windows 即时贴

Microsoft transformed the Sticky Notes app in with Windows 10’s Anniversary Update. The new Sticky Notes app supports pen input and offers reminders and other “insights”, thanks to Cortana. It’s a convenient, lightweight alternative to OneNote for taking quick notes.

微软通过Windows 10的周年更新更新了Sticky Notes应用程序。 借助Cortana,新的Sticky Notes应用程序支持笔输入并提供提醒和其他“见解”。 它是OneNote的一种方便,轻巧的替代品,可用于快速记笔记。

如何启动便签 (How to Launch Sticky Notes)

The Sticky Notes app is like any other application included with Windows 10. You can launch it by opening the Start menu, searching for “Sticky Notes”, and clicking the shortcut. Once launched, you can right-click the Sticky Notes icon and select “Pin to Taskbar” if you plan to use it frequently.

Sticky Notes应用程序与Windows 10随附的任何其他应用程序一样。您可以通过打开“开始”菜单,搜索“ Sticky Notes”,然后单击快捷方式来启动它。 一旦启动,您可以右键单击置顶便笺图标,如果您打算经常使用它,则选择“固定到任务栏”。

Sticky Notes can also be launched from the Windows Ink Workspace, if you have a Windows device with a pen. Click or tap the ink icon on your taskbar and select “Sticky Notes”. To show the Windows Ink Workspace button if you can’t see it, right-click your taskbar and select “Show Windows Ink Workspace Button”.

如果您有带笔的Windows设备,还可以从Windows墨水工作区启动便笺。 单击或点击任务栏上的墨水图标,然后选择“粘滞便笺”。 要显示Windows Ink工作区按钮(如果看不到),请右键单击任务栏,然后选择“显示Windows Ink工作区按钮”。

即时贴101 (Sticky Notes 101)

The app is simple to use. By default, you’ll see a yellow sticky note. You can type whatever you want into the note and Windows will save your note for later.

该应用程序易于使用。 默认情况下,您会看到黄色的粘滞便笺。 您可以在记事中输入任何内容,Windows会保存您的记事以供以后使用。

To create a new note, click the “+” button. To delete the current note, click the trash can button. To change the color of a note, click the “…” menu button and select one of the color circles.

要创建新笔记,请单击“ +”按钮。 要删除当前注释,请单击垃圾桶按钮。 要更改笔记的颜色,请单击“…”菜单按钮,然后选择一个色环。

These windows can be moved or resized as normal. Just click-and-drag or touch-and-drag the title bar to move them, or click-and-drag or touch-and-drag a corner of the window to resize them.

这些窗口可以正常移动或调整大小。 只需单击并拖动或触摸并拖动标题栏以移动它们,或单击并拖动或触摸并拖动窗口的一角以调整它们的大小。

Move note windows around on your desktop by clicking and dragging (or touching and dragging) the title bar. You can also resize notes by clicking and dragging or touching and dragging at a corner, making them as small or large as you like.

通过单击并拖动(或触摸并拖动)标题栏,在桌面上四处移动笔记窗口。 您也可以通过单击并拖动或触摸并拖动某个角落来调整笔记的大小,以根据需要将其变小或变大。

用笔写字 (Writing With a Pen)

If your Windows device has a pen or stylus, you can draw or write notes directly in a sticky note. You just have to start with an empty note—every note can either contain typed text or something drawn with the stylus, but not both.

如果您的Windows设备带有笔或手写笔,则可以直接在便签中绘图或书写便笺。 您只需要以一个空的便笺开头-每个便笺可以包含键入的文本或使用手写笔绘制的内容,但不能同时包含两者。

获得见解 (Getting Insights)

Sticky Notes works along with Cortana, Windows 10’s integrated virtual assistant, to provide more information.

即时贴可与Windows 10的集成虚拟助手Cortana一起使用,以提供更多信息。

This feature is called “Insights”, and it’s enabled by default. To check if Insights are enabled, click the “…” menu icon in a note and click the gear-shaped settings icon at the bottom left corner of the note. Ensure “Enable Insights” is set to “On” if you want to use this feature.

此功能称为“ Insights”,默认情况下处于启用状态。 要检查是否启用了数据洞察,请单击注释中的“…”菜单图标,然后单击注释左下角的齿轮状设置图标。 如果要使用此功能,请确保将“启用见解”设置为“开”。

When you type or write something like a flight number—for example, “AA1234”— it will turn blue. This works both for typed text and for handwritten text you wrote with a pen. Click or tap the blue text to see more information.

当您输入或输入类似航班号的内容(例如“ AA1234”)时,它将变成蓝色。 这既适用于键入文本,也适用于您用笔书写的手写文本。 单击或点击蓝色文本以查看更多信息。

For example, you could write a flight number and then click or tap it in the note to view up-to-date flight tracking information.


Sticky Notes are also integrated with Cortana for reminders. This is just another type of “insight”. When you type something with a time or date, the time or date will turn blue and you can click or tap it to set a reminder.

便利贴还与Cortana集成在一起以进行提醒。 这只是另一种“洞察力”。 当您输入带有时间或日期的内容时,时间或日期将变为蓝色,您可以单击或点击它以设置提醒。

For example, let’s say you type or write “Lunch at 12:30” or “Go shopping tomorrow” in a note. “12:30” or “tomorrow” will turn blue. Click or tap it and Sticky Notes will ask if you want to create a reminder. Select “Add Reminder” and it will create a Cortana reminder about this event.

例如,假设您在记事中输入或输入“ 12:30午餐”或“明天去购物”。 “ 12:30”或“明天”将变为蓝色。 单击或点击它,便笺将询问您是否要创建提醒。 选择“添加提醒”,它将创建有关此事件的Cortana提醒。

You can even get these reminders on your phone if you install the Cortana app for iPhone or Android phone and sign in with the same Microsoft account you use on your PC.


Sticky Notes offers other insights, too. It will automatically detect the following things, whether you type them with your keyboard or write them with a pen:

即时贴还提供了其他见解。 无论您使用键盘输入还是用笔书写,它都会自动检测以下内容:

  • Phone numbers: Call phone numbers like “1-800-123-4567” using Skype.

    电话号码 :使用Skype拨打“ 1-800-123-4567”之类的电话号码。

  • Email addresses: Compose emails to email addreses like “”.

    电子邮件地址 :将电子邮件撰写到类似“”的电子邮件地址

  • Web addresses: Open web addresses like “” with your web browser.

    网址 :使用网络浏览器打开诸如“”之类的网址。

  • Physical addresses: View the location of a street address like “123 Fake Street, California 12345” and you can view its location and get directions via the Maps app.

    实际地址 :查看街道地址的位置,例如“加利福尼亚州12345 Fake Street 123”,您可以通过“地图”应用查看其位置并获取路线。

  • Stock symbols: View the performance of stock symbols like “$MSFT”.

    股票代码 :查看“ $ MSFT”等股票代码的表现。

Some of these features may only work in certain countries at the moment, but Microsoft is extending them to new languages and countries with the Creators Update. Expect Microsoft to continue adding Insights and continue expanding the available Insights to more people in the future.

目前,其中某些功能可能仅在某些国家/地区有效,但是Microsoft 通过Creators Update将其扩展到新的语言和国家/地区。 希望Microsoft将来继续添加见解,并继续将可用的见解扩展给更多的人。

Windows不同步您的便笺,但您可以备份它们 (Windows Doesn’t Sync Your Sticky Notes, But You Can Back Them Up)

As of Windows 10’s Anniversary Update, Sticky Notes don’t sync between your different Windows 10 devices. They’re stored on your computer in a local database for the Sticky Notes app. You can back up your Sticky Notes and restore them on a different PC, but you have to do that yourself.

从Windows 10周年更新开始,Sticky Notes在不同的Windows 10设备之间不同步。 它们存储在您计算机上的Sticky Notes应用程序的本地数据库中。 您可以备份便笺并在另一台PC上还原它们 ,但您必须自己做。

Sticky Notes are ideal for quick, transient notes you don’t want to keep for a while.  For more complex notes, notes you want to keep for a long time, and notes you just want to sync between your devices, you’ll want to use a more full-featured note-taking app.

即时贴是您不想保留一会的快速瞬态便笺的理想选择。 对于更复杂的笔记,要保留很长时间的笔记以及只想在设备之间同步的笔记,您将需要使用功能更全的笔记应用程序。

For example, Microsoft’s own OneNote is included with Windows 10 and is very capable. But Sticky Notes is a convenient, lightweight alternative if you just want to jot down a phone number without going into your OneNote notebook.

例如,Microsoft自己的OneNote 随Windows 10一起提供,并且功能非常强大 。 但是,如果您只是想记下电话号码而不必进入OneNote笔记本,则Sticky Notes是一种方便,轻便的选择。


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