Install Ubuntu’s new web app feature – included by default in the upcoming Ubuntu 12.10 – to see unread email in your messaging menu, control music playing on websites from the sound menu, and more.

安装Ubuntu的新Web应用程序功能(即将在即将发布的Ubuntu 12.10中默认包含),以查看消息菜单中的未读电子邮件,通过声音菜单控制网站上的音乐播放等等。

This feature makes web apps first-class citizens of Ubuntu’s Unity desktop. The preview release supports over 30 websites, including Gmail, Twitter, Reddit, Facebook, Google Docs, Google Calendar, and Angry Birds.

此功能使Web应用程序成为Ubuntu Unity桌面的一等公民。 预览版支持30多个网站,包括Gmail,Twitter,Reddit,Facebook,Google文档,Google日历和愤怒的小鸟。

安装Web Apps集成 (Installing Web Apps Integration)

To install this feature in Ubuntu 12.04, launch a terminal and run the following commands:

要在Ubuntu 12.04中安装此功能,请启动终端并运行以下命令:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webapps/preview sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install unity-webapps-preview

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webapps / preview sudo apt-get更新sudo apt-get install unity-webapps-preview

Log out and log back in to enable the feature in Ubuntu’s Unity desktop after installing it.


使用Web Apps集成 (Using Web Apps Integration)

Currently, web apps integration only functions with Chromium or Mozilla Firefox. With the feature installed, visit a supported website in one of these browsers and you’ll see an integration prompt.

当前,Web应用程序集成仅与Chromium或Mozilla Firefox兼容。 安装此功能后,请使用其中一种浏览器访问受支持的网站,然后您会看到一个集成提示。

After you agree, the web app will be integrated with your Ubuntu desktop. Each web app will appear in your Dash, so you can easily search for open them like desktop apps. You can also pin them to your launcher.

在您同意后,该Web应用程序将与您的Ubuntu桌面集成。 每个网络应用程序都将出现在您的Dash中,因此您可以像桌面应用程序一样轻松地搜索打开的应用程序。 您也可以将它们固定到启动器。

Some web apps will appear in your messaging menu and display a count of unread emails, tweets, or other messages.


Music websites like Grooveshark and Pandora will appear in your sound menu, so you can control them without switching to a browser window.


Web apps can display notifications – for example, the BBC news web app displays updated news with desktop notifications.


Web apps are also integrated with Ubuntu’s HUD – you can press Alt and start typing to quickly activate and search their menu items, just as you can with desktop applications.


支持的网站 (Supported Websites)

Here’s a list of currently supported websites. Visit any of the websites to see an integration prompt.

这是当前支持的网站列表。 访问任何网站以查看集成提示。



  • Gmail邮箱
  • Yahoo! Mail雅虎! 邮件
  • Hotmail (Windows Live Mail)Hotmail(Windows Live Mail)
  • Yandex MailYandex邮件
  • QQ MailQQ邮箱

Social Networks


  • Twitter推特
  • Facebook脸书
  • Google+Google+
  • LinkedIn领英
  • TumblrTumblr
  • VKVK

Music & Videos


  • Groovershark格罗弗鲨鱼
  • Pandora潘多拉
  • Hulu葫芦
  • YouTube的YouTube
  • Yandex MusicYandex音乐



  • Angry Birds (愤怒的小鸟(
  • Cut the Rope割绳子
  • Lord of Ultima创世纪之王
  • Command and Conquer: Tiberium Alliances命令与征服:泰伯利亚联盟



  • RedditReddit
  • Google Reader谷歌读者
  • BBC News英国广播公司的新闻
  • CNN NewsCNN新闻
  • Google News谷歌新闻
  • Yahoo! News雅虎! 新闻
  • Yandex NewsYandex新闻



  • Google Docs谷歌文档
  • Google CalendarGoogle日历
  • Amazon Cloud Reader亚马逊云阅读器
  • Amazon亚马孙
  • Launchpad发射台
  • Subway IRC地铁IRC

Thanks to OMG! Ubuntu! for compiling a lot of this information, particularly the list of supported websites!

感谢OMG! Ubuntu的! 用于收集大量此类信息,尤其是受支持的网站列表!



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