2018 symmetry

Dense Fully Convolutional Segmentation of the Optic Disc and Cup in Colour Fundus for Glaucoma Diagnosis

Method : 分割
Dataset: colour retinal fundus images
     train :ORIGA
     test :ORIGA , DRIONS-DB , Drishti-GS , ONHSD , and RIM-ONE
Architecture: crop ROI + FC-DenseNet ( FCN + DenseNet)+ Refinement
Results: 见后续表格

分割 OD/OC 的introduce 写的比较详细 (shape-based template - matching;active contours deformable based models ; machine and deep learning methods )


Three Method of automated OD and OC segmentation in fundus images

  • shape-based template matching [3,4,5,6,7,8,9]

    • Method :
      model the OD as a circular or elliptical object and try to fit a circle using the Hough transform [4,5,8,9], an ellipse [3,6] or a rounded curve using a sliding band filter [7].

    These approaches typically feature in the earlier work

    • Deficiency : not robust enough
      In general, these shape-based modelling approaches to OD and OC segmentation are not robust enough due to intensity inhomogeneity, varying image colour, changes in disc shape by lesions such as exudates present in abnormal images, and the presence of blood vessels inside and around

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