

  1. LeetCode 84. Largest Rectangle in Histogram

    LeetCode 84. Largest Rectangle in Histogram Solution1:我的答案 循环里头套了一个动态规划,缺点是当heights个数或最大高度多高时会很耗时间!! ...

  2. [leetcode]Largest Rectangle in Histogram @ Python

    原题地址:https://oj.leetcode.com/problems/largest-rectangle-in-histogram/ 题意: Given n non-negative integ ...

  3. [leetcode]84. Largest Rectangle in Histogram c语言

    题目 Given n non-negative integers representing the histogram's bar height where the width of each bar ...

  4. 84直方图最大矩形覆盖 · Largest Rectangle in Histogram

    [抄题]: Given n non-negative integers representing the histogram's bar height where the width of each ...

  5. LeetCode84 Largest Rectangle in Histogram

    题目: Given n non-negative integers representing the histogram's bar height where the width of each ba ...

  6. leetcode: Largest Rectangle in Histogram,Maximal Square,Maximal Square问题

    Largest Rectangle问题 题目描述 Given n non-negative integers representing the histogram's bar height where ...

  7. 84. Largest Rectangle in Histogram

    Title 给定 n 个非负整数,用来表示柱状图中各个柱子的高度.每个柱子彼此相邻,且宽度为 1 . 求在该柱状图中,能够勾勒出来的矩形的最大面积. 以上是柱状图的示例,其中每个柱子的宽度为 1,给定 ...

  8. leetcode 84. Largest Rectangle in Histogram | 84. 柱状图中最大的矩形(单调栈)

    题目 https://leetcode.com/problems/largest-rectangle-in-histogram/ 题解 一句话总结:遍历数组,对于每个height[i],以其自身的高度 ...

  9. LeetCode 84. 柱状图中最大的矩形(Largest Rectangle in Histogram)

    题目描述: 给定 n 个非负整数,用来表示柱状图中各个柱子的高度.每个柱子彼此相邻,且宽度为 1 . 求在该柱状图中,能够勾勒出来的矩形的最大面积. 以上是柱状图的示例,其中每个柱子的宽度为 1,给定 ...

  10. LeetCode hard 84. Largest Rectangle in Histogram--python,java 15行,c++ 15行 解法

    题目地址: Given n non-negative integers representing the histogram's bar height where the width of each ...


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