
1. Question about maven build output

If we open the target folder:
What is exactly the usage of these four parts?


Reason why I asked: the content between 1 and 2 are the same, 3 and 4 are the same.

2. Useless CSS style

Are these CSS styles still used?


I don’t think so since a pure text search shows no *.js are using them.

3. Why we choose sap.m.panel as aggregation container?

I know the children element contained in the aggregation would also be rendered in the runtime:


However, why we choose panel as placeholder but not other one like XXXlayout?

4. Unnecessary require statement about “…NonLogTypeNoteListItem”

5. Duplicate code in two IF branch

6. Unused comment

It could be deleted now

7. Confusing variable name

Should be noteEditDialog instead.

8. Magic number still exists

9. Better constant definition approach

Follow this design:

Use this instead:

10. Hard code text cannot be translated

11. Performance of this.getProperty

Take this code for example:

In the runtime lifecycle, the value of these properties can never change:

Do a performance test on this.getProperty:


After clicking add button, there are more than 1200 times getProperty call, actually most can be avoided.


If we call getProperty on these properties once in init, we can save 1200 * 0.5 = 0.6s

如果我们在onInit里只调用一次getProperty,然后把结果缓存起来,就可以节省1200 * 0.5 = 0.6s的时间。

12. Unused argument

13. Lengthy code

Didn’t try in js yet, can we use “return ( oValue1 – oValue2 )”?


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