You’ve undoubtedly bought music, movies, TV shows, and audiobooks off of iTunes before, but it was likely for yourself. If you’re wanting to buy something from the iTunes Store and gift it to someone else, here’s how to do it.

毫无疑问,您以前曾从iTunes购买过音乐,电影,电视节目和有声读物,但这很可能是您自己的事。 如果您想从iTunes Store购买商品并将其赠送给其他人,请按照以下方法操作。

The process for gifting digital content in iTunes is surprisingly complicated, mostly because it’s not intuitive how to get there.


The first thing you’ll want to do is open up the iTunes Store app.

您要做的第一件事是打开iTunes Store应用程序。

From there, either browse and find the piece of digital content you’re looking for or hit the “Search” tab at the bottom of the screen.


At the top of the screen, type in the title of the movie, song, album, or whatever it is you’re looking for. In my case, I’m looking for a specific audiobook by Dale Earnhardt Jr. to give to my mom.

在屏幕顶部,键入电影,歌曲,专辑或您要查找的内容的标题。 就我而言,我正在寻找Dale Earnhardt Jr.赠送给妈妈的特定有声读物。

After selecting the digital content, tap the “Share” button up in the top-right corner of the screen.


Tap on “Gift” in the Share sheet.


Next, type the email address of your recipient in the “To” box. If they’re already in your contacts, you can select them that way, too. In the “From” box, type your name. Below that, you can type out a message if you’d like.

接下来,在“收件人”框中键入收件人的电子邮件地址。 如果他们已经在您的联系人中,您也可以通过这种方式选择它们。 在“发件人”框中,键入您的姓名。 在此下方,您可以根据需要输入消息。

Scroll down and under the “Send Gift” setting, you can select when you want the gift to be sent to your recipient—great if you want them to receive it on Christmas morning, their birthday, or whatever. Hit “Next” up in the top-right corner when you’re done.

向下滚动并在“发送礼物”设置下,您可以选择希望何时将礼物发送给收件人-如果希望他们在圣诞节早晨,他们的生日或其他任何时间收到礼物,则非常有用。 完成后,点击右上角的“下一步”。

On the next screen, select a theme and hit “Next” to continue.


Confirm that all of the information is correct and then tap “Buy.”


Confirm again and then tap “Buy Now.” You might need to verify your Apple ID to complete the purchase.

再次确认,然后点击“立即购买”。 您可能需要验证您的Apple ID以完成购买。

Once the purchase is complete, you’ll move on to a confirmation screen. Hit “Done” in the top-right corner to finish. The recipient will receive an email letting them you gifted them something from iTunes, with instructions on how to redeem it.

购买完成后,您将进入确认屏幕。 点击右上角的“完成”以完成操作。 收件人将收到一封电子邮件,使您可以从iTunes赠送礼物给他们,并说明如何兑换。


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