
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-





import random

import pygame

import sys

from pygame.locals import *

Snakespeed = 17

Window_Width = 800

Window_Height = 500

Cell_Size = 20 # Width and height of the cells

# Ensuring that the cells fit perfectly in the window. eg if cell size was

# 10 and window width or windowheight were 15 only 1.5 cells would

# fit.

assert Window_Width % Cell_Size == 0, "Window width must be a multiple of cell size."

# Ensuring that only whole integer number of cells fit perfectly in the window.

assert Window_Height % Cell_Size == 0, "Window height must be a multiple of cell size."

Cell_W = int(Window_Width / Cell_Size) # Cell Width

Cell_H = int(Window_Height / Cell_Size) # Cellc Height

White = (255, 255, 255)

Black = (0, 0, 0)

Red = (255, 0, 0) # Defining element colors for the program.

Green = (0, 255, 0)

DARKGreen = (0, 155, 0)

DARKGRAY = (40, 40, 40)

YELLOW = (255, 255, 0)

Red_DARK = (150, 0, 0)

BLUE = (0, 0, 255)

BLUE_DARK = (0, 0, 150)

BGCOLOR = Black # Background color

UP = 'up'

DOWN = 'down' # Defining keyboard keys.

LEFT = 'left'

RIGHT = 'right'

HEAD = 0 # Syntactic sugar: index of the snake's head

def main():



SnakespeedCLOCK = pygame.time.Clock()

DISPLAYSURF = pygame.display.set_mode((Window_Width, Window_Height))

BASICFONT = pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf', 18)



while True:



def runGame():

# Set a random start point.

startx = random.randint(5, Cell_W - 6)

starty = random.randint(5, Cell_H - 6)

wormCoords = [{'x': startx, 'y': starty},

{'x': startx - 1, 'y': starty},

{'x': startx - 2, 'y': starty}]

direction = RIGHT

# Start the apple in a random place.

apple = getRandomLocation()

while True: # main game loop

for event in pygame.event.get(): # event handling loop

if event.type == QUIT:


elif event.type == KEYDOWN:

if (event.key == K_LEFT) and direction != RIGHT:

direction = LEFT

elif (event.key == K_RIGHT) and direction != LEFT:

direction = RIGHT

elif (event.key == K_UP) and direction != DOWN:

direction = UP

elif (event.key == K_DOWN) and direction != UP:

direction = DOWN

elif event.key == K_ESCAPE:


# check if the Snake has hit itself or the edge

if wormCoords[HEAD]['x'] == -1 or wormCoords[HEAD]['x'] == Cell_W or wormCoords[HEAD]['y'] == -1 or wormCoords[HEAD]['y'] == Cell_H:

return # game over

for wormBody in wormCoords[1:]:

if wormBody['x'] == wormCoords[HEAD]['x'] and wormBody['y'] == wormCoords[HEAD]['y']:

return # game over

# check if Snake has eaten an apply

if wormCoords[HEAD]['x'] == apple['x'] and wormCoords[HEAD]['y'] == apple['y']:

# don't remove worm's tail segment

apple = getRandomLocation() # set a new apple somewhere


del wormCoords[-1] # remove worm's tail segment

# move the worm by adding a segment in the direction it is moving

if direction == UP:

newHead = {'x': wormCoords[HEAD]['x'],

'y': wormCoords[HEAD]['y'] - 1}

elif direction == DOWN:

newHead = {'x': wormCoords[HEAD]['x'],

'y': wormCoords[HEAD]['y'] + 1}

elif direction == LEFT:

newHead = {'x': wormCoords[HEAD][

'x'] - 1, 'y': wormCoords[HEAD]['y']}

elif direction == RIGHT:

newHead = {'x': wormCoords[HEAD][

'x'] + 1, 'y': wormCoords[HEAD]['y']}

wormCoords.insert(0, newHead)





drawScore(len(wormCoords) - 3)



def drawPressKeyMsg():

pressKeySurf = BASICFONT.render('Press a key to play.', True, White)

pressKeyRect = pressKeySurf.get_rect()

pressKeyRect.topleft = (Window_Width - 200, Window_Height - 30)

DISPLAYSURF.blit(pressKeySurf, pressKeyRect)

def checkForKeyPress():

if len(pygame.event.get(QUIT)) > 0:


keyUpEvents = pygame.event.get(KEYUP)

if len(keyUpEvents) == 0:

return None

if keyUpEvents[0].key == K_ESCAPE:


return keyUpEvents[0].key

def showStartScreen():

titleFont = pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf', 100)

titleSurf1 = titleFont.render('Snake!', True, White, DARKGreen)

degrees1 = 0

degrees2 = 0

while True:


rotatedSurf1 = pygame.transform.rotate(titleSurf1, degrees1)

rotatedRect1 = rotatedSurf1.get_rect()

rotatedRect1.center = (Window_Width / 2, Window_Height / 2)

DISPLAYSURF.blit(rotatedSurf1, rotatedRect1)


if checkForKeyPress():

pygame.event.get() # clear event queue




degrees1 += 3 # rotate by 3 degrees each frame

degrees2 += 7 # rotate by 7 degrees each frame

def terminate():



def getRandomLocation():

return {'x': random.randint(0, Cell_W - 1), 'y': random.randint(0, Cell_H - 1)}

def showGameOverScreen():

gameOverFont = pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf', 100)

gameSurf = gameOverFont.render('Game', True, White)

overSurf = gameOverFont.render('Over', True, White)

gameRect = gameSurf.get_rect()

overRect = overSurf.get_rect()

gameRect.midtop = (Window_Width / 2, 10)

overRect.midtop = (Window_Width / 2, gameRect.height + 10 + 25)

DISPLAYSURF.blit(gameSurf, gameRect)

DISPLAYSURF.blit(overSurf, overRect)




checkForKeyPress() # clear out any key presses in the event queue

while True:

if checkForKeyPress():

pygame.event.get() # clear event queue


def drawScore(score):

scoreSurf = BASICFONT.render('Score: %s' % (score), True, White)

scoreRect = scoreSurf.get_rect()

scoreRect.topleft = (Window_Width - 120, 10)

DISPLAYSURF.blit(scoreSurf, scoreRect)

def drawWorm(wormCoords):

for coord in wormCoords:

x = coord['x'] * Cell_Size

y = coord['y'] * Cell_Size

wormSegmentRect = pygame.Rect(x, y, Cell_Size, Cell_Size)

pygame.draw.rect(DISPLAYSURF, DARKGreen, wormSegmentRect)

wormInnerSegmentRect = pygame.Rect(

x + 4, y + 4, Cell_Size - 8, Cell_Size - 8)

pygame.draw.rect(DISPLAYSURF, Green, wormInnerSegmentRect)

def drawApple(coord):

x = coord['x'] * Cell_Size

y = coord['y'] * Cell_Size

appleRect = pygame.Rect(x, y, Cell_Size, Cell_Size)

pygame.draw.rect(DISPLAYSURF, Red, appleRect)

def drawGrid():

for x in range(0, Window_Width, Cell_Size): # draw vertical lines

pygame.draw.line(DISPLAYSURF, DARKGRAY, (x, 0), (x, Window_Height))

for y in range(0, Window_Height, Cell_Size): # draw horizontal lines

pygame.draw.line(DISPLAYSURF, DARKGRAY, (0, y), (Window_Width, y))

if __name__ == '__main__':



except SystemExit:



game over

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