
Selector type     CSS         jQuery                 What it doesTag name       p{}          $('p')           selects all 'p' in the documentID       #some-id {}     $('#some-id')         selects the single element in the document that has as ID of some-idClass     .some-class {}  $('.some-class')        selects all elements in the document that have a class of some-class

2:CSS selectors:

$('#some-ID')$('.some-Class')$('selected-plays > li').addClass('horizontal')$('#selected-plays li:not(.horizontal)').addClass('sub-level')

3:Attribute selector:

$('img[alt]') $('a[href^="mailto"]').addClass('mailto')$('a[href$=".pdf"]').addClass('pdflink')$('a[href^="http"] [href*="henry"]')

4:Custom selector: high draw call

  • eq, nthchild, first-chile, contains
$('div.horizontal:eq(1)') //这个是JS选择器,所以select the second item from a set of <div> elements with class of horizontal //JS selector is zero-based, CSS selector is one-based
$('div:nth-child(1)')//这个是css选择器,所以Select all div selectors that are the first child of their parent$('div:first-child')//可以用JS选择器代替

//contains() selector 是case sensitive

  • odd & even:
View Code

 <h2>Shakespeare's Plays</h2><table><tr><td>As You Like It</td><td>Comedy</td><td> </td></tr><tr><td>All's Well that Ends Well</td><td>Comedy</td><td>1601</td></tr><tr><td>Hamlet</td><td>Tragedy</td><td>1604</td></tr><tr><td>Macbeth</td><td>Tragedy</td><td>1606</td></tr><tr><td>Romeo and Juliet</td><td>Tragedy</td><td>1595</td></tr><tr><td>Henry IV, Part I</td><td>History</td><td>1596</td></tr><tr><td>Henry V</td><td>History</td><td>1599</td></tr></table><h2>Shakespeare's Sonnets</h2><table><tr><td>The Fair Youth</td><td>1–126</td></tr><tr><td>The Dark Lady</td><td>127–152</td></tr><tr><td>The Rival Poet</td><td>78–86</td></tr></table>




6:Form selector:


Selector      Match

:input      Input, textarea, select

:button     Button elements and input elements with type attribute equal to button

:enabled    Form elemnts that are enabled

:disabled    Form elemnts that are disabled

:checked    Radio buttons or checkboxed that are checked

:selected    Option elements that are selected

$('input[type="radio"] : checked')
//select all checked radio buttons but not checkboxes
$('input[type="password"], input[type="text"] : disabled')
//select all password input and disabled text input

7:DOM traversal methords:

  • .filter()
$('tr').filter(':even').addClass('alt');$('a').filter(function(){return this.hostname && this.hostname != location.hostname;
//filter the a tag
//must have href attribute with a domain name(this.hostname)
//the domain name that they link to must not match the domian name of the current page(location.hostname)

  • .next(), .nextAll(), .prev(), .prevAll()

$('td:contains(Henry)').nextAll().addClass('highlight');  //全部Herny后面的cell
$('td:contains(Henry)').next().addClass('highlight');//only very next sibling

  • .siblings()

select all other elments at same DOM level, regardless of whether they come before or after the previously elected element


//select all nextAll of Herny tag and itself
//mean all the row

//select every cell in each row where at least one of the cells contains Henry



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    •                 #id •                 element •                 .class •                 .class.cl ...

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