1. 谁应该修复它?Who should fix it?

www.ibm.com2. 您将在下一步中修复此问题。You will fix this in the next step.

www.ibm.com3. 修复城堡花了一年时间和大量的钱。The restoration to the castle took a year and cost a lot of money.

《新英汉大辞典》4. 但是,修复这条铁路线不是唯一的问题。But repairing the line is not its only problem.

www.ecocn.org5. 如果还没设置的话,您将收到警告,并且您应该在进入下一阶段前修复这些问题。If not, you will be alerted and should fix the problems before entering into the next phase.

dict.youdao.com6. 为了修复它,你需要找出这个变化的事物是什么。To fix it, you need to figure out what that thing was.

article.yeeyan.org7. 我们可能会问,我们的身体为什么不进行更好的自身修复呢?We might well ask why our bodies do not repair themselves better.

www.xyzdict.com8. 您决定如何修复其中一个错误,这是另一个事项。How you decide to fix one of these errors is another matter.

zuci.chaziwang.com9. 另一个扩散机制是贸易,它的修复却不会那么容易。The other transmission mechanism, trade, will not be so easy to fix.

www.flamencolovers.com10. 这已经不是第一次尝试修复曾经坚实的卢法关系。It was not the first attempt to repair a once solid link.

www.ecocn.org11. 对于这个问题没有什么正确的答案,但是您应该安排好对几个月内的发行版进行修复级别更新。There is no right answer to this, but you should plan on supporting fix levels within a few months of their release.

www.ibm.com12. 如果您是应用程序供应商,那么您同时需要支持多种修复级别,以便您的客户能够将您的软件与其他软件一同运行。If this is you, then you need to support multiple fix levels at the same time so that your customers can run your software in conjunction with other software.

www.ibm.com13. 要修复数据库中的这个问题,您需要理解可能的原因和解决方案。To fix this problem in the database, you need to understand the possible causes and resolutions.

www.ibm.com14. 身体维护和修复细胞的机制惊人的有效——这是为什么我们能活这么长时间的原因——但是这些机制并不是完美的。The body's mechanisms to maintain and repair our cells are wonderfully effective-which is why we live as long as we do-but these mechanisms are not perfect.

article.yeeyan.org15. 有一些相当关键的性能错误已经在最近的几次发布的版本中修复了,所以你应该更新,即使你只差那么一个或者两个数字。Some fairly critical performance bugs have been fixed in the last few releases, so you should update even if you're only one or two digits back.

www.infoq.com16. 本文说明了数据库设计和访问数据库的PHP代码中出现的五个常见问题,以及在遇到这些问题时如何修复它们。This article illustrates five common problems in database design, in the PHP code that accesses databases, and how to fix these problems when you see them.

www.ibm.com17. 消息具有用于元素的每个实例或每次出现的变量数据,以标识修复问题所需的精确资源和其他数据。Messages have variable data for each instance or occurrence of the element to identify the precise resource and other data required to fix the problem.

www.ibm.com18. 如果不需要,可以通过移除过滤器来修复报告。If not, the report can be fixed by removing the filter.

www.ibm.com19. 日志应该显示一个云服务类型拥有何种类型的安全问题,以及该问题是在何时和如何修复的。The log should show what type security problem a cloud service type had and when and how the problem was fixed.

www.ibm.com20. 研究人员相信,肿瘤不是在每个新宿主身上都获取新的线粒体,而是用来取代有问题的线粒体的一种偶然的修复机制。The researchers believe that the cancer does not take up new mitochondria with every new host, rather that this functions as an occasional repair mechanism to replace faulty mitochondria.

article.yeeyan.org21. 这样需要修复网络或者你要出现,因为这也可能不是网络的问题而是因为你不在网络中。The network has to be repaired or you have to come up, because maybe what happened was not a network failure but you died.

article.yeeyan.org22. 你的肌肉实际上在休息日建造修复他们自己。Your muscles actually build and repair themselves during your rest days.

article.yeeyan.org23. 另一个问题是付费用户是否能影响缺陷修复的优先级?Another question is whether paying customers can influence the priority of bug fixes?

www.infoq.com24. 让他明白你可以做个更好的太太——如果你想要修复你们的关系,你得证明你丈夫是错的。Show him that you can be a better wife - you have to prove your husband wrong if you want to fix you relationship.

article.yeeyan.org25. 举例来说,您可以指定直到修复恶劣所有最严重的缺陷之后测试才是完成的。For example, you might specify that testing is incomplete until all of the most severe defects have been fixed.

www.ibm.com26. 在这一步中,将会修复系统中所有文件的用户和组所有权。In this step, you fix the user and group ownership for all files on the system.

www.ibm.com27. 注意,当您这样做时,您有四个选项可以进行快速修复。Notice that, when you do this, you get four options for quick fixes.

www.ibm.com28. 注意,当您这样做时,您有四个选项可以进行快速修复。Notice that, when you do this, you get four options for quick fixes.

www.ibm.com29. For people to best learn how to use an interactive product, they should be able to examine and experiment without fear of commitment or causing irreparable harm. The Undo function and Cancel button on each dialog box supports this function well.为了更好地学习如何使用一个交互式的产品,人们应该能够观察和实验,而不必害怕承担后果或者是造成不可修复的破坏,每个对话框中的取消按钮和撤销功能很好地支持了这种功能。

-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓30. what you need to fix up the old library.你们修复旧图书馆所需要的东西。

-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句31. If it isn't, why do they renovate the watchtower?要不然,为什么他们要修复了望塔?

-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句32. The cost of rehabilitation plus betterments approached 40% of the value of the structure.修复费加上加固费接近建筑物造价的40%。

-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句33. rehabilitate an old house修复旧房屋

-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句34. An auto repair manual can tell how to tune up your car.汽车维修手册可以告诉你怎么修复你的车子。

-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句35. In 1960 the local people restored the building to its original form.1960年,当地群众把这座建筑物修复成原来的样子了。

-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句36. The going is good since the road has been repaired.由于道路已修复,路面状况良好。

-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句37. The fact of the matter seems to be that inflammation and repair.问题的实质,似乎是发炎和修复。

-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句38. I could probably tell what it requires to fix it up.我大致能说出修复它需要些什么。

-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句 [ 修复用英语怎么说, 修复英文怎么说, 修复的英文翻译 ]


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