Application.LoadLevel 加载关卡

static function LoadLevel (index : int) : void


Loads the level.


This function loads level by its index. You can see the indices of all levels using the File->Build Settings... menu in Unity. Before you can load a level you have to add it to the list of levels used in the game. Use File->Build Settings... in Unity and add the levels you need to the level list there.

这个函数按照索引加载关卡。在Unity中使用File->Build Settings.....菜单可以看到所有 关卡的索引列表。在你能过加载关卡之前你必须将它添加到游戏使用关卡列表中。在 Unity中使用File->Build Settings.....并添加你需要的关卡到关卡列表中。

// Loads the level with index 0

//加载索引为 0 的关卡

Application.LoadLevel (0);

When loading a new level all game objects that have been loaded before are destroyed. If you want to let an object survive when loading a new level, use Object.DontDestroyOnLoad.

当加载新的关卡时,所有已经加载的游戏物体都将被销毁。 如果你想让物体在被加 载新关卡时不被销毁,使用Object.DontDestroyOnLoad 。

• static function LoadLevel (name : string) : void


Loads the level by its name.


Before you can load a level you have to add it to the list of levels used in the game. Use File->Build Settings... in Unity and add the levels you need to the level list there. MonoBehaviour.OnLevelWasLoadedis called on all active game object's after the level has been loaded.

在你能够加载关卡之前你必须将它添加到游戏使用的关卡列表中。在Unity中使用File->Build Settings..... 并添加你需要的关卡到关卡列表中。关卡被加载所有激活物体上 的MonoBehaviour . OnLevelWasLoaded都被调用。

// Load the level named "HighScore".

// 加载名为"HighScore"的关卡。

Application.LoadLevel ("HighScore");

When loading a new level all game objects that have been loaded before are destroyed. If you want to let an object survive when loading a new level, use Object.DontDestroyOnLoad.

当加载新的关卡时,所有已经加载的游戏物体都将被销毁。 如果你想让物体在加载新关卡时不被销毁,使用Object. DontDestroyOnLoad。

void OnLevelWasLoaded(int sceneLevel)在加载新场景时被调用 ,sceneLevel指的是场景索引

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