Today I wanna talk about a familiar classic movie. The reason why I want to introduce it is that it’s my first time to buy a ticket into the cinema to see a movie, so I have a deep impression of this.

It’s a Hamlet type story: A young lion prince is born in Africa, making his uncle Scar the second in line to the throne. Scar plots with the hyenas to kill King Mufasa and Prince Simba, making himself King. The King is killed and Simba is led to believe by Scar that it was his fault, and so flees the kingdom in shame. After years of exile he is persuaded to return home to overthrow the usurper and claim the kingdom as his own thus completing the "Circle of Life".

Here I am telling you my some feelings

First is about love

1.Born from simba, mufasa is to pour into all his love. But his love is not spoiled, not to the no principle of love, but a kind of touching, deep love, with responsibility and expect. Even mufasa's death, with his words of love still is the ultimate power to simba release mental shackles.

Second is about responsibility.

2. At the top of the food chain, rule the kingdom of glory, maintain biological breeding, this is simba's responsibility. He can't escape, xanadu is just blinded by illusion, that he must face the reality. He must take responsibility, like his father.

Finally, I want to review again a classic fragments of the movie with you.




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