
1 RBF网络


图1 RBF神经网络结构





2 时间序列的RBF神经网络预测



%% Mackey Glass Time Series Prediction using Spatio-Temporal Radial Basis Function (RBF) Neural Network
% Author: Shujaat Khan, shujaat123@gmail.comclc;
clear all;
close all;%% Loading Time Series Data
% I generated a series x(t) for t = 0,1, . . . ,3000, using mackey glass series equation with the following configurations: b = 0.1, a = 0.2, Tau = 20, and the initial conditions x(t - Tau) = 0.
load Dataset/Data.mat% Training and Test datasets
time_steps=2;  % prediction of #time_steps forward value (for this simple architechture time_steps<=3)
% Training
% Test
end_of_series_ts=3000;P_train=Data(start_of_series_tr:end_of_series_tr-time_steps,2);   % Input Data
f_train=Data(start_of_series_tr+time_steps:end_of_series_tr,2);   % Label Data (desired output values)
indt=Data(start_of_series_tr+time_steps:end_of_series_tr,1);% Time indexSNR = 30; % signal to noise ratio
f_train=awgn(f_train,SNR);  % Adding white Gaussian noise%% Simulation parameters
% Defining architechture of the RBF-NN
[m n] = size(P_train);% Dimensions of input data [m]-length of signal, [n]-number of elements in each input
order=2;        % Number of past values used for the prediction of future value
n1 = 10;        % Number of hidden layer neurons% Tuning parameters for training
epoch=10;  % simulation rounds (number of times the same data pass through the NN for training)
eta=5e-2;  % Gradient Descent step-size (learning rate)
runs=10;   % Number of Monte Carlo simulations
Iti=[];    % Initial mean square error (MSE)% Graphics/Plot parameters
fsize=13;   % Fontsize
lw=2;       % line width size%% Training Phase
for run=1:runs % Monte Carlos simulations loop% spread and centers of the Gaussian kernel    [temp, c, beeta] = kmeans(P_train,n1); % K-means clustering
%     c=[c awgn(c,10)];beeta=2*beeta;                   % Increasing spread of Gaussian kernel% Initialization of weights and biasw=randn(order,n1); % weightb=randn();     % biasfor k=1:epoch % simulation rounds loopI(k)=0;             % reset MSEU=zeros(1,order);   % reset input vectorfor i1=1:m % Iteration loop% sliding window (updating input vector)U(1:end-1)=U(2:end);U(end)=P_train(i1); % current value of time-series% Gaussian Kernelfor i2=1:n1phi(:,i2)=exp((-(abs(U-c(i2,:))))/beeta(i2,:).^2);end% Calculate output of the RBFy_train(i1)=sum(sum(w.*phi))+b;e(i1)=f_train(i1)-y_train(i1); % instantaneous error in the prediction% Gradient descent-based weight-update rulew=w+eta*e(i1)*phi;b=b+eta*e(i1);% Mean square error I(i1)=mse(e(1:i1));      % Objective FunctionendItti(epoch,:)=I; % MSE for all iterationsendIti(run,:)=mean(Itti,1); % Mean MSE for all epochs
It=mean(Iti,1); % Mean MSE for all independent runs (Monte Carlo simulations)%% Test Phase
indts=Data(start_of_series_ts+time_steps:end_of_series_ts,1);[m n] = size(P_test);
for i1=1:m % Iteration loop% sliding window (updating input vector)   U(1:end-1)=U(2:end);U(end)=P_test(i1);for i2=1:n1phi(:,i2)=exp((-(abs(U-c(i2,:))))/beeta(i2,:).^2);endy_test(i1)=sum(sum(w.*phi))+b;e_test(i1)=real(f_test(i1)-y_test(i1));I(2400+i1)=mse(e_test(1:i1));
endsave ST_RBF.mat
% %%  Results
% % Input and output signals (training phase)
% figure
% plot(indt,f_train,'k','linewidth',lw);
% hold on;
% plot(indt,y_train,'.:b','linewidth',lw);
% xlim([start_of_series_tr+time_steps end_of_series_tr]);
% h=legend('Actual Value (Training)','RBF Predicted (Training)','Location','Best');
% grid minor
% xlabel('Sample #','FontSize',fsize);
% ylabel('Magnitude','FontSize',fsize);
% set(h,'FontSize',12)
% set(gca,'FontSize',13)
% saveas(gcf,strcat('Time_SeriesTraining.png'),'png')
% % Input and output signals (test phase)
% figure
% plot(indts,f_test,'k','linewidth',lw);
% hold on;
% plot(indts,y_test,'.:b','linewidth',lw);
% xlim([start_of_series_ts+time_steps end_of_series_ts]);
% h=legend('Actual Value (Testing)','RBF Predicted (Testing)','Location','Best');
% grid minor
% xlabel('Sample #','FontSize',fsize);
% ylabel('Magnitude','FontSize',fsize);
% set(h,'FontSize',12)
% set(gca,'FontSize',13)
% saveas(gcf,strcat('Time_SeriesTesting.png'),'png')
% % Objective function (MSE) (training phase)
% figure
% plot(start_of_series_tr:end_of_series_tr-1,10*log10(I(1:end_of_series_tr-start_of_series_tr)),'+-b','linewidth',lw)
% h=legend('RBF (Training)','Location','North');
% grid minor
% xlabel('Sample #','FontSize',fsize);
% ylabel('MSE (dB)','FontSize',fsize);
% set(h,'FontSize',12)
% set(gca,'FontSize',13)
% saveas(gcf,strcat('Time_SeriesTrainingMSE.png'),'png')
% % Objective function (MSE) (test phase)
% figure
% plot(start_of_series_ts+time_steps:end_of_series_ts,10*log10(I(end_of_series_tr-start_of_series_tr+1:end)),'.:b','linewidth',lw+1)
% h=legend('RBF (Testing)','Location','South');
% grid minor
% xlabel('Sample #','FontSize',fsize);
% ylabel('MSE (dB)','FontSize',fsize);
% set(h,'FontSize',12)
% set(gca,'FontSize',13)
% saveas(gcf,strcat('Time_SeriesTestingMSE.png'),'png')
% % Mean square error
% 10*log10(((f_train'-y_train)*(f_train'-y_train)')/length(y_train))
% 10*log10(((f_test'-y_test)*(f_test'-y_test)')/length(y_test))Results_graphs



1 matlab版本

2 参考文献
[1] 包子阳,余继周,杨杉.智能优化算法及其MATLAB实例(第2版)[M].电子工业出版社,2016.
[3]周品.MATLAB 神经网络设计与应用[M].清华大学出版社,2013.
[5]方清城.MATLAB R2016a神经网络设计与应用28个案例分析[M].清华大学出版社,2018.
[6]黄伟建,张丽娜,黄远,程瑶.RBF神经网络在河流营养盐预测中的应用[J].现代电子技术. 2019,42(20)

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