Sony’s official PlayStation app, available for both Android phones and iPhones, allows you to remotely control your PS4. Use it as a playback remote or a keyboard for quickly typing without relying on the PS4’s controller and on-TV keyboard.

索尼官方的PlayStation应用程序可用于Android手机和iPhone,可让您远程控制PS4。 将其用作回放遥控器或键盘,无需依靠PS4的控制器和电视键盘即可快速打字。

While Nintendo opted to bundle an entire controller with a touchscreen gamepad, both Sony and Microsoft have added a “second screen” environment with a smartphone app. It isn’t integrated directly into as many games, but it’s still a useful feature.

当任天堂选择将整个控制器与触摸屏游戏手柄捆绑在一起时,索尼和微软都通过智能手机应用程序添加了“第二屏”环境。 它没有直接集成到许多游戏中,但仍然是一个有用的功能。

第一步:获取应用 (Step One: Get the App)

These features require Sony’s official PlayStation app, which is available from Apple’s App Store and Google Play. While the app was originally designed for iPhones and Android smartphones, it now works on iPads and Android tablets, too.

这些功能需要Sony的官方PlayStation应用程序,该程序可从Apple的App Store和Google Play获得 。 虽然该应用最初是为iPhone和Android智能手机设计的,但现在也可以在iPad和Android平板电脑上使用。

Install the app on your preferred device and launch it. SIgn in with the same PlayStation Network account you signed into your PS4 with.

在您喜欢的设备上安装该应用程序并启动它。 使用您用来登录PS4的同一PlayStation网络帐户登录。

第二步:连接到您的PS4 (Step Two: Connect to your PS4)

To use second screen features, tap the “Connect to PS4” icon in the app and tap “Second Screen.” Assuming your smartphone and PlayStation 4 are on the same network, your phone should automatically find your PS4. Tap it to connect. If you don’t see the PS4, ensure both devices are on the same network.

要使用第二屏幕功能,请在应用程序中点击“连接到PS4”图标,然后点击“第二屏幕”。 假设您的智能手机和PlayStation 4在同一网络上,那么您的手机应会自动找到您的PS4。 点按即可连接。 如果看不到PS4,请确保两个设备都在同一网络上。

After you do, you’ll be told to go to the Settings > PlayStation App Connection Settings > Add Device menu on your PS4. You’ll see a code displayed here. Type the code into the app to register your smartphone with your PS4. The Settings > PlayStation App Connection Settings screen on your PS4 gives you a list of connected devices and allows you to remove them in the future, if you like.

完成后,系统会提示您转到PS4上的“设置”>“ PlayStation应用程序连接设置”>“添加设备”菜单。 您会在此处看到一个代码。 在应用程序中键入代码,以将智能手机注册到PS4。 PS4上的“设置”>“ PlayStation应用程序连接设置”屏幕为您提供了已连接设备的列表,并允许您将来将其删除。

When you’re done, you’ll see that your PS4 is now connected when you tap Connect to PS4 > Second Screen.  This screen also gives you a power button, allowing you to quickly put your PS4 into rest mode.

完成后,点击“连接到PS4”>“第二屏幕”,您将看到PS4现在已连接。 此屏幕还为您提供了电源按钮,使您可以快速将PS4置于休息模式 。

第三步:将智能手机用作遥控器 (Step Three: Use Your Smartphone as a Remote)

To use your smartphone as a remote for your PS4, tap Connect to PS4 > Second Screen and then tap the “Second Screen” button below the PS4’s name. You’ll see a remote screen with four icons at the top of the screen.

要将智能手机用作PS4的遥控器,请点击“连接到PS4”>“第二屏幕”,然后点击PS4名称下方的“第二屏幕”按钮。 您会在屏幕顶部看到一个带有四个图标的远程屏幕。

The first icon allows you to use the app as a “second screen” in a game, if the game supports it. The second icon allows you to swipe and tap on your phone to navigate the console’s menus. The third icon gives you a keyboard on your smartphone, allowing you to quickly type in text fields. The fourth icon allows you to view comments from spectators while broadcasting gameplay.

如果游戏支持,则第一个图标可让您将应用程序用作游戏中的“第二屏幕”。 第二个图标可让您滑动并点击手机以导航控制台的菜单。 第三个图标为您提供了智能手机上的键盘,可让您快速输入文本字段。 第四个图标允许您在播放游戏时查看观众的评论。

If you find yourself wanting a more convenient keyboard to type on your PS4 without having to unlock your smartphone first, remember that you can wirelessly connect a physical Bluetooth keyboard and mouse to your console.


Some games allow you to view a map or inventory screen using the “second screen” function of this app, but most games haven’t bothered implementing this feature. If a game doesn’t support this feature, you’ll see the “This screen is currently not in use” message when you tap the icon first icon from the left.

某些游戏允许您使用此应用程序的“第二屏幕”功能查看地图或库存屏幕,但大多数游戏并没有为实现此功能而烦恼。 如果游戏不支持此功能,则在点击左侧的第一个图标时会看到“当前未使用此屏幕”消息。

使用其他PlayStation功能,甚至可以通过Internet使用 (Use Other PlayStation Features, Even Over the Internet)

The rest of the app provides a variety of useful other features. These features rely on a connection to Sony’s PlayStation Network servers, so they’ll work from anywhere–even if your PlayStation 4 isn’t powered on.

该应用程序的其余部分提供了各种有用的其他功能。 这些功能依赖于与Sony PlayStation Network服务器的连接,因此即使您的PlayStation 4尚未开机,它们也可以在任何地方使用。

The main screen shows you your “What’s New” feed, live game streams, friends list, notifications, and other social features normally only accessible through the console.


Tap “Messages” and you’ll be directed to download the separate PlayStation Messages app from Apple’s App Store or Google Play, allowing you to send and receive messages with the same PlayStation messaging service you’d use on your PS4.

点击“消息”,您将被引导从Apple的App Store或Google Play下载单独的PlayStation消息应用程序 ,从而可以使用与PS4上相同的PlayStation消息服务发送和接收消息。

Tap the “Store” button and you’ll be taken to the PlayStation Store on your phone, allowing you to browse for games, demos, movies, and TV shows on your phone and purchase them. With the default rest mode settings, your PlayStation 4 will automatically wake up and download games you purchase, and then go back into rest mode. They should be ready for you to play when you return to your console.

点按“商店”按钮,您将被带到手机上的PlayStation商店,可让您浏览手机上的游戏,演示,电影和电视节目并购买。 使用默认的休息模式设置,您的PlayStation 4将自动唤醒并下载您购买的游戏,然后返回到休息模式。 当您返回控制台时,它们应该已准备就绪,可供您播放。

Tap the menu button next to your profile icon and you’ll see a menu with more links, allowing you to quickly view your profile and trophies or redeem promotional codes. This feature allows you to quickly scan codes with your phone’s camera or type them in with a keyboard on your phone, saving you hassle over typing them in with your PS4’s controller.

点按个人资料图标旁边的菜单按钮,您会看到一个包含更多链接的菜单,可让您快速查看个人资料和奖杯或兑换促销代码。 使用此功能,您可以使用手机的相机快速扫描代码或使用手机上的键盘输入代码,从而省去了使用PS4的控制器输入代码的麻烦。

Sony’s app provides a variety of useful features, although it certainly isn’t indispensable. Only a handful of games have bothered implementing their own second-screen functions that use this app, and developers have occasionally chosen to create their own game-specific companion apps that work across the PS4, Xbox One, and PC platforms rather than rely on Sony’s.

索尼的应用程序提供了各种有用的功能,尽管它并不是必不可少的。 只有少数游戏烦恼实现使用此应用程序的自己的第二屏功能,并且开发人员偶尔选择创建自己的特定于游戏的配套应用程序,这些应用程序可在PS4,Xbox One和PC平台上运行,而不是依赖于Sony的。


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