
Matt Mullenweg, founder of Automattic, recently offered this advice to aspiring developers: “Contribute to open source.

Automattic的创始人Matt Mullenweg最近向有抱负的开发人员提供了以下建议 :“ 致力于开源。

Mullenweg — a political science dropout whose software (Wordpress) now powers nearly a quarter of all websites — says that you can “100% compensate for a lack of professional experience” by proving your abilities through open source contributions.

Mullenweg是一个政治学辍学者,其软件(Wordpress)现在可为所有网站的近四分之一提供支持。他说,您可以通过开源贡献来证明自己的能力,以“ 100%弥补专业经验的不足”。

If you can grow into a recognized position in an open source project, that puts you ten steps ahead of applications even from folks with 20 years experience in the field, at least to an Open Source-biased company like Automattic.


And the undisputed center of the open source universe is GitHub. Some people have gone so far as to say that GitHub accounts have replaced resumes.

开源世界无可争议的中心是GitHub。 有人甚至说GitHub帐户已取代履历表 。

Or as John Resig, the creator of jQuery, quipped: “When it comes to hiring, I’ll take a GitHub commit log over a resume any day.”

或就像jQuery的创建者John Resig所打趣的那样:“在招聘方面,我每天都会把GitHub提交日志作为简历。”

Free Code Camp Wiki maintainer Rafael Rodriguez has come up with an way that you can start contributing to open source in just a few minutes, without even leaving GitHub’s website.

Free Code Camp Wiki的维护者Rafael Rodriguez提出了一种方法,您可以在短短几分钟内就开始为开源做贡献,而无需离开GitHub的网站。

在Free Code Camp的Wiki上添加文章 (Adding an article to Free Code Camp’s Wiki)

Free Code Camp’s wiki is filled with articles about technology. Where as academic articles aim to be detailed, and technical documentation aims to be precise, our wiki articles aim to be easily understood by new developers.

Free Code Camp的Wiki上充斥着有关技术的文章。 当学术文章的目的是详细而技术文档的目的是精确时,我们的Wiki文章的目的是使新开发人员容易理解。

Here are some examples of things you can write about on our wiki:


  • a new JavaScript library like Redux像Redux这样的新JavaScript库
  • an important person in the software world, like Dan Abramov

    软件界的重要人物,例如Dan Abramov

  • how to deploy a Wordpress e-commerce site如何部署Wordpress电子商务网站
  • how to install Ruby on Rails on Windows如何在Windows上安装Ruby on Rails
  • how to wire a Raspberry Pi into a thermostat如何将Raspberry Pi连接到恒温器
  • the history of GitGit的历史
  • your city’s Women Who Code chapter您城市的《女性密码》一章

Basically, anything related to technology is fair game. We will err on the side of inclusion.

基本上,任何与技术有关的东西都是公平的游戏。 我们会在包容性方面犯错。

First, check to make sure the article doesn’t already exist (if it does, you can help us expand it.)

首先,检查以确保文章不存在 (如果存在 ,则可以帮助我们扩展它。)

And if you can’t think of anything off the top of your head, you can choose a topic from our article requests and write a few paragraphs about it.


We also welcome translations of existing articles into any world language.


Then you can contribute in by following these steps:


  1. Go to Free Code Camp’s open source Wiki repository. (If you don’t have a GitHub account yet, you can create one in about 2 minutes.)

    转到Free Code Camp的开源Wiki资源库 。 (如果您还没有GitHub帐户,则可以在大约2分钟内创建一个 。)

  2. Click the “New File” button. This will automatically create a fork (your own personal copy) of the repository.点击“新建文件”按钮。 这将自动创建存储库的fork(您自己的个人副本)。
  3. Name your file “your-wiki-article-name.md” (the “md” stands for Markdown, a popular alternative to plain .txt files).将您的文件命名为“ your-wiki-article-name.md”(“ md”代表Markdown,这是普通.txt文件的替代名称)。
  4. Type out your article. If you’re unfamiliar with Markdown, you can write your article here, then copy and paste it onto GitHub.

    输入您的文章。 如果您不熟悉Markdown,可以在此处撰写文章 ,然后将其复制并粘贴到GitHub上。

  5. Scroll down and fill in a commit message (for example, “Create wiki article about the Minimax algorithm”) and optionally add a description. If you’re writing this article in response to an article request, you should reference it in the description like so: “Closes issue #177.”向下滚动并填写提交消息(例如,“创建有关Minimax算法的Wiki文章”),并可以选择添加描述。 如果您是根据文章要求写这篇文章的,则应在说明中引用它,例如:“关闭问题#177”。
  6. Click “Propose new file.”点击“建议新文件”。
  7. Click “Create pull request.”点击“创建请求请求”。
  8. Your pull request will already be populated from your commit message and description. So click “Create pull request” again to finalize it.您的提取请求将已经从您的提交消息和描述中填充。 因此,再次单击“创建请求请求”以完成该请求。

Voilà! You have created a file, a commit, and a pull request (and maybe even closed an issue in the process)!

瞧! 您已经创建了一个文件,一个提交和一个请求请求(甚至可能关闭了该过程中的一个问题)!

Raphael or another volunteer will review your pull request and may ask you to make some further improvements to your article. (In some situations, you may need clone the repository locally to squash commits or resolve merge conflicts — we’ll help you with this if it comes up.)

拉斐尔(Raphael)或其他志愿者将审核您的拉取请求,并可能要求您对您的文章进行进一步的改进。 (在某些情况下,您可能需要在本地克隆存储库以压缩提交或解决合并冲突-如果出现这种情况,我们将为您提供帮助。)

If you have questions about any of this, hop on over to our Wiki chat room and ask.


Once they accept your pull request, GitHub will merge it into Free Code Camp’s Wiki repo, and it will look something like this:

一旦他们接受了您的拉取请求,GitHub将把它合并到Free Code Camp的Wiki存储库中,看起来像这样:

Once your pull request is accepted, you can check your GitHub profile. See that green square on your heat map calendar, and that streak? You’ve made an open source contribution!

接受拉取请求后,您可以检查GitHub个人资料。 看到您的热图日历上的绿色方块和条纹吗? 您已经做出了开源贡献!

这是有意义的事情的开始。 (This is the beginning of something meaningful.)

Contributing to our wiki is a good way to ease into open source.


After writing a few wiki articles (and making edits to existing articles), you’ll want to venture out and see what other projects you can help with.


You won’t be able to contribute to most of these projects without leaving the relative comfort of your browser and GitHub’s website. But don’t be intimidated by the process of developing on your local computer — it’s not that hard.

不离开浏览器和GitHub网站的相对舒适度,您将无法为大多数这些项目做出贡献。 但是不要被本地计算机上的开发过程所吓倒, 这并不难 。

As you contribute to larger and larger projects, you’ll get better at learning codebases well enough to track down bugs and add functionality.


That’s how you learn. That’s how you grow as a developer. And that’s how you prove to future employers that you can collaborate with other people and write code that’s worth using.

那就是你学习的方式。 这就是您成长为开发人员的方式。 这就是您向未来的雇主证明您可以与其他人合作并编写值得使用的代码的方式。

If you liked this, click the? below. Follow me and Free Code Camp for more articles on technology.

如果您喜欢这个,请点击? 下面。 关注我和免费代码营,获取更多有关技术的文章。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-to-land-your-first-open-source-contribution-from-your-browser-in-15-minutes-756d9bbf81ad/



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