
【a】nvl(a,b)函数: 如果a的值为空,那么取b的值

with temp1 as(select '张三' as name, '10' as text from dual),
temp2 as(select '' as name, '20' as text from dual),
temp3 as(select '李四' as name, '' as text from dual)--nvl(a,b)函数: 如果a的值为空,那么取b的值
select nvl(name, '无名氏') as name, nvl(text, '未知') as textfrom temp1
union all
select nvl(name, '无名氏') as name, nvl(text, '未知') as textfrom temp2
union all
select nvl(name, '无名氏') as name, nvl(text, '未知') as text from temp3

【b】nvl2(a,b,c)函数: 如果a的值不为空,那么取b的值,如果a的值为空,那么取c的值(类似三目运算符)

with temp1 as(select '张三' as name, '10' as text from dual),
temp2 as(select '' as name, '20' as text from dual),
temp3 as(select '李四' as name, '' as text from dual)--nvl2(a,b,c)函数: 如果a的值不为空,那么取b的值,如果a的值为空,那么取c的值(类似三目运算符)
select nvl2(name, name, '无名氏') as name, nvl2(text, text, '未知') as textfrom temp1
union all
select nvl2(name, name, '无名氏') as name, nvl2(text, text, '未知') as textfrom temp2
union all
select nvl2(name, name, '无名氏') as name, nvl2(text, text, '未知') as textfrom temp3

【c】sign(number) :  如果number大于0,sign则返回1;如果number小于0,sign则返回-1;如果number等于0,sign则返回0.

--sign(number)    如果number大于0,sign则返回1;如果number小于0,sign则返回-1;如果number等于0,sign则返回0
select sign(20 - 10), sign(10 - 20), sign(20 - 20), sign(20.0001 - 20.0000)from dual;

【d】substr(str,a,b): 字符串截取函数

--str :待截取字符串
--a :截取开始位置
--b :截取个数

注意:当a为负数时,只要 |a| ≤ b,取a的个数(如:7、8、9);当 |a| ≥ b时,才取b的个数

--str 待截取字符串
--a 截取开始位置
--b 截取个数--注意:当a为负数时,只要 |a| ≤ b,取a的个数(如:7、8、9);当 |a| ≥ b时,才取b的个数select substr('zhangsan', 0, 3),  --zhasubstr('zhangsan', 1, 3),  --zhasubstr('zhangsan', 3, 5),  --angsasubstr('zhangsan', -1, 3), --nsubstr('zhangsan', -3, 2)  --safrom dual;

【e】listagg() ..within group() : 合并数据

with temp1 as(select '10001' as categoryId, '苹果' as categoryName from dual),
temp2 as(select '10001' as categoryId, '雪梨' as categoryName from dual),
temp3 as(select '10002' as categoryId, '铅笔' as categoryName from dual),
temp4 as(select '10003' as categoryId, '水果刀' as categoryName from dual),
temp5 as(select '10002' as categoryId, '钢笔' as categoryName from dual),
allResult as(select *from temp1union allselect *from temp2union allselect *from temp3union allselect *from temp4union allselect *from temp5)select * from allResult;

假如我们需要将categoryId相同的categoryName合并在一起显示,那么可以使用listagg within group函数来实现。

with temp1 as(select '10001' as categoryId, '苹果' as categoryName from dual),
temp2 as(select '10001' as categoryId, '雪梨' as categoryName from dual),
temp3 as(select '10002' as categoryId, '铅笔' as categoryName from dual),
temp4 as(select '10003' as categoryId, '水果刀' as categoryName from dual),
temp5 as(select '10002' as categoryId, '钢笔' as categoryName from dual),
allResult as(select *from temp1union allselect *from temp2union allselect *from temp3union allselect *from temp4union allselect *from temp5)select t.categoryId,listagg(to_char(t.categoryName), ',') within group(order by t.categoryName) as categoryNamefrom allResult tgroup by t.categoryId

【f】类型转换相关函数: to_char()/to_date()/to_number()

--to_char() 将查询结果转换为字符类型

--to_number() 将字符串类型转换为数字类型
--select to_number('zhangsan') from dual;  --无效数字

--to_date() 将字符型数据转换为日期型数据

--to_char() 将查询结果转换为字符类型--to_number() 将字符串类型转换为数字类型
--select to_number('zhangsan') from dual;  --无效数字--to_date() 将字符型数据转换为日期型数据select to_char(123456) as str,to_char(sysdate, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') as now,to_number('123456') as num,to_date('2018-11-09', 'YYYY-MM-DD') as dfrom dual;

【g】extract(fmt from d):提取日期中的特定部分,如年、月、日等

--fmt 为:year、month、day、hour、minute、second。其中 year、month、day可以为 data 类型匹配,也可以与 timestamp 类型匹配;但是 hour、minute、second 必须与 timestamp 类型匹配。
--hour 匹配的结果中没有加上时区,在中国运行的结果小 8 小时。

--extract(fmt from d),提取日期中的特定部分。
--fmt 为:year、month、day、hour、minute、second。其中 year、month、day可以为 data 类型匹配,也可以与 timestamp 类型匹配;但是 hour、minute、second 必须与 timestamp 类型匹配。
--hour 匹配的结果中没有加上时区,在中国运行的结果小 8 小时。select sysdate as now,extract(year from sysdate) as 年,extract(month from sysdate) as 月,extract(day from sysdate) as 天,extract(hour from systimestamp) as 小时_小8小时,extract(hour from systimestamp) + 8 as 小时,extract(minute from systimestamp) as 分钟,extract(second from systimestamp) as 秒from dual;


(1). 匹配是否相等(当然也可以使用case when 语句实现同样效果)

with temp1 as(select 'female' as sex from dual),
temp2 as(select 'male' as sex from dual),
temp3 as(select '' as sex from dual),
res as(select sexfrom temp1union allselect sexfrom temp2union allselect sexfrom temp3)--select sex from res;    --decode(value,if1,then1,if2,then2,if3,then3,...,else) --用法一:匹配是否相等(当然也可以使用case when 语句实现同样效果)--可以这样理解:
--如果 sex='female' 返回  '女'
--如果 sex='male' 返回  '男'
--否则,返回'未知'    select sex as 性别标识,decode(sex, 'female', '女', 'male', '男', '未知') as 性别from res;

(2). 结合sign用于比较大小
--select decode(sign(变量1-变量2),-1,变量1,变量2) from dual; --取较小值

--select decode(sign(变量1-变量2),-1,变量1,变量2) from dual; --取较小值
select decode(sign(99 - 88), -1, 99, 88) as min, decode(sign(99 - 88), 1, 99, 88) as max from dual;

(3). 示例:成绩>85,显示优秀;>70显示良好;>60及格;否则是不及格。

with temp as(select '85' as scorefrom dualunion allselect '80' as scorefrom dualunion allselect '75' as scorefrom dualunion allselect '70' as scorefrom dualunion allselect '60' as scorefrom dualunion allselect '55' as scorefrom dual)--select score from temp;--实现方法一:
select score,decode(sign(score - 85),1,'优秀',0,'优秀',-1,decode(sign(score - 70),1,'良好',0,'良好',-1,decode(sign(score - 60), 1, '及格', 0, '及格', '不及格'))) as 成绩等级from temp;--实现方法二:
with temp as(select '85' as scorefrom dualunion allselect '80' as scorefrom dualunion allselect '75' as scorefrom dualunion allselect '70' as scorefrom dualunion allselect '60' as scorefrom dualunion allselect '55' as scorefrom dual)
select score, casewhen score >= 85 then'优秀'when score >= 70 then'良好'when score >= 60 then'及格'else'不及格'end as 成绩等级from temp;

【i】grouping(): 在分组统计时用到,grouping只能在使用rollup或cube的查询中使用 .

grouping(xxx) 返回0或者1。如果列值为空,那么grouping()返回1;如果列值非空,那么返回0。

with temp as(select '10001' as depid, '12000' as salary, 'zhangsan' as n, '01' as jidfrom dualunion allselect '10001' as depid, '10000' as salary, 'lisi' as n, '02' as jidfrom dualunion allselect '10002' as depid, '1000' as salary, 'wangwu' as n, '01' as jidfrom dualunion allselect '10002' as depid, '2000' as salary, 'zhaoliu' as n, '03' as jidfrom dualunion allselect '10003' as depid, '15000' as salary, 'tianqi' as n, '01' as jidfrom dualunion allselect '10003' as depid, '15000' as salary, 'wangba' as n, '02' as jidfrom dualunion allselect '10004' as depid, '15000' as salary, 'jiudan' as n, '01' as jidfrom dual)
--select depid,sum(salary) as total from temp group by rollup(depid)--grouping(xxx) 返回0或者1。如果列值为空,那么grouping()返回1;如果列值非空,那么返回0。grouping只能在使用rollup或cube的查询中使用    select grouping(depid), depid, sum(salary) as totalfrom tempgroup by rollup(depid);



with temp as(select '10001' as depid, '12000' as salary, 'zhangsan' as n, '01' as jidfrom dualunion allselect '10001' as depid, '10000' as salary, 'lisi' as n, '02' as jidfrom dualunion allselect '10002' as depid, '1000' as salary, 'wangwu' as n, '01' as jidfrom dualunion allselect '10002' as depid, '2000' as salary, 'zhaoliu' as n, '03' as jidfrom dualunion allselect '10003' as depid, '15000' as salary, 'tianqi' as n, '01' as jidfrom dualunion allselect '10003' as depid, '15000' as salary, 'wangba' as n, '02' as jidfrom dualunion allselect '10004' as depid, '15000' as salary, 'jiudan' as n, '01' as jidfrom dual)--假如我需要最后一行depid为空显示‘总计’--可见列值为空返回1,列值不为空返回0
select decode(grouping(depid), 1, '总计', depid) as depid,sum(salary) as totalfrom tempgroup by rollup(depid);


with temp as(select '10001' as depid, '12000' as salary, 'zhangsan' as n, '01' as jidfrom dualunion allselect '10001' as depid, '10000' as salary, 'lisi' as n, '02' as jidfrom dualunion allselect '10002' as depid, '1000' as salary, 'wangwu' as n, '01' as jidfrom dualunion allselect '10002' as depid, '2000' as salary, 'zhaoliu' as n, '03' as jidfrom dualunion allselect '10003' as depid, '15000' as salary, 'tianqi' as n, '01' as jidfrom dualunion allselect '10003' as depid, '15000' as salary, 'wangba' as n, '02' as jidfrom dualunion allselect '10004' as depid, '15000' as salary, 'jiudan' as n, '01' as jidfrom dual)--假如我需要最后一行depid为空显示‘总计’--另一种方法:
select nvl(depid, '总计') as depid, sum(salary) as totalfrom tempgroup by rollup(depid);

【j】group by rollup():在分组统计并且需要小计、总结等功能时可以使用group by rollup()实现。
--如 Group by  ROLLUP(A, B, C),首先会对(A、B、C)进行GROUP BY,然后对(A、B)进行GROUP BY,然后是(A)进行GROUP BY,最后对全表进行GROUP BY操作


with temp as(select '10001' as depid, '12000' as salary, 'zhangsan' as n, '01' as jidfrom dualunion allselect '10001' as depid, '10000' as salary, 'lisi' as n, '02' as jidfrom dualunion allselect '10002' as depid, '1000' as salary, 'wangwu' as n, '01' as jidfrom dualunion allselect '10002' as depid, '2000' as salary, 'zhaoliu' as n, '03' as jidfrom dualunion allselect '10003' as depid, '15000' as salary, 'tianqi' as n, '01' as jidfrom dualunion allselect '10003' as depid, '15000' as salary, 'wangba' as n, '02' as jidfrom dualunion allselect '10004' as depid, '15000' as salary, 'jiudan' as n, '01' as jidfrom dual)
select depid,sum(salary) as total from temp group by depid

然后,加上一个 group by rolluop(depid),

with temp as(select '10001' as depid, '12000' as salary, 'zhangsan' as n, '01' as jidfrom dualunion allselect '10001' as depid, '10000' as salary, 'lisi' as n, '02' as jidfrom dualunion allselect '10002' as depid, '1000' as salary, 'wangwu' as n, '01' as jidfrom dualunion allselect '10002' as depid, '2000' as salary, 'zhaoliu' as n, '03' as jidfrom dualunion allselect '10003' as depid, '15000' as salary, 'tianqi' as n, '01' as jidfrom dualunion allselect '10003' as depid, '15000' as salary, 'wangba' as n, '02' as jidfrom dualunion allselect '10004' as depid, '15000' as salary, 'jiudan' as n, '01' as jidfrom dual)--rollup指定一个列的时候,按depid分组之后有总计
--如 Group by  ROLLUP(A, B, C),首先会对(A、B、C)进行GROUP BY,然后对(A、B)进行GROUP BY,然后是(A)进行GROUP BY,最后对全表进行GROUP BY操作
select nvl(depid,'总计'),sum(salary) as total from temp group by rollup(depid)



with temp as(select '10001' as depid, '12000' as salary, 'zhangsan' as n, '01' as jidfrom dualunion allselect '10001' as depid, '10000' as salary, 'lisi' as n, '02' as jidfrom dualunion allselect '10002' as depid, '1000' as salary, 'wangwu' as n, '01' as jidfrom dualunion allselect '10002' as depid, '2000' as salary, 'zhaoliu' as n, '03' as jidfrom dualunion allselect '10003' as depid, '15000' as salary, 'tianqi' as n, '01' as jidfrom dualunion allselect '10003' as depid, '15000' as salary, 'wangba' as n, '02' as jidfrom dualunion allselect '10004' as depid, '15000' as salary, 'jiudan' as n, '01' as jidfrom dual)--rollup指定多个列的时候,按第一个的分组都会有一个小计
select decode(grouping(jid) + grouping(depid), 1, '小计', 2, '总计', jid) jid,depid,sum(salary) as totalfrom tempgroup by rollup(jid, depid)



with temp as(select '10001' as depid, '12000' as salary, 'zhangsan' as n, '01' as jidfrom dualunion allselect '10001' as depid, '10000' as salary, 'lisi' as n, '02' as jidfrom dualunion allselect '10002' as depid, '1000' as salary, 'wangwu' as n, '01' as jidfrom dualunion allselect '10002' as depid, '2000' as salary, 'zhaoliu' as n, '03' as jidfrom dualunion allselect '10003' as depid, '15000' as salary, 'tianqi' as n, '01' as jidfrom dualunion allselect '10003' as depid, '15000' as salary, 'wangba' as n, '02' as jidfrom dualunion allselect '10004' as depid, '15000' as salary, 'jiudan' as n, '01' as jidfrom dual)select decode(grouping(jid) + grouping(depid), 1, '小计', 2, '总计', depid) depid,jid,sum(salary) as totalfrom tempgroup by rollup(depid,jid)





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