

  • 常见词根与词缀


词根/词缀 含义 示例 词源
protein 蛋白质 proteoglycan 蛋白聚糖
proteinuria 蛋白尿(症)
glycoprotein 糖蛋白
proteinemia 蛋白血(症)
mid 19th century: from French protéine, German Protein, from Greek prōteios ‘primary’, from prōtos ‘first’.
peptid(o)- peptide 肽 polypeptide 多肽
oligopeptide 寡肽
neuropeptide 神经肽
exopeptidase 外肽酶
early 20th century: from German Peptid, back-formation from Polypeptid ‘polypeptide’. From Ancient Greek πεπτός (peptós, “digested”).
amin(o)- amino 氨基的 aminotransferase 氨基转移酶
aminopeptidase 氨基肽酶
aminoacyl 氨酰基
aminolevulinic 氨基酮戊酸的
nucle(o)- nucleic acid 核酸 nucleotide 核苷酸
neuleoprotein 核蛋白
nucleosome 核小体
nucleotidase 核苷酸酶
deoxy- deoxy 脱氧 deoxycholic 脱氧胆的
ursodeoxycholic 熊去氧胆酸的
deoxynucleotide 脱氧核苷酸
deoxyribose 脱氧核糖
enzyme 酶 apoenzyme 脱辅基酶蛋白
metalloenzyme 金属酶
enzymotherapy 酶疗法
multienzyme 多酶

zymogram 酶谱
zymogen 酶原
zymosterol 酵母甾(zī)醇
zymogenic 发酵菌的,酶原的

acylase 酰基酶
urokinase 尿激酶
streptokinase 链激酶
asparaginase 门冬酰胺酶

late 19th century: coined in German from modern Greek enzumos ‘leavened’, from en- ‘within’ + Greek zumē ‘leaven ['levn] 发酵,酵母’.
sugar 糖 polysaccharide 多糖,聚糖
lipolysaccharide 脂糖
obligosaccharide 低聚糖,寡糖
lipo-oligo-saccharide 脂寡糖

gluose 葡萄糖
mannose 甘露糖
fructose 果糖
lactose 乳糖

Latin saccharum (“sugar”),
glucose 葡萄糖 glycoprotein 糖蛋白
peptidoglycan 肽聚糖
glycolysis 糖酵解
glycogen 糖原

glucokinase 葡萄糖激酶
glucosuria [ˌgluːkoʊ’sjʊrɪə] 葡萄糖尿
glucagon 胰高血糖素
gluconeogenesis 葡萄糖异生

mid 19th century: from French, from Greek gleukos ‘sweet wine’, related to glukus ‘sweet’.
fructose/ fruit sugar 果糖 fructoamine 果糖胺
fructofuranose 呋喃果糖
fructokinase 果糖激酶
fructosediphosphatase 果糖二磷酸酶
mid 19th century: from Latin fructus ‘fruit’ + -ose
mann(o)- mannose 甘露糖 mannitol 甘露醇
mannosidase 甘露糖苷醇
mannosephosphate 甘露糖磷酸
mannans 甘露聚糖
late 19th century: from mannite ‘mannitol (《出埃及记》中以色列人在荒野中上帝赐予的食物甘露)’ + -ose
lact(o)- lactose 乳糖 lactate 乳酸,乳酸盐
lactolose 如果糖
lactoferin 乳铁蛋白
lactobacilli 乳杆菌
Borrowed from French lactose, from Latin lac (“milk”) +‎ -ose (derivation of sucrose). Coined by French chemist Marcelin Berthelot.
amyl(o)- starch 淀粉 amylose 直链淀粉
amyloid 淀粉样的,淀粉状蛋白
amylase 淀粉酶
amylopectin 支链淀粉,胶淀粉
Old English (recorded only in the past participle sterced ‘stiffened 硬的,稠的’), of Germanic origin; related to Dutch sterken, German stärken ‘strengthen’, also to stark.
amyl(o)-: From Latin amylum (“starch”), from Ancient Greek ἄμυλον (ámulon, “starch”) from ἀ- (a-, “privative”) + μύλη (múlē, “mill”).
stearine 硬脂 steatosis 皮脂腺病
stearic 硬脂酸的
stearothermophilus 嗜热脂肪芽孢杆菌
steatorrhea 脂肪痢,脂肪泻
early 19th century: from French stéarine, from Greek stear ‘tallow ['tæloʊ] (fat 脂)’.
lip(o) fat 脂肪 phospholipid 磷脂
liposarcoma 脂肪肉瘤
lipoma 脂肪瘤
lipofuscin 脂褐素
from Greek lipos ‘fat’.
jelly 胶,凝胶 gelatinous 凝胶状的
gelatinolytic 明胶分解的
gelatinase 明胶酶
gelatinize 使成胶状
early 19th century: from French gélatine, from Italian gelatina, from gelata, from Latin (see jelly).
gli(o)- glue 胶 glioma 胶质瘤
gliosis 神经胶质增生
gliosarcoma 胶质肉瘤
gliotoxin 胶霉毒素,曲霉菌素
Ancient Greek γλια (glia, “glue”))
glial cell: A type of cell, in the nervous system, that provides support for the neurons.
cholesterol 胆固醇 cholesterinemia 胆甾(zī)醇血
cholesteatoma 胆脂瘤
cholesterosis 胆固醇沉着病
cholestane 胆甾(zī)烷
late 19th century: from Greek kholē ‘bile’ + stereos ‘stiff’ + -ol.
arginine 精氨酸 arginyl 精胺酰
argininemia 精氨酸血症
arginase 精氨酸酶
argininosuccinate 精氨琥珀酸盐
From German Arginin, perhaps from Ancient Greek ἀργινόεις (arginóeis, “brightly-shining, white”).
asparagine 天门冬酰胺 asparaginase 天冬酰胺酶
aspartase 天冬氨酸酶
early 19th century: from asparagus 芦笋 (which contains it) + -ine.
glut- glutamic acid 谷氨酸 glutamine 谷氨酰胺
glutelin 谷蛋白
glutamyl 谷氨酰
glutamine: late 19th century: blend of glutamic acid and amine.
glutamic acid: late 19th century: from gluten + amine + -ic.
gluten: 麸质;面筋 late 16th century (originally denoting protein from animal tissue): via French from Latin, literally ‘glue’.
histidine 组氨酸 histidyl 组胺酰
histidase 组氨酸酶
histidinemia 组氨酸血症
histidinuria 组氨酸尿
late 19th century: from Greek histos ‘web, tissue’ + -ide + -ine.
tyrosin(o)- tyrosine 酪氨酸 tyrosinase 酪氨酸酶
tyrosinemia 酪氨酸血症
tyrosinosis 酪氨酸代谢病
mid 19th century: formed irregularly from Greek turos ‘cheese’ + -ine.


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