


1、在 SEGGER_RTT_printf.c 中 的 int SEGGER_RTT_vprintf(unsigned BufferIndex, const char * sFormat, va_list * pParamList)函数,增加以下
 case 'f':
 case 'F': 语句

*       SEGGER_RTT_vprintf
*  Function description
*    Stores a formatted string in SEGGER RTT control block.
*    This data is read by the host.
*  Parameters
*    BufferIndex  Index of "Up"-buffer to be used. (e.g. 0 for "Terminal")
*    sFormat      Pointer to format string
*    pParamList   Pointer to the list of arguments for the format string
*  Return values
*    >= 0:  Number of bytes which have been stored in the "Up"-buffer.
*     < 0:  Error
int SEGGER_RTT_vprintf(unsigned BufferIndex, const char * sFormat, va_list * pParamList) {char c;SEGGER_RTT_PRINTF_DESC BufferDesc;int v;unsigned NumDigits;unsigned FormatFlags;unsigned FieldWidth;char acBuffer[SEGGER_RTT_PRINTF_BUFFER_SIZE];BufferDesc.pBuffer        = acBuffer;BufferDesc.BufferSize     = SEGGER_RTT_PRINTF_BUFFER_SIZE;BufferDesc.Cnt            = 0u;BufferDesc.RTTBufferIndex = BufferIndex;BufferDesc.ReturnValue    = 0;do {c = *sFormat;sFormat++;if (c == 0u) {break;}if (c == '%') {//// Filter out flags//FormatFlags = 0u;v = 1;do {c = *sFormat;switch (c) {case '-': FormatFlags |= FORMAT_FLAG_LEFT_JUSTIFY; sFormat++; break;case '0': FormatFlags |= FORMAT_FLAG_PAD_ZERO;     sFormat++; break;case '+': FormatFlags |= FORMAT_FLAG_PRINT_SIGN;   sFormat++; break;case '#': FormatFlags |= FORMAT_FLAG_ALTERNATE;    sFormat++; break;default:  v = 0; break;}} while (v);//// filter out field with//FieldWidth = 0u;do {c = *sFormat;if ((c < '0') || (c > '9')) {break;}sFormat++;FieldWidth = (FieldWidth * 10u) + ((unsigned)c - '0');} while (1);//// Filter out precision (number of digits to display)//NumDigits = 0u;c = *sFormat;if (c == '.') {sFormat++;do {c = *sFormat;if ((c < '0') || (c > '9')) {break;}sFormat++;NumDigits = NumDigits * 10u + ((unsigned)c - '0');} while (1);}//// Filter out length modifier//c = *sFormat;do {if ((c == 'l') || (c == 'h')) {sFormat++;c = *sFormat;} else {break;}} while (1);//// Handle specifiers//switch (c) {case 'c': {char c0;v = va_arg(*pParamList, int);c0 = (char)v;_StoreChar(&BufferDesc, c0);break;}case 'd':v = va_arg(*pParamList, int);_PrintInt(&BufferDesc, v, 10u, NumDigits, FieldWidth, FormatFlags);break;case 'u':v = va_arg(*pParamList, int);_PrintUnsigned(&BufferDesc, (unsigned)v, 10u, NumDigits, FieldWidth, FormatFlags);break;case 'x':case 'X':v = va_arg(*pParamList, int);_PrintUnsigned(&BufferDesc, (unsigned)v, 16u, NumDigits, FieldWidth, FormatFlags);break;case 's':{const char * s = va_arg(*pParamList, const char *);do {c = *s;s++;if (c == '\0') {break;}_StoreChar(&BufferDesc, c);} while (BufferDesc.ReturnValue >= 0);}break;case 'p':v = va_arg(*pParamList, int);_PrintUnsigned(&BufferDesc, (unsigned)v, 16u, 8u, 8u, 0u);break;case '%':_StoreChar(&BufferDesc, '%');break;// Add the ability to output floating point numbers. It has two decimal places by default.#if 0case 'f':case 'F':{char ch[10]={0};const char * s=ch;double a = va_arg(*pParamList, double);sprintf(ch,"%4.3f",a);do{c = *s;s++;if (c == '\0') break;_StoreChar(&BufferDesc, c);}while(BufferDesc.ReturnValue >= 0);}break;#elsecase 'f':case 'F': {float fv = (float)va_arg(*pParamList, double);    // Retrieves the input floating point valueif(fv < 0) _StoreChar(&BufferDesc, '-');          // Judge the signv = abs((int)fv);                                 // Take the positive integer part_PrintInt(&BufferDesc, v, 10u, NumDigits, FieldWidth, FormatFlags);  // According to an integer_StoreChar(&BufferDesc, '.');                                        // Display decimal pointv = abs((int)(fv * 1000));               v = v % 1000;_PrintInt(&BufferDesc, v, 10u, 3, FieldWidth, FormatFlags);          // Display three decimal places}break;#endifdefault:break;}sFormat++;} else {_StoreChar(&BufferDesc, c);}} while (BufferDesc.ReturnValue >= 0);if (BufferDesc.ReturnValue > 0) {//// Write remaining data, if any//if (BufferDesc.Cnt != 0u) {SEGGER_RTT_Write(BufferIndex, acBuffer, BufferDesc.Cnt);}BufferDesc.ReturnValue += (int)BufferDesc.Cnt;}return BufferDesc.ReturnValue;



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