by Arnav Bansal

通过Arnav Bansal

Tim Berners-Lee重新分散的新Web SOLID简介 (An introduction to SOLID, Tim Berners-Lee’s new, re-decentralized Web)

Recently, Prof. Tim Berners-Lee lifted the veil off a project called Solid. I decided to check it out. In this article, I describe what Solid aims to do, and also how you can get started with it.

最近, Tim Berners-Lee教授揭开了一个名为Solid的项目的面纱。 我决定去看看。 在本文中,我描述了Solid的目标,以及您如何开始使用它。

什么是固体? (What is Solid?)

Solid is an attempt to re-decentralize the web.




Back in the day, the vision for the web was a decentralized, collaborative read-write space. The first browser (called WorldWideWeb) was also an editor.

过去,网络的愿景是去中心化的协作式读写空间。 第一个浏览器(称为WorldWideWeb) 也是编辑器 。

However, as it progressed, the design of web applications began to centralize for a variety of reasons. User data became the source of power and income for Internet companies.

但是,随着它的发展,由于各种原因,Web应用程序的设计开始集中。 用户数据成为互联网公司权力和收入的来源。

Solid is a solution to this.


Solid is a new paradigm for web applications, one that is backwards compatible with the existing web.


Solid is a tech stack, a group of related protocols, implementations, and a growing community. Much like the web.

Solid是一个技术堆栈,一组相关协议,实现和一个不断发展的社区。 很像网络。

应用程序和数据的分离 (The separation of app and data)

In pre-internet computing, your personal computer stored your data.


As people began using multiple computers, and added smartphones to their lives, the “your data stays with you” model was replaced by “Your data is in one or more massive data centers around the world, managed by the app developer”.


And so, applications were deeply coupled with their data. Creating an application on the web entails managing people’s data at scale.

因此,应用程序与数据紧密耦合。 在Web上创建应用程序需要大规模管理人员数据。

Apps and their ability to make money are measured by their data silo. Your data is difficult to migrate, since different apps store your data very differently.

应用及其赚钱的能力由其数据孤岛来衡量。 您的数据难以迁移,因为不同的应用程序存储数据的方式非常不同。

The result? Almost every app has walled garden characteristics. This reduces incentives for developers to innovate at the app level. Existing platforms are secured against disruption, since the data lockdown makes it hard for users to move.

结果? 几乎每个应用程序都具有围墙花园的特色。 这减少了开发人员在应用程序级别进行创新的动机。 由于数据锁定使用户难以移动,因此确保了现有平台不会受到破坏。

数据保护法规 (Data protection regulations)

Some countries have enacted data protection laws. Companies must make your data available, and you can chose to download or delete it.

一些国家颁布了数据保护法。 公司必须提供您的数据,您可以选择下载或删除它。

This attempts to return control over data back to users. But it’s a legal prescription, and not the technical reality. User data still lies with app developers, and the ability to download your data isn’t very useful if you can’t migrate to an alternative.

这试图将对数据的控制权返回给用户。 但这是法律规定,而不是技术现实。 用户数据仍然由应用程序开发人员掌握,如果您不能迁移到其他版本,则下载数据的能力不是很有用。

吊舱:携带自己的数据 (Pods: Bring your own data)

Solid remedies this on the technical side. It allows applications to be built in a way where they read and write data stored on your pod.

Solid在技术方面对此进行了补救。 它允许以读写存储在pod上的数据的方式构建应用程序。

You have a pod. Your friends have a pod. Pods store your data. You allow apps to access your pod.

你有一个豆荚。 您的朋友有一个豆荚。 Pod存储您的数据。 您允许应用访问您的广告连播。

Maybe you have multiple pods. Perhaps separate ones for home and work. Your pod can live on your computer, or be distributed across your devices. Or it could be hosted for you.

也许您有多个豆荚。 也许是分开的家庭和工作场所。 您的广告连播可以驻留在您的计算机上,也可以分布在各个设备上。 或者可以为您托管。

And pods store linked data. Your pod can link to something on my pod, or anywhere on the web.

Pod存储链接的数据 。 您的广告连播可以链接到我的广告连播或网络上的任何内容。

We want applications that run across our devices. But we also want autonomy of our data. And we want the ability for different apps to use the same data and write to it.

我们希望在设备上运行的应用程序。 但是我们也想要数据的自治。 我们希望不同的应用程序能够使用相同的数据并写入数据。

Solid背后的想法 (The ideas behind Solid)

Getting into Solid reminded me of starting out with web development. I remember learning HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and the frameworks of the day, all at the same time.

进入Solid使我想起了Web开发的开始。 我记得同时学习HTML,CSS,JavaScript和当天的框架。

The only difference: Solid is new, and help is harder to find.


Here’s a collection of day-one concepts you’ll want to know to get started developing for Solid:


(PS: if you just wanna jump in, skip ahead to ‘First steps’)


关联数据 (Linked data)

The power of the Solid, and the web generally, is from the way data is hyperlinked together.


In Solid, you store the data you produce wherever you want. Your personal data likely resides on your pod. To refer to this data, you use URLs, like on the web.

在Solid中,您可以将所需的数据存储在任何地方。 您的个人数据可能驻留在您的pod上。 要引用此数据,您可以像在网络上一样使用URL。

This is also a good time to introduce the full-form of Solid: SOcial LInked Data.

这也是引进的固体满形式的好时机:SO官方 nked d ATA。

Read about Linked Data in the context of Solid


资源描述框架 (Resource Description Framework)

RDF is a way to represent linked data with statements of the form subject-predicate-object. These are also called triples.

RDF是一种表示形式为subject-predicate-object语句的链接数据的方法。 这些也称为三元组。

RDF is an abstract model. You could even represent RDF in English sentences. Here’s a task on a Todo list:

RDF是一个抽象模型。 您甚至可以用英语句子代表RDF。 这是待办事项列表上的任务:

T1 is a taskT1 is labelled "Write an article about Solid"T1 is due October 5rd 2018T1 is assigned to @itsarnavbT1 is incomplete


Turtle is a compact way of representing RDF data, using URLs to represent subject, predicate and object.


That’s repetitive and hard to read, so turtle has a prefix and shorthand system. This gets especially important with longer documents.

这是重复的且难以阅读,因此turtle具有前缀和速记系统。 这对于较长的文档尤为重要。

You can read more about turtle. Or you could check out a full turtle document here. It’s a detailed public profile of Prof. Ruben Verborgh, who’s a part of the Solid team.

您可以阅读有关乌龟的更多信息。 或者,您可以在此处查看完整的乌龟文档。 这是Solid团队成员Ruben Verborgh教授的详细公开资料。

语义网 (Semantic web)

Tim Berners-Lee best explains this:

蒂姆·伯纳斯·李(Tim Berners-Lee)对此做了最好的解释:

I have a dream for the Web [in which computers] become capable of analyzing all the data on the Web - the content, links, and transactions between people and computers. A “Semantic Web”, which makes this possible, has yet to emerge, but when it does, the day-to-day mechanisms of trade, bureaucracy and our daily lives will be handled by machines talking to machines. The “intelligent agents” people have touted for ages will finally materialize

我对Web(在其中的计算机)能够分析Web上的所有数据(人与计算机之间的内容,链接和事务)具有梦想。 使得这成为可能的“语义网”尚未出现,但是当它实现时,将通过与机器对话的机器来处理日常的贸易,官僚主义和我们的日常生活机制。 人们吹捧了很久的“ 聪明人”最终将实现

第一步 (First steps)

Do these, in any order that works for you.


  • Get a pod: Signup with any free pod provider, or run your own server (if that’s your thing).

    获取Pod :使用任何免费的Pod提供程序进行注册,或运行自己的服务器(如果那是您的事)。

  • Make a Solid app with this tutorial


  • Read about these hacks made with Solid


  • Read the Solid docs


坚如磐石 (Go Solid)

You can help out the Solid ecosystem by


  • contributing to the development of Solid itself, and related infrastructure.为Solid本身以及相关基础设施的发展做出了贡献。
  • developing apps using Solid.使用Solid开发应用程序。

But beware, at the moment, learning and developing for Solid requires a lot of trial and error, and asking potentially silly questions. There’s no Stack Overflow to refer to. Debugging some errors might require you to dig into the source.

但是请注意,目前,为Solid学习和开发需要大量的试验和错误,并提出潜在的愚蠢问题。 没有要引用的堆栈溢出。 调试一些错误可能需要您深入研究源代码。

Here are the communities where you can get help:


  • r/solid (I’m one of the mods)

    r / solid (我是mod之一)


And finally, my DMs are open: @itsarnavb. I’ll try to answer every question I get, or find someone who can.

最后,我的DM已打开: @itsarnavb 。 我将尽力回答我遇到的每个问题,或者找到可以回答的人。

And I’ll keep this article up to date with the best resources to learn about Solid.


进一步阅读 (Further Reading)

  • Solid website -


  • Paradigm shifts for the decentralized web - Ruben Verborgh

    分散式网络的范式转变-Ruben Verborgh

  • One Small Step for the Web - Tim Berners-Lee

    互联网的一小步-Tim Berners-Lee


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