1. UIResponder有一个nextResponder属性,通过该属性可以组成一个响应者链,事件或消息在其路径上进行传递

  2. 如果UIResponder没有处理传给它的事件,会将未处理的消息转发给自己的nextResponder

There are two general kinds of events: t***ouch events and motion events***. The primary event-handling methods for touches are touchesBegan:withEvent:, touchesMoved:withEvent:, touchesEnded:withEvent:, and touchesCancelled:withEvent:. The parameters of these methods associate touches with their events—€”especially touches that are new or have changed—€”and thus allow responder objects to track and handle the touches as the delivered events progress through the phases of a multi-touch sequence. Any time a finger touches the screen, is dragged on the screen, or lifts from the screen, a UIEvent object is generated. The event object contains UITouch objects for all fingers on the screen or just lifted from it.

responder chain相关推荐

  1. Responder Chain简析

    一.responder对象 在iOS系统中,能够响应并处理事件的对象称之为responder object, UIResponder是所有responder对象的基类,在UIResponder类中定义 ...

  2. nextResponder与Responder Chain

    nextResponder与Responder Chain 一.关于nextResponder相关研究 首先我们来看一下nextResponder的官方解释: -(UIResponder*)nextR ...

  3. iOS之深入解析响应者链Responder Chain

    一.响应链事件 iOS 中的事件可分为:触摸事件(multitouch events).加速计事件(accelerometer events).远程控制事件(remote control events ...

  4. oc之Mac-响应链(Responder Chain)

    你 转载于:https://www.cnblogs.com/sundaymac/p/10307257.html

  5. responder nextResponder

    一.responder对象 在iOS系统中,能够响应并处理事件的对象称之为responder object, UIResponder是所有responder对象的基类,在UIResponder类中定义 ...

  6. iOS事件处理,看我就够了~

    该文章属于<简书 - 刘小壮>原创,转载请注明: <简书 - 刘小壮> https://www.jianshu.com/p/b0884faae603 好久没写博客了,前后算起来 ...

  7. iOS 消息的传递机制

    2019独角兽企业重金招聘Python工程师标准>>> 转载原地址:http://beyondvincent.com/blog/2013/12/14/124-communicatio ...

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