
// GOImage.cpp : 定义? DLL 的?初?始?化例y程。
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
#include <opencv2/features2d/features2d.hpp>
#include <opencv2/calib3d/calib3d.hpp>
using namespace cv;
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#define DllExport _declspec (dllexport)
class LaplacianBlending { 
                Mat_<Vec3f> top; 
                Mat_<Vec3f> down; 
                Mat_< float> blendMask; 
                vector<Mat_<Vec3f> > topLapPyr,downLapPyr,resultLapPyr; //Laplacian Pyramids  
                Mat topHighestLevel, downHighestLevel, resultHighestLevel; 
                vector<Mat_<Vec3f> > maskGaussianPyramid; //masks are 3-channels for easier multiplication with RGB  
                 int levels; 
                 void buildPyramids() { 
                                 //参?数y的?解a释 top就是?top ,topLapPyr就是?top的?laplacian的?pyr,而?topHighestLevel保存?的?是?最?高?端?的?高?斯1金e字?塔t
                 void buildGaussianPyramid() {//金e字?塔t内容Y为a每?一?层?的?掩模  
                                Mat currentImg; 
                                cvtColor(blendMask, currentImg, CV_GRAY2BGR); //store color img of blend mask into maskGaussianPyramid  
                                maskGaussianPyramid.push_back(currentImg); //0-level  
                                currentImg = blendMask; 
                                 for (int l=1; l<levels+1; l++) { 
                                                Mat _down; 
                                                 if (topLapPyr.size() > l) 
                                                                pyrDown(currentImg, _down, topLapPyr[l].size()); 
                                                                pyrDown(currentImg, _down, topHighestLevel.size()); //lowest level  
                                                Mat down; 
                                                cvtColor(_down, down, CV_GRAY2BGR); 
                                                maskGaussianPyramid.push_back(down); //add color blend mask into mask Pyramid  
                                                currentImg = _down; 
                 void buildLaplacianPyramid(const Mat& img, vector<Mat_<Vec3f> >& lapPyr, Mat& HighestLevel) { 
                                Mat currentImg = img; 
                                 for (int l=0; l<levels; l++) { 
                                                Mat down,up; 
                                                pyrDown(currentImg, down); 
                                                pyrUp(down, up,currentImg.size()); 
                                                Mat lap = currentImg - up;  //存?储的?就是?残D差?
                                                currentImg = down; 
                Mat_<Vec3f> reconstructImgFromLapPyramid() { 
                                Mat currentImg = resultHighestLevel; 
                                 for (int l=levels-1; l>=0; l--) { 
                                                Mat up; 
                                                pyrUp(currentImg, up, resultLapPyr[l].size()); 
                                                currentImg = up + resultLapPyr[l]; 
                                 return currentImg; 
                 void blendLapPyrs() { 
                                 //一?半?的?一?半?就是?在这a个?地?方?计?算?的?。 是?基于掩模的?方?式?进?行D的?.
                                resultHighestLevel = topHighestLevel.mul(maskGaussianPyramid.back()) + 
                                                downHighestLevel.mul(Scalar(1.0,1.0,1.0) - maskGaussianPyramid.back()); 
                                 for (int l=0; l<levels; l++) { 
                                                Mat A = topLapPyr[l].mul(maskGaussianPyramid[l]); 
                                                Mat antiMask = Scalar(1.0,1.0,1.0) - maskGaussianPyramid[l]; 
                                                Mat B = downLapPyr[l].mul(antiMask); 
                                                Mat_<Vec3f> blendedLevel = A + B; 
                LaplacianBlending( const Mat_<Vec3f>& _top, const Mat_<Vec3f>& _down, const Mat_< float>& _blendMask, int _levels)://缺省?数y据Y,?使1用? LaplacianBlending lb(l,r,m,4);  
                                  assert(_top.size() == _down.size()); 
                                  assert(_top.size() == _blendMask.size()); 
                                  buildPyramids();  //创建laplacian金e字?塔t和gauss金e字?塔t
                                  blendLapPyrs();   //将?左右金e字?塔t融合?成为a一?个?图?片?  
                  Mat_<Vec3f> blend() { 
                                  return reconstructImgFromLapPyramid();//reconstruct Image from Laplacian Pyramid  
Mat_<Vec3f> LaplacianBlend( const Mat_<Vec3f>& t, const Mat_<Vec3f>& d, const Mat_< float>& m) { 
                LaplacianBlending lb(t,d,m,4); 
                 return lb.blend(); 
DllExport double aValue =1.5;
DllExport int dlladd()
                 return 5;
DllExport int dlladd( int a,int b)
                 return a+b;
DllExport cv::Mat imagetest()
                cv::Mat image1= cv::imread( "C:\\apple.png",1);
                cv::Mat image2= cv::imread( "C:\\orange.png",1);
                Mat_<Vec3f> t; image1.convertTo(t,CV_32F,1.0/255.0); //Vec3f表示?有D三y个?通道,?即 l[row][column][depth]  
                Mat_<Vec3f> d; image2.convertTo(d,CV_32F,1.0/255.0); 
                Mat_< float> m(t.rows,d.cols,0.0);                 //将?m全?部?赋3值为a0  
                 //m(Range::all(),Range(0,m.cols/2)) = 1.0;    //原-来初?始?的?掩码?是?在这a里?!?!?
                Mat_<Vec3f> blend = LaplacianBlend(t,d, m); 
                imshow( "blended",blend); 
                 return blend;
需要注意的是, m(Range(0,m.rows/2),Range::all())=1.0表明了原始图像的掩码,这个掩码就是那个分界的地方



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