

【智源学院】Python实战案例 — 贪吃蛇 (pygame)_哔哩哔哩_bilibili


# 初始框架
import pygame
import randomclass Point:  # 将每个小方格定义为类似于坐标的形式col = 0row = 0def __init__(self, row, col):self.row = rowself.col = coldef copy(self):return Point(row=self.row, col=self.col)# 初始化
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
W = 800  # 游戏部分窗口宽度
W_W = 1000  # 窗口总宽度
H = 600
ROW = 30  # 小方格行数
COL = 40  # 小方格列数
size = (W_W, H)
window = pygame.display.set_mode(size)  # 窗口大小
game_continue = True  # 控制开始和暂停的变量
dead = False  # 控制是否游戏结束的变量
score = 0  # 计分# 定义坐标和颜色
head = Point(row=int(ROW / 2), col=int(COL / 2))  # 初始时蛇头位置
head_color = (0, 128, 128)  # 蛇头颜色
bg_color = (255, 255, 255)  # 背景颜色
bg_color_right = (0, 200, 200)  # 右侧颜色
snake_color = (200, 200, 200)  # 蛇身颜色
font_color = (0, 0, 0)  # 字体颜色
direct = 'left'  # 开始时向左出发
snakes = []  # 蛇身坐标以链表形式存储# 生成食物的函数
def gen_food():while True:pos = Point(row=random.randint(0, ROW - 1), col=random.randint(0, COL - 1))is_coll = False# 是否跟蛇头撞上了if head.row == pos.row and head.col == pos.col:is_coll = True# 是否跟蛇身撞上了for snake_body in snakes:if snake_body.row == pos.row and snake_body.col == pos.col:is_coll = Truebreakif not is_coll:breakreturn pos# 在指定位置生成指定颜色的格子的函数
def rect(point, color):cell_width = W / COLcell_height = H / ROWleft = point.col * cell_width  # 格子左上点的x坐标top = point.row * cell_height  # ypygame.draw.rect(window, color, (left, top, cell_width, cell_height))# 开局前将已生成的蛇头坐标作为存储蛇身的链表的第一项
snakes.insert(0, head.copy())
# 开局前生成食物
food = gen_food()
food_color = (255, 255, 0)# 游戏循环
game_quit = False
while not game_quit:# 处理玩家输入的操作for event in pygame.event.get():# print(event)  # 需要调试测试时取消注释,即可输出所有检测到的eventif event.type == pygame.QUIT:game_quit = Trueelif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:if event.key == 119 or event.key == 1073741906:if direct == 'left' or direct == 'right':  # 只有蛇处于往左或往右运动的状态时才允许让蛇往上走direct = 'up'elif event.key == 115 or event.key == 1073741905:if direct == 'left' or direct == 'right':direct = 'down'elif event.key == 97 or event.key == 1073741904:if direct == 'up' or direct == 'down':direct = 'left'elif event.key == 100 or event.key == 1073741903:if direct == 'up' or direct == 'down':direct = 'right'elif event.key == 32:  # 按空格暂停游戏game_continue = not game_continueelif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:m_x = event.pos[0]  # 鼠标位置x坐标m_y = event.pos[1]if 840 < m_x < 960 and 264 < m_y < 336:  # 鼠标点击继续时继续游戏game_continue = Trueelif 840 < m_x < 960 and 376 < m_y < 448:  # 鼠标点击暂停时暂停游戏game_continue = Falseelif 840 < m_x < 960 and 488 < m_y < 560:  # 鼠标点击退出时退出游戏game_quit = Trueif game_continue and not dead:  # 处于游戏继续状态并且没有结束时进行各种判断及移动# 未暂停时蛇头移动if direct == 'left':head.col -= 1elif direct == 'right':head.col += 1elif direct == 'up':head.row -= 1elif direct == 'down':head.row += 1# 检测是否游戏结束# 1.撞墙if head.col < 0 or head.row < 0 or head.col >= COL or head.row >= ROW:dead = True# 2.撞自己for snake in snakes:if head.col == snake.col and head.row == snake.row:dead = Truebreak# 判断是否吃到东西eat = head.row == food.row and head.col == food.col# 吃到东西的话加一分并重新产生食物if eat:score += 1food = gen_food()# 处理蛇身移动显示# 1.把蛇头坐标插入到链表snakes的头部snakes.insert(0, head.copy())# 2.若没吃到东西就把链表最后一项删除if not eat:snakes.pop()# 渲染# 背景及显示pygame.draw.rect(window, bg_color, (0, 0, W, H))  # 左侧白色背景pygame.draw.rect(window, bg_color_right, (W, 0, 200, H))  # 右侧蓝色背景pygame.draw.rect(window, bg_color, (W + 40, 40, 120, 72))  # 五个白色矩形pygame.draw.rect(window, bg_color, (W + 40, 152, 120, 72))pygame.draw.rect(window, bg_color, (W + 40, 264, 120, 72))pygame.draw.rect(window, bg_color, (W + 40, 376, 120, 72))pygame.draw.rect(window, bg_color, (W + 40, 488, 120, 72))font_name = pygame.font.match_font('MicrosoftYaHei', 40)  # 获取字体文件font = pygame.font.Font(font_name, 25)  # 设置方格内显示文字的字体text_begin = font.render('继续', True, font_color)text_rect = text_begin.get_rect(center=(900, 300))window.blit(text_begin, text_rect)text_begin = font.render('暂停', True, font_color)text_rect = text_begin.get_rect(center=(900, 412))window.blit(text_begin, text_rect)text_begin = font.render('退出', True, font_color)text_rect = text_begin.get_rect(center=(900, 524))window.blit(text_begin, text_rect)score_text = str(score)  # 将分数转换为str型变量text_begin = font.render(score_text, True, font_color)text_rect = text_begin.get_rect(center=(900, 76))window.blit(text_begin, text_rect)if not game_continue:  # 显示游戏已暂停text_begin = font.render('已暂停', True, font_color)text_rect = text_begin.get_rect(center=(900, 188))window.blit(text_begin, text_rect)if dead:text_begin = font.render('游戏结束', True, font_color)text_rect = text_begin.get_rect(center=(900, 188))window.blit(text_begin, text_rect)if not dead:  # 使游戏结束后清空屏幕# 食物rect(food, food_color)# 蛇身for snake in snakes:rect(snake, snake_color)# 蛇头rect(head, head_color)# 更新显示pygame.display.flip()# 设置帧频clock.tick(10)

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