are curious what is inside of the file, feel free to open it! You will see:

如果您好奇文件的内容,请随时打开它! 你会看见:

  • Address: your new hex address


  • Crypto: bunch of mathematical variables responsible for representing your private key in encrypted form, don’t worry about that magic for now


Interesting note: the account generation happens in offline mode and doesn’t require a synced blockchain node. Curious how is it possible to generate a unique address in an offline mode from the technical perspective? We will check out the go-ethereum source code itself in the next article.

有趣的是:帐户生成在离线模式下进行,不需要同步的区块链节点。 好奇从技术角度来看如何在离线模式下生成唯一地址? 我们将在下一篇文章中查看go-ethereum源代码本身。

Spoiler: it’s because the address is a hash of your public key which is based on your unique, private key.


Okay I have a new shinny Ethereum account, what’s my balance and how do I deposit some testing Ether?


Speaking of Ether… what is it actually?


醚 (Ether)

Ether is the cryptocurrency powering the Ethereum network. It’s used as a unit of value and for paying miners for validating, appending, and persisting the transactions to the collective DB. But mainly its a technique for preventing SPAM because miners are rewarded 5 (since last month “just” 3) ETH for each successfully mined block. Yes, that’s $600 at the current price on 24th of September, every 15s. Not a bad business.

以太是为以太坊网络提供动力的加密货币。 它被用作价值单位,并用于向矿工付费以验证,附加交易并将交易持久化到集体数据库中。 但主要是它的一种防止SPAM的技术,因为每成功开采一个区块,矿工将获得5个ETH的奖励(自上个月以来仅为3个)。 是的,按9月24日的当前价格(每15秒)计算,价格为600美元。 生意不错。

如何免费从以太坊基金会接收8ETH交易 (How to receive a transaction of 8ETH from the Ethereum foundation for FREE)

查看账户余额 (Checking account balance)

Let’s make sure our account balance is 0 first, unless someone already managed to send some Ether out of the goodness of their heart.


Geth provides a JavaScript console that can be attached to the executable binary for interacting with the blockchain conveniently. We can connect to it by specifying a socket file that is exposed once Geth boots up. Socket files are very useful for “inter process communication on the same machine”, aka IPC.

Geth提供了一个JavaScript控制台,可以将其附加到可执行二进制文件中,以方便地与区块链进行交互。 我们可以通过指定一个在Geth启动后公开的套接字文件来连接到它。 套接字文件对于“同一机器上的进程间通信”(也称为IPC)非常有用。

You can locate this file in the the default data directory while the Geth program is running:


enchanter@lukas-gaming:~$ ls -la ~/.gophersland_ethereum_r1/
drwx------  4 enchanter enchanter 4096 Sep 24 15:44 .drwxr-xr-x 18 enchanter enchanter 4096 Sep 24 15:47 ..drwx------  4 enchanter enchanter 4096 Sep 24 15:44 gethsrw-------  1 enchanter enchanter    0 Sep 24 15:44 geth.ipcdrwx------  2 enchanter enchanter 4096 Sep 24 15:47 keystore

Let’s interact with the Rinkeby network using the “geth attach” cmd in another terminal while your blockchain node is still running. Make sure to pass the absolute path to the IPC file, otherwise you will get an error.

当您的区块链节点仍在运行时,让我们在另一个终端中使用“ geth attach ” cmd与Rinkeby网络进行交互。 确保将绝对路径传递到IPC文件,否则会出现错误。

enchanter@lukas-gaming:~$ geth attach ipc:/home/enchanter/.gophersland_ethereum_r1/geth.ipc
Welcome to the Geth JavaScript console!
instance: Geth/v1.8.15-stable-89451f7c/linux-amd64/go1.10.1coinbase: 0xceee57f2b700c2f37d1476a7974965e149fce2d4at block: 3044891 (Mon, 24 Sep 2018 16:42:36 CEST)
datadir: /home/enchanter/.gophersland_ethereum_r1modules: admin:1.0 clique:1.0 debug:1.0 eth:1.0 miner:1.0 net:1.0 personal:1.0 rpc:1.0 txpool:1.0 web3:1.0
&gt; eth.accounts["0xceee57f2b700c2f37d1476a7974965e149fce2d4"]
&gt; eth.syncingfalse
&gt; eth.getBalance("0xceee57f2b700c2f37d1476a7974965e149fce2d4")0

查询区块链: (Query blockchain:)

eth.accounts: to check your currently available accounts


eth.syncing: to make sure our state, DB is fully up to date with rest of the network to ensure the getBalance response will be based on the latest state


eth.getBalance(“<your address&gt;”): to query the DB.

eth.getBalance(“ <您的地址& gt;”)):查询数据库。

免费从以太坊基金会接收8ETH交易 (Receiving a transaction of 8ETH from the Ethereum foundation for FREE)

The Ethereum foundation has a very neat program called “Faucet” available online for assigning Ether to accounts requesting it in real-time.

以太坊基金会有一个非常简洁的程序,称为“ 水龙头 ”,可以在线使用,用于将以太币实时分配给请求它的账户。

Requesting Ether:


  1. Publish your account address on one of the public social networks在一个公共社交网络上发布您的帐户地址
  2. E.g, post a tweet containing your Ethereum address anywhere in the tweet like this one https://twitter.com/EnchanterIO/status/1044238559224483841, make sure you tag @BlocksByLukas and @freeCodeCamp and let us know if you like the tutorial!

    例如,像这样的一条推文中的任何地方发布一条包含您的以太坊地址的推文https://twitter.com/EnchanterIO/status/1044238559224483841 ,确保您标记@BlocksByLukas和@freeCodeCamp并让我们知道您是否喜欢本教程!

  3. Open https://www.rinkeby.io/#faucet and paste the tweet URL


  4. Click on “Give me Ether”, choose between 3, 7.5 or 18.75 Ether点击“给我以太币”,在3、7.5或18.75以太币之间进行选择
  5. Wait few seconds等待几秒钟
  6. Query your account balance again再次查询您的帐户余额

Voilà (Voilà)

You are rich… in a test network. Congratulation for getting so far. More content coming soon!

您很有钱……拥有一个测试网络。 恭喜! 更多内容即将推出!

继续我的课程:以太坊101 (Continue in my course: Ethereum 101)



翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/ethereum-69-how-to-set-up-a-fully-synced-blockchain-node-in-10-mins-f6318d7aad40/



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