Today I’ve met small problem with my beloved TortoiseSVN client. I was in need to access some old repository stored locally on my computer – for newer projects I’m usingdedicated Debian based SVN server. Anyway, trying to access to my local repository via TortoiseSVN has resulted with following message:

Failed to load module for FS type 'bdb'

After quick Googling it appeared that from branch 1.6.x, TortoiseSVN doesn’t support local file:/// repositories based on BDB and they need to be converted to new FSFS format using ‘svnadmin’ command line tool as it is explained inSVNBook. As ‘svnadmin’ tool is not present in TortoiseSVN, some additional work is needed.

Finally I did in following way:

  1. download and  Tigris build of SVN (it was in my case). I’ve tried both 1.5.x and 1.6.x version of CollabNet’s SVN but apparently they do not support local BDB as well,
  2. unpack it to any directory, and using command line enter to the bin subdirectory where the svnadmin.exe tool is stored
  3. as written in the book, make dump of your repository with following command:
svnadmin dump c:\FullPathToOldRepository > dumpfile.bin

create new repository in choosen directory, you can use TorotoiseSVN for it as well, now it won’t ask you for data storage format as BDB is disabled, so it will use FSFS. import dump data into new repository:

svnadmin load c:\FullPathToNewRepository < dumpfile.bin

That is, it worked for me like a charm.


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