
by Mike Williams

由Mike Williams

我如何扩展全球最大的音乐工作室市场 (How I scaled the world’s largest music studio marketplace)

In my previous post, I shared more on how I took Studiotime from an idea to building the MVP (minimum viable product) in an evening. After launching it on Product Hunt, it generated thousands of users in hours. Now I want to discuss a topic that I get tons of questions about: how I scaled it to the largest music studio marketplace in the world.

在上一篇文章中 ,我分享了更多有关Studiotime的想法,并从一个晚上开始构建MVP(最低可行产品)。 在Product Hunt上启动它后,它在几小时内吸引了成千上万的用户。 现在,我想讨论一个我有很多问题的话题:如何将其扩展到世界上最大的音乐工作室市场。

I built the initial MVP for Studiotime using Sharetribe so I could quickly get the product launched, validated, and focus on feedback. As the marketplace has scaled since then, I’ve continued to spend relatively little time and resources on the build and product. Instead of having to support a fully-custom marketplace platform, I’ve leveraged tools that integrated together to provide the full functionality and specific user experience needed for Studiotime.

我使用Sharetribe构建了Studiotime的初始MVP,因此可以快速启动,验证产品并专注于反馈。 从那时起,随着市场规模的扩大,我继续在构建和产品上花费相对较少的时间和资源。 我不必支持完全定制的市场平台,而是利用集成在一起的工具来提供Studiotime所需的全部功能和特定的用户体验。

Studiotime工具堆栈 (The Studiotime Tool Stack)

Sharetribe- As mentioned in part 1, I leverage the full capabilities of Sharetribe as a marketplace platform. This functionality includes user account creation, profiles, user-to-user messaging, studio listing creation, studio bookings, payments, and peer reviews. Any Studiotime page that is on the subdomain listings.studiotime.io is on Sharetribe’s hosted platform.

Sharetribe-如第1部分所述,我利用Sharetribe作为市场平台的全部功能。 此功能包括用户帐户创建,配置文件,用户到用户消息传递,工作室列表创建,工作室预订,付款和同行评论。 子域listings.studiotime.io上的任何Studiotime页面都在Sharetribe的托管平台上。

In addition to the basic functionality provided by Sharetribe, I did have to make some customizations to allow for the specific needs of Studiotime. I made these changes on the Front End (since they do not expose an API) where they allow for custom script on their hosted version admin panel.

除了Sharetribe提供的基本功能外,我还必须进行一些自定义,以满足Studiotime的特定需求。 我在前端进行了这些更改(因为它们未公开API),因此允许在托管版本管理面板上使用自定义脚本。

Wordpress- I use a Wordpress template I created for all Studiotime landing pages, such as the homepage, why, subscription, and our community of artists, producers, and engineers. I use separate domains and then integrate them together to provide the seamless user experience. All www.studiotime.io pages are on Wordpress and some of the functionality from these pages simply links to the listings.studiotime.io subdomain for full functionality on Sharetribe’s platform and integration through linking.

WordPress-我使用为所有Studiotime登陆页面创建的Wordpress模板,例如首页 , 为什么 , 订阅以及我们的艺术家,制作人和工程师社区 。 我使用单独的域,然后将它们集成在一起以提供无缝的用户体验。 所有www.studiotime.io页面均位于Wordpress上,这些页面中的某些功能仅链接至listings.studiotime.io子域,以在Sharetribe平台上实现全部功能并通过链接进行集成。

Chargebee- Since subscription functionality is not accounted for on Sharetribe’s platform and Wordpress is not optimal for collecting, managing, and notifications for subscriptions, I use Chargebee as a subscription platform.


Stripe- Stripe is the payment gateway that we use for Studiotime and the subscriptions. It easily integrates with both Chargebee and Sharetribe’s hosted platform.

Stripe -Stripe是我们用于Studiotime和订阅的支付网关。 它可以轻松地与Chargebee和Sharetribe的托管平台集成。

Zapier- Zapier is the tool that I use to connect notifications and communication from multiple hosted platforms, tools, and integrate them together so they can effectively communicate to one hub, which is Slack.

Zapier -Zapier是我用来连接来自多个托管平台,工具的通知和通信并将其集成在一起的工具,以便它们可以有效地与一个集线器(即Slack)通信。

Slack- Slack is where I integrate multiple platforms, tools, and all notifications since there is not a main API, API integrations with tools, but there has to be one main point where everything integrates. Without Slack, all of the tools would be hard to manage together since Sharetribe does not have an API, but is hosted.

Slack -Slack是我集成多个平台,工具和所有通知的地方,因为没有主API,即API与工具的集成,但是必须有一个要点来集成所有内容。 没有Slack,所有的工具将很难一起管理,因为Sharetribe没有API,而是托管的。

Now that you’ve seen the tool stack for Studiotime, you can get an idea of how I’ve leveraged tools for specific functionality that is required for Studiotime, integrated them together, and allowed me to scale Studiotime with minimal time and resources on the product itself.


With a creative approach and resourcefulness, you can leverage tools like I did for your side project or startup. These are not just for MVP builds, but can be for market leaders such as Studiotime, which is the largest online community of music studios in the world .

通过创造性的方法和灵活多变的方法,您可以像在外部项目或启动中一样利用工具。 这些不仅适用于MVP版本,也适用于市场领导者,例如Studiotime,它是世界上最大的音乐工作室在线社区。

Have questions and want to know more about Studiotime, tools, and process? Comment below with your questions and I’ll make a Part 3 of the How I series where I answer your questions in QA style!

有疑问并想进一步了解Studiotime,工具和流程吗? 在下面用您的问题发表评论,我将做我如何做系列的第3部分,以QA方式回答您的问题!

Rather see a video format of this with more details? Watch this video where I share more:

而是可以看到带有更多详细信息的视频格式? 观看此视频,我在其中分享了更多信息:

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-i-scaled-the-worlds-largest-music-studio-marketplace-75a90e5d551b/



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