
This is the first post in my series Data Structures & Algorithms. As a boot camp grad, I found that once I started my professional career in software development, there was a gap in my fundamentals knowledge. Although I am not reversing a binary tree day-in-and-day-out, I do think it is important to learn these fundamentals simply because you will be a better developer by knowing they exist. This week I start things off by discussing Time and Space Complexity, and how you can use Big O notation to determine these metrics.

这是我的系列数据结构和算法中的第一篇文章。 作为一个新兵训练营的毕业生,我发现一旦我开始了软件开发的职业生涯,我的基础知识就会出现空白。 尽管我没有日复一日地逆转二叉树,但我确实认为学习这些基础知识很重要,因为您将因为知道它们的存在而成为更好的开发人员。 本周,我将从讨论时间和空间复杂度以及如何使用大O表示法确定这些指标开始。

时间复杂度 (Time Complexity)

A measurement of computing time that an algorithm takes to complete


What causes time complexity?


  • Operations (+, -, *, /)

    操作( +-*/ )

  • Comparisons (>, <, ==)

    比较( ><== )

  • Looping (for, while)

    循环播放( forwhile )

  • Outside function calls (function())

    外部函数调用( function() )

大O符号 (Big O Notation)

The language and metric we use for talking about how long it takes for an algorithm to run


O(1)恒定时间 (O(1) Constant Time)

Not bound by the size of an input, only one operation is performed


  • Direct query of data you are looking for直接查询您要查找的数据
  • No iterating (loops) are involved不涉及迭代(循环)

If you know the precise location of data you want to pull out of an Object {} or Array [], you can query for that item without having to iterate or perform any additional computation.

如果您知道要从Object {}或Array []提取数据的精确位置,则可以查询该项目,而不必进行迭代或执行任何其他计算。

Most of the time, if you’re using Constant Time, you are in good shape from a performance standpoint.

在大多数情况下,如果您使用的是Constant Time ,那么从性能的角度来看,您的状态会很好。

Let me show you an example in which I perform tasks that evaluate to Constant Time:

让我向您展示一个示例,在该示例中,我执行评估为“ 恒定时间”的任务:

First, I use the const keyword to declare a new variable with the identifier jedi and give this variable a collection of string values


Next, I use the function keyword to create a new function and give it the identifier findAJedi. This function will have a single parameter with an identifier of jediList

接下来,我使用function关键字创建一个新函数,并为其赋予标识符findAJedi 。 该函数将具有一个标识符为jediList的单个参数

Using bracket notation [] I pull out the entry that is in index position 1


Since we already know where the data we want is, and we do not have to loop to get there, this operation is O(1) or Constant Time


We call the findAJedi function with the variable jediList as the single argument and our findAJedi function prints anakin. He is the chosen one, right?

我们称findAJedi与可变功能jediList作为单独的参数和我们findAJedi功能打印anakin 。 他是被选中的人,对吗?

O(n)线性时间 (O(n) Linear Time)

Bound by the input, time increases linearly as input increases


  • Involves iteration to find a value (for orwhile loops)

    涉及迭代以查找值( forwhile循环)

Let me show you an example of an operation that evaluates to O(n) or Linear Time:


First, we use the const keyword to create a new variable with the identifier jedi that is assigned the value of an Array. We use the fill() method to populate this Array with five luke values that are of type string

首先,我们使用const关键字创建一个标识符为jedi的新变量,该变量被分配了Array的值。 我们使用fill()方法用五个类型为string luke值填充此Array

Next, we use the function keyword to create a new function with an identifier findLuke. This function will have a single parameter with an identifier of jediList

接下来,我们使用function关键字创建一个带有findLuke标识符的新函数。 该函数将具有一个标识符为jediList的单个参数

function findLuke(jediList) {

Inside of our findLuke function use the for keyword to create a for loop. We iterate through our jediList and use bracket notation [] to compare each entry to luke, when we find a match we console.log it

在我们的findLuke函数内部,使用for关键字创建一个for循环。 我们遍历jediList并使用方括号[]将每个条目与luke进行比较,找到匹配项后,我们进行console.log

for (let i = 0; i < jediList.length; i++) {if (jediList[i] === "luke") {console.log("found luke")}

Since we are iterating through the entire Array, our Big O would be O(n). Right now our jediList only has five entries, but what if we had 10,000, or 1,000,000,000? These are good considerations to think about as you write code.

由于我们要遍历整个Array ,因此我们的Big O将为O(n) 。 现在,我们的jediList只有五个条目,但是如果我们有10,000或1,000,000,000,该怎么办? 这些是编写代码时要考虑的好考虑因素。

We call our findLuke function that takes a single argument jedi and since all of our entries are luke, we console.log luke five times

我们调用带单个参数jedi findLuke函数,由于所有条目都是luke ,所以我们console.log luke五次

// found luke
// found luke
// found luke
// found luke
// found luke

O(n²)二次时间 (O(n²) Quadratic Time)

Often thought of as “worst case”, multiple nested iterations occur


  • Involves two nested loops涉及两个嵌套循环
  • Each item in two collections need to be compared to each other两个集合中的每个项目都需要相互比较

I am sure that you have been here before, I know I sure have. Nesting loops is never a good idea and there is a good reason for that. Speaking in terms of Big O, when you are iterating over a collection, and then iterating again inside of that first iteration that will produce a Big O of O(n²)

我敢肯定你以前来过这里,我知道我确实曾经来过。 嵌套循环从来都不是一个好主意,这是有充分理由的。 说到大O,当您遍历一个集合,然后在第一次迭代内部再次迭代时,将产生O(n²)的大O。

Let me show you an example of a function that produces a Big O of O(n²):

让我向您展示产生O(n²)的Big O的函数示例:

const jedi = ["mace windu", "yoda", "obi wan"];function logJediDuos(jediList) {for (let i = 0; i < jediList.length; i++) {for (let j = 0; j < jediList.length; j++) {console.log(jediList[i], jediList[j]);}}

First, we use the const keyword to create a new variable with the identifier jedi that is assigned to an Array of three string values


const jedi = ["mace windu", "yoda", "obi wan"]

Next, we use the function keyword to create a new function with an identifier of logJediDuos. This function has a single parameter jediList

接下来,我们使用function关键字创建一个具有logJediDuos标识符的新函数。 该函数具有单个参数jediList

function logJediDuos(jediList) {

Inside of logJediDuos we use the for keyword to create our first for loop. In our for statement we declare that we want to iterate through the length of jediList until that length is greater than the value of i. We increase the value of i after each iteration

logJediDuos内部,我们使用for关键字创建第一个for循环。 在for statement我们声明我们要迭代jediList的长度,直到该长度大于i的值。 每次迭代后我们增加i的值

for (let i = 0; i < jediList.length; i++) {

Inside of the previous for loop, we create another for loop. Inside of our for statement we make sure to give our index variable an identifier of j to ensure we do not mutate the state of our i variable.

在前面的for循环内部,我们创建了另一个for循环。 在for语句中,我们确保为索引变量赋予j的标识符,以确保我们不会使i变量的状态发生变化。

Using bracket notation [] we use our index variables i and j to console.log each pair inside of our jediList


for (let i = 0; i < jediList.length; i++) {for (let j = 0; j < jediList.length; j++) {console.log(jediList[i], jediList[j])}

When we invoke our logJediDuos function we get this result:


// mace windu mace windu
// i = 0, j = 0
// mace windu yoda
// i = 0, j = 1
// mace windu obi wan
// i = 0, j = 2
// yoda mace windu
// i = 1, j = 0
// yoda yoda
// i = 1, j = 1
// yoda obi wan
// i = 1, j = 2
// obi wan mace windu
// i = 2, j = 0
// obi wan yoda
// i = 2, j = 1
// obi wan obi wan
// i = 2, j = 2

I am only covering a handful of common Big O times in this post. If you want to learn more about advanced Big O times you can do so by following the links provided below:

在这篇文章中,我仅介绍几个常见的大O时代。 如果您想了解有关高级大O时间的更多信息,可以通过下面的链接进行操作:

O(n!)阶乘时间 (O(n!) Factorial Time)

Adds a nested loop for every loop


Read more here


O(log N)对数 (O(log N) Logarithmic)

Involves searching algorithms if sorted


Read more here


O(2 ^ N)指数 (O(2^N) Exponential)

Recursive algorithms that solve a problem of size N


Read more here


简化大O (Simplifying Big O)

  • Always assume worst-case scenario始终假设最坏的情况
  • Remove constants删除常量
  • Different terms for inputs输入的不同术语
  • Drop non-dominants掉落非优势

始终假设最坏的情况 (Always assume worst-case scenario)

It is a very common practice to iterate through a list of data in your program, and lists can vary greatly in size. When I say to always assume worst-case scenario I mean that in a few different ways.

遍历程序中的数据列表是一种非常普遍的做法,列表的大小可能相差很大。 当我说总是假设最坏的情况时,我的意思是说有几种不同的方式。

  • If you query for data, assume it is the last item in the list如果查询数据,则假定它是列表中的最后一项
  • Assume the list you’re iterating through will get bigger假设您要遍历的列表会更大
  • Assume some machines will run your algorithm slower than on your machine假设某些计算机的算法运行速度比计算机上的算法慢

删除常量 (Remove constants)

When we are determining the Big O of an algorithm it helps to remove repeated measurements (constants). This allows us to get a more clear read on the speed of the algorithm by removing unneeded calculation.

当我们确定算法的Big O时,它有助于去除重复的测量值(常数)。 这样,通过删除不需要的计算,我们可以更清楚地了解算法的速度。

Let me show you an example where we remove constants:


function printJedi(jediList) {jediList.forEach((jedi) => {console.log(jedi)}// O(n)jediList.forEach((jedi) => {console.log(jedi)}// O(n)
}printJedi(['anakin', 'obi wan', 'yoda'])// O(n) + O(n) = O(2n)

First, we create a new function with the identifier printJedi, this function has a single parameter (jediList)

首先,我们使用标识符printJedi创建一个新function ,该函数具有单个参数( jediList )

function printJedi(jediList) {

Inside of our printJedi function we call the forEach() method on jediList two separate times


jediList.forEach((jedi) => {console.log(jedi)
// O(n)jediList.forEach((jedi) => {console.log(jedi)
// O(n)

Since we are iterating through the entire jediList array, each operation is O(n). At the end of our function, we add up our Big O (O(n) + O(n)) which results in O(2n). We can simplify this by removing the constants which in this case is 2. After this, we are left with Big O of O(n).

由于我们要遍历整个jediList数组,因此每个操作都是O(n) 。 在函数的最后,我们将Big O( O(n) + O(n) )相加,得出O(2n) 。 我们可以通过删除在这种情况下为2 的常量来简化此过程。 之后,我们剩下O(n) Big O。

输入的不同术语 (Different terms for inputs)

In cases that you iterate through different pieces of data, the Big O calculation will reflect that. Since each collection of data will most likely be different sizes, the consideration of its time complexity comes into play.

如果您遍历不同的数据,Big O计算将反映出这一点。 由于每个数据集合很可能具有不同的大小,因此需要考虑其时间复杂性。

Let me show you an example of calculating Big O while using multiple collections of data:

让我向您展示一个使用多个数据集合计算Big O的示例:

function printJediAndSith(jediList, sithList) {jediList.forEach(jedi => console.log(jedi))sithList.forEach(sith => console.log(sith))
}printJediAndSith(["anakin", "obi wan"], ["vader", "sidious"])// O(a + b)

Above, we create a new function with the identifier printJediAndSith, this function has two parameters: jediList and sithList

上面,我们用标识符printJediAndSith创建了一个新function ,该函数有两个参数: jediListsithList

function printJediAndSith(jediList, sithList) {

Inside of printJediAndSith we call the forEach() method on the jediList array and the sithList array


jediList.forEach(jedi => console.log(jedi))sithList.forEach(sith => console.log(sith))

Now, what do you think the Big O is of the printJediAndSith function? Since we iterate through a collection of data it should be O(n), right? Not in this case.

现在,您认为printJediAndSith函数的大O是什么? 由于我们遍历数据集合,因此应该为O(n) ,对吗? 在这种情况下不行。

Remember, these parameters will likely have different lengths. It is because of this that we determine the Big O of printJediAndSith to be O(a + b).

请记住,这些参数的长度可能不同。 因此,我们确定printJediAndSith的Big O为O(a + b)

掉落非优势 (Drop non-dominants)

Inside of functions a lot of different things can happen. This includes the range of time complexity as well. When determining the Big O of an algorithm, for the sake of simplifying, it is common practice to drop non-dominants. In short, this means to remove or drop any smaller time complexity items from your Big O calculation.

在函数内部,可能发生许多不同的事情。 这也包括时间复杂度的范围。 在确定算法的Big O时,为了简化起见,通常的做法是舍弃非主要对象 。 简而言之,这意味着从Big O计算中删除或删除任何较小的时间复杂性项。

Let me show you an example of dropping non-dominants:


function printAndSumJediAttendance(jediList) {jediList.forEach(list => console.log(list))jediList.forEach(firstList => {jediList.forEach(secondList => {console.log(firstList + secondList)})})
}printAndSumJediAttendance([1983, 66, 1138, 94, 1977])

First, we create a new function with the identifier printAndSumJediAttendance, this function has a single parameter jediList

首先,我们创建了一个新的function与标识符printAndSumJediAttendance ,这个函数有一个参数jediList

function printAndSumJediAttendance(jediList) {

Inside of printAndSumJediAttendance we call the forEach() method on the jediList parameter. Because we are iterating through a collection of data this Big O evaluates to O(n).

printAndSumJediAttendance内部,我们在jediList参数上调用forEach()方法。 因为我们正在遍历数据集合,所以这个大O求值为O(n)

jediList.forEach(list => console.log(list))

On the next line, we call the forEach() method on our jediList parameter. Inside of this forEach block, we call forEach on jediList again. Because we are iterating through nested loops, our Big O evaluates to O(n²)

在下一行,我们在jediList参数上调用forEach()方法。 在此forEach块内部,我们再次在jediList上调用forEach 。 因为我们要遍历嵌套循环,所以我们的大O求值为O(n²)

jediList.forEach(firstList => {jediList.forEach(secondList => {console.log(firstList + secondList)})

Let me break this Big O calculation down a bit:


function printAndSumJediAttendance(jediList) {// O(n)jediList.forEach(list => console.log(list))// O(n^2)jediList.forEach(firstList => {jediList.forEach(secondList => {console.log(firstList + secondList)})})
// O(n + n^2) -> simplified -> O(n^2)

As you can see, if we add up the Big O calculations from this function, we are left with a result of O(n + n²).

如您所见,如果我们将这个函数的Big O计算结果相加,则会得到O(n + n²)

If we analyze this, we see that the part of our calculation with the largest Big O is — because of this, we drop the n. We do this because is more _dominant_ than n. Once we have refactored our calculation, we are left with this result: O(n²).

如果我们对此进行分析,我们会发现计算中具有最大Big O的部分为因此,我们将n丢弃。 我们这样做是因为不止_dominant_ n 。 重构计算后,将得到以下结果: O(n²)

空间复杂度 (Space Complexity)

Parallel to time complexity, space complexity is the measurement of memory (space) that an algorithm needs


是什么导致空间复杂性? (What causes Space Complexity?)

  • Variables变数
  • Data structures数据结构
  • Function calls函数调用
  • Allocations分配

Let me show you an example of how we would calculate the space complexity:


function buildALightsaber(pieces) {let totalPieces = 0 // O(1)totalPieces = 4 // O(1)for (let i = 0; i < pieces.length; i++) {// O(n)addCrystals() // O(n)const hasTheForce = true // O(n)totalPieces++ // O(n)}return totalPieces // O(1)
}// O(3 + 4n) -> simplified -> O(n)

First, we create a new function with the identifier buildALightsaber that has a single parameter pieces


function buildALightsaber(pieces) {

Inside of buildALightsaber, we use the let keyword to create a new variable with the identifier totalPieces that is assigned to the value 0. On the following line, we reassign the variable totalPieces to the value of 4

buildALightsaber内部,我们使用let关键字创建一个标识符为totalPieces的新变量, totalPieces其分配给值0 。 在下一行,我们将变量totalPieces重新分配为值4

Creating and assigning values to variables is O(n) (constant time); therefore, these two steps are both O(1)

为变量创建和分配值的时间为O(n) (恒定时间); 因此,这两个步骤都是O(1)

let totalPieces = 0; <-- // O(1)
totalPieces = 4; <-- // O(1)

Next, we create a for loop and iterate through pieces


Since we are going to be iterating through a collection of data, the Big O of this operation will evaluate to O(n)

由于我们要遍历数据集合,因此此操作的Big O将评估为O(n)

for (let i = 0; i < pieces.length; i++) { <-- // O(n)

Inside of our for loop, we call a function with an identifier addCrystals(). Next, we use the const keyword to create a variable with the identifier hasTheForce and assign it the value true. Last, we increment our totalPieces by one.

for循环内部,我们调用一个带有标识符addCrystals()的函数。 接下来,我们使用const关键字创建一个标识符为hasTheForce的变量,并将其赋值为true 。 最后,我们将totalPieces加1。

In terms of evaluating space complexity while calling functions, creating variables, and updating the values of variables inside of an iteration (for or while loops), you have to be mindful of the fact that these actions will occur for each iteration. It is because of this that all actions mentioned will be O(n)

关于在调用函数,创建变量以及在迭代内部( forwhile循环)中更新变量的值时评估空间复杂性,您必须注意以下事实:每次迭代都会发生这些操作。 因此, 所有提到的动作都是O(n)

addCrystals(); <-- // O(n)
const hasTheForce = true; <-- // O(n)
totalPieces++; <-- // O(n)

After we finish iterating through pieces we return the value of totalPieces


Since this is a single action, the Big O is evaluated to O(1) or constant time


return totalPieces; <-- // O(1)

If we calculate the Big O of this function we originally get (3 + 4n). After we apply our principles of simplifying Big O, we know that we can remove constants which will make our final result O(n)

如果我们计算此函数的Big O,则最初得到(3 + 4n) 。 应用简化Big O的原理后,我们知道可以删除常数 ,从而使最终结果为O(n)

综上所述 (In Summary)

I hope after reading this you have a solidified idea of how time and space complexity work, what their importance is in the functions/algorithms we write, and how we can calculate these complexities using Big O notation.

我希望阅读完这篇文章后,您对时间和空间复杂度的工作方式,它们在我们编写的函数/算法中的重要性以及如何使用Big O表示法计算这些复杂度的想法有一个扎实的认识。

Next week I will begin to take a deep dive into arguably the most popular data structure JavaScript developers use, the Array. See you then!

下周,我将开始深入探讨可以说JavaScript开发人员使用的最流行的数据结构Array。 回头见!

翻译自: https://medium.com/dev-genius/time-complexity-space-complexity-and-big-o-notation-500d6104f727




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    大O符号是算法复杂度的相对表示.它描述了时空复杂度. 大O符号是我在大学里学过的东西之一,我了解过这个算法的概念.我知道的不算多,可以回答一些基本的问题,仅此而已.从大学毕业以后,我对这个算法的了解基 ...

  3. 大文件分片上传前端框架_无插件实现大文件分片上传,断点续传

    文件上传.gif 1. 简介: 本篇文章基于实际项目的开发,将介绍项目中关于大文件分片上传.文件验证.断点续传.手动重试上传等需求的使用场景及实现: 2. 项目需求 在一个音视频的添加中,既要有音视频 ...

  4. 大数据可视化陈为智慧树_知到智慧树大数据可视化网课答案

    黑度表明物体的辐射能力接近黑体的程度,其值大小与物体的()有关.A.种类B.表面状况C.表面温度D 压强差的大小可以用一定高度的液体柱来表示.() 海浪干扰抑制电路一般抑制范围是____海里.A.0. ...

  5. 基坑计算理论m法弹性支点法_基坑支护结构弹塑性计算方法与m法的对比分析

    月                      Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering                      Nov.,  2006 ...

  6. k折交叉验证法的额外步骤_教你几招蝴蝶结系法步骤,OMG!这怎么配都美

    到了这种季节,怎样给自己的丝带绑个漂亮的结,这可真是令人最头疼的一件事了.要说绑带要怎么绑才好看,这几招蝴蝶结系法就很实用,简单大气又不失美感. 衬衫上的蝴蝶系法 步骤一:将带子两端像这样叠放,左边在 ...

  7. 回溯法采用的搜索策略_五大常用算法之四:回溯法

    1.概念 回溯算法实际上一个类似枚举的搜索尝试过程,主要是在搜索尝试过程中寻找问题的解,当发现已不满足求解条件时,就"回溯"返回,尝试别的路径.回溯法是一种选优搜索法,按选优条件向 ...

  8. 大数据在高校的应用场景_制造业人工智能8大应用场景

    随着智能制造热潮的到来,人工智能应用已经贯穿于设计.生产.管理和服务等制造业的各个环节. 人工智能的概念第一次被提出,是在20世纪50年代,距今已六十余年的时间.然而直到近几年,人工智能才迎来爆发式的 ...

  9. 云痕大数据考试中途可以退出吗_借助云痕大数据进行高效复习化学的实践研究.docx...

    借助云痕大数据进行高效复习化学的实践研究 摘要:在复习阶段,很多教师对学情把握不准,导致上课时容易简单.机械的罗列知识点,学生学习热情难以激发,复习效果不佳.借助云痕大数据,可以对学情进行深度了解,对 ...


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