
by Mike Williams

由Mike Williams

我如何在一个晚上建立音乐工作室的Airbnb (How I built the Airbnb of music studios in a single evening)

Sometimes you come up with an idea that you just know has to be built. That was the case I came up with Studiotime, which started as a simple marketplace idea for artists to book music studios. Today, it’s the largest online marketplace for music studios!

有时您会想到一个必须建立的想法。 我想到的就是Studiotime ,它最初是一个简单的市场想法,供艺术家预订音乐工作室。 如今,它已成为音乐工作室最大的在线市场!

最初的想法阶段 (The Initial Idea Phase)

The idea for Studiotime came to me one evening and I immediately started searching Product Hunt and the “Airbnb for x” collection. I assumed I would find that this idea had already been built. Much to my surprise, though, I could not find anything similar. That is the moment when I committed to building Studiotime.

Studiotime的想法是一个晚上传给我的,我立即开始搜索Product Hunt和“ Airbnb for x ”系列。 我以为我会发现这个想法已经建立。 不过,令我惊讶的是,我找不到任何类似的东西。 那是我致力于构建Studiotime的时刻。

As a serial maker and entrepreneur, I try to have a process and workflow when I get started with projects so that I can optimize both time and resources. In this case, I had little to no resources or help, thus I set these rules for the creation of Studiotime:

作为一个连续的创作者和企业家,我在开始项目时就尝试拥有一个流程和工作流,以便我可以同时优化时间和资源。 在这种情况下,我几乎没有资源或没有帮助,因此我为创建Studiotime设置了以下规则:

  1. Come up with a catchy name and logo in minutes. Do not do explore design/branding initiatives for the MVP.在几分钟内拿出醒目的名称和徽标。 不要探索MVP的设计/品牌计划。
  2. Use pre-existing technology/code as much as possible and do not reinvent the sharing economy marketplace on the tech side (I used Sharetribe).

    尽可能使用现有的技术/代码,并且不要在技术方面重塑共享经济市场(我使用Sharetribe )。

  3. From idea to a functional prototype should not exceed one evening and that would be the cutoff. I had cancelled dinner plans once I committed to the build. By the end of the evening I would have an MVP for Studiotime or I would put this idea on the back burner so I could focus on my daily work with Thinkbox during the work week.

    从构思到实用的原型不应超过一个晚上,这将是临界点。 致力于构建后,我已经取消了晚餐计划。 到傍晚时分,我将获得Studiotime的MVP,或者将这个想法付诸东流,这样我就可以专注于在工作周中与Thinkbox进行的日常工作。

  4. Following the evening build of Studiotime, the next day would be spent trying to convince a few friends to signup that were in the industry, so I could validate that there was a need for the concept.

    在Studiotime进行了晚上的构建之后 ,第二天将花费很多时间试图说服一些业内人士进行注册,因此我可以验证是否有这个概念的必要性。

建立最有价值球员 (Building The MVP)

After writing down these rules on a white-board (for accountability), I mapped out the basic flows for user account creation, listing a studio, requesting and booking a studio, and other flows that needed to be defined. I could use these as a guide when modifying the Sharetribe platform. Once I had these flows in place, the majority of the time was spent configuring the listings and information that would be needed on them to meet my needs for Studiotime. Sharetribe was not initially configured for bookings or rentals but focussed on selling goods and services. I needed to remove any features and optimize it for the use case of Studiotime.

在白板上写下这些规则(用于问责制)后,我规划了用于创建用户帐户,列出工作室,请求和预订工作室的基本流程以及其他需要定义的流程。 在修改Sharetribe平台时,我可以将其用作指导。 一旦有了这些流程,大部分时间就花在配置清单和信息上,以满足我对Studiotime的需求。 Sharetribe最初并未针对预订或出租进行配置,而是专注于销售商品和服务。 我需要删除任何功能并针对Studiotime的用例进行优化。

Beyond this initial setup, modification, and testing, I resisted the urge to customize further and marked the initial MVP off as done at around 1 am that night.


获取第一个用户并建立初始市场供应 (Getting The First Users & Building Initial Marketplace Supply)

The next day, I mentioned Studiotime to a few friends in the music industry and they were shocked to find out that no one else had already built this (as I first was). They also couldn’t believe I was the one to actually build it, which provided more validation that there was an actual need for it. A few of them also signed up, so they were the first Studiotime users!

第二天,我在音乐界的几个朋友中提到了Studiotime,他们震惊地发现没有其他人已经建造了这个工作室(就像我刚开始的那样)。 他们也无法相信我是真正构建它的人,它提供了更多的验证,表明确实有它的需要。 他们中的一些人也注册了,所以他们是第一个Studiotime用户!

Since this was a Friday and I was busy running Thinkbox, I did not spend any significant amount of time on marketing initiatives. I could only really find time to post about Studiotime on my social and continue speaking with a few of the friends I had reached out to earlier. Also, I managed to make a few postings on Craigslist that evening. On Saturday, I found studios on Craigslist and contacted them to try and get them to sign up for Studiotime (inventory).

由于这是星期五,而我正忙于运行Thinkbox,因此我没有在营销活动上花费大量时间。 我只能真正找到时间在社交网络上发布有关Studiotime的信息,并继续与我之前联系过的一些朋友交谈。 另外,那天晚上我设法在Craigslist上发了一些帖子。 星期六,我在Craigslist上找到了工作室,并与他们联系以尝试让他们注册Studiotime(广告资源)。

In addition to this Craigslist initiative, I also took to Twitter where I tweeted at industry influencers and media outlets letting them know about Studiotime. The goal was to build awareness and draw some interest prior to launching the next day on Product Hunt, where I hoped I would really catch their attention. The results were not impressive, but I did have the first few studios and users now on Studiotime which was helpful for the launch.

除了这项Craigslist计划外,我还访问了Twitter ,在那里我在行业影响者和媒体上发了推文,让他们了解Studiotime 。 我们的目标是在第二天在Product Hunt上发布之前提高认识并引起一些兴趣,我希望在那里能引起他们的注意。 结果并不令人印象深刻,但是Studiotime上确实有头几个工作室和用户,这对发布很有帮助。

At this time, the site was still on a test URL, but I decided to purchase and submitted it to Product Hunt Sunday evening. Since I used Sharetribe instead of building it from scratch, I was not eager to share that I had submitted it to Product Hunt because other makers typically submit custom builds. I went to sleep that evening with little excitement around the Product Hunt launch.

目前,该站点仍处于测试URL上,但我决定购买www.studiotime.io并将其提交给星期日晚上的Product Hunt 。 由于我使用Sharetribe而不是从头开始构建它,因此我不急于分享我已将其提交给Product Hunt的情况,因为其他制造商通常会提交自定义版本。 那天晚上,我在Product Hunt发布会上兴奋得几乎没有入睡。

产品搜寻发布 (The Product Hunt Launch)

Monday morning started with checking Product Hunt. Much to my surprise, there were some upvotes and a bit of initial traction! I started receiving email notifications for new users in the hundreds by lunchtime and I even had people in Europe asking to add their studios to the site. Since I had only thought about having Los Angeles and New York City as cities to start out with, I created a wait-list for studios in cities that I had not anticipated having on at the time.

星期一早上开始检查Product Hunt 。 令我惊讶的是,有一些赞誉和一些最初的吸引力! 我开始在午餐时间收到数百名新用户的电子邮件通知,甚至有欧洲人要求将他们的工作室添加到该网站。 因为我只考虑过将洛杉矶和纽约市作为开始的城市,所以我为当时未曾想到的城市的工作室创建了候补名单。

Fast forward to 6pm on the day of the Product Hunt launch and Studiotime had reached over 1k users! We had studios signing up, a growing community of artists, and even a wait list for studios in markets that we did not yet serve. We even had people emailing me asking to be ambassadors for Studiotime and also asking if we (I) were hiring!

在Product Hunt发布当天快进到下午6点,Studiotime的用户已超过1千! 我们有工作室签约,越来越多的艺术家社区,甚至还有我们尚未服务的市场中的工作室的等待清单。 我们甚至有人通过电子邮件向我发送电子邮件,要求他们成为Studiotime的大使,还询问我们(I)是否正在招聘!

当媒体报道您时 (When Press & The Media Covers You)

By Monday evening, I was thinking that the week was off to a great start for my side project and it might generate further interest down the road. Much to my surprise (again!) FACT Magazine picked us up and wrote a piece about Studiotime that drove significant traffic to the site.

到星期一晚上,我认为本周对于我的副项目来说是一个很好的开始,并且可能会在以后引起更多的兴趣。 令我惊讶的是(再次!)《 FACT杂志》吸引了我们,并撰写了一篇有关Studiotime的文章,从而吸引了大量访问该网站的流量。

I knew that the 130 upvotes alone on Product Hunt had not attributed to the first thousand users and this article was just the beginning in a series of press mentions, blogs, and others in the music industry that had taken notice of Studiotime. The outreach efforts over the weekend, Product Hunt awareness, and word of mouth all combined to put us in the music industry spotlight. We were picked up and covered by BBC, Hypebeast, Forbes, and over 50+ other media outlets and blogs.

我知道,仅在Product Hunt上的130次投票就不能归因于前1000名用户,而本文只是一系列有关Studiotime的新闻报道,博客和音乐行业其他人士的开篇。 周末的外展工作,对Product Hunt的了解以及口碑相传,使我们成为音乐界的焦点。 BBC, Hypebeast ,福布斯以及其他50多个其他媒体和博客对我们进行了报道。

With little to no resources, but leveraging process, tactics, and speed, I was able to take Studiotime from an idea to MVP in an evening, then generate thousands of users and initial traction within hours.


Rather see a video format of this with more details? Watch this 12 minute video where I share more:

而是可以看到带有更多详细信息的视频格式? 观看这12分钟的视频,我在其中分享了更多信息:

Here’s part 2 of this series about Studiotime: How I scaled the world’s largest music studio marketplace

这是有关Studiotime的系列文章的第2部分: 我如何扩展世界上最大的音乐工作室市场




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