比较随意的一些ASP正则表达式方面的笔记(或学习小甜品) =====================================

<%' 方法说明:Set RsObj = Server.CreateObject快捷Function [&rg](ByRef rgRef, ByVal pe, ByVal ig, ByVal gb, ByVal [?Casually]) Call RgNew(rgRef, pe, ig, gb,[]) End Function 

' 清空正则表达式对象Function [!rg](ByRef rgRef) Set rgRef = Nothing End Function 

' 测试是否符合正则表达式Function InRg(ByRef rgRef, ByVal str)     InRg = rgRef.Test(CStr(str)) End Function 

' 获取正则表达式匹配的个数Function RgNum(ByRef rgRef, ByVal str)     RgNum = Clng("0"&rgRef.Execute(str).Count) End Function 

' 创建或重新初始化一个正则表达式Function RgNew(ByRef rgRef, ByVal pe, ByVal ig, ByVal gb, ByVal [?Casually]) If Not IsObject(rgRef) Then Set rgRef = New RegExp ElseIf rgRef is Nothing Then Set rgRef = New RegExp End If If Not IsEll(pe) Then         rgRef.Pattern = peEnd If 

If Not IsEll(ig) Then         rgRef.IgnoreCase = Bool(ig)End If 

If Not IsEll(gb) Then         rgRef.Global = Bool(gb)End If End Function 

' 判断是否"有"还是"没有"' 判断是否"是"还是"不是"' 判断是否"存在"还是"不存在"' 判断是否"有用"还是"没用"' .........等等Function Bool(ByVal val) If isEll(val) Then         Bool = False ElseIf TypeName(val) = "Interger" And Int(val) = 0 Then         Bool = False ElseIf TypeName(val) = "String" Then Select Case LCase(Cstr(val)) Case "","0","false"             Bool = False End Select ElseIf TypeName(val) = "Boolean" Then         Bool = CBool(val) Else         Bool = True End If End Function 

' 省略或缺少了Function IsEll(ByVal val)     IsEll = CBool(isNull(val) Or isEmpty(val) Or TypeName(val)="Error") End Function :Function IsLack(ByVal val)     IsLack = IsEll(val)End Function 

' 正则表达式调试' 举例: dim r : [&rg] r,"\bdreamyoung(\d{0,4})_([^dreamyoung]+)\b", , ,[]  debugReg r,"dreamyoung2011_sw.hf,dreamyoung2012_sw.hf and dreamyoung2013_sw.hf$",,[] Function debugReg(ByRef rgRef, ByVal str, ByVal endFlag, ByVal [?Casually])     [<<ln] "<div style=""font-weight:bold; margin:10px; padding:10px; border-color:#036; border-style:dashed; border-width:thick;"">"     [<<ln] "regExp.<b><font color=red>Pattern</font></b> = " & rgRef.Pattern     [<<ln] "regExp.<b><font color=green>IgnoreCase</font></b> = " & rgRef.IgnoreCase & "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color=#CCCCCC>(False For Default)</font>"     [<<ln] "regExp.<b><font color=blue>Global</font></b> = " & rgRef.Global & "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color=#CCCCCC>(False For Default)</font>"     [<<ln] "<font color=#000000>Matches Is A Dictionary For Match Object</font>" & _ "&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color=#CCCCCC>Matches Come From : Set Matches = RegExp.Execute(str)</font>"     [<<ln] "<font color=#000000>Matche Come From : Set Matche = Matches.Item(i)</font>"     [<<ln] "<font color=#000000>SubMatches Is A Dictionary For String</font>" &_ "&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color=#CCCCCC>SubMatches Come From : Set SubMatches = Match.SubMatches</font>"     [<<ln] "<font color=#000000>SubMatche(String) Come From : SubMatch = SubMatches.Item(i)&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color=#CCCCCC>(Tip:No ""Set"" , Because It is only a string!)</font></font>" '[<<!] TypeName(str) If Not IsEll(str) Then         [<<] "---------------------------------------------------"         [<<ln] "---------------------------------------------------"         [<<ln] "Input String: " & Server.HTMLEncode(str)         [<<ln] "regExp.Test("""&str&""") = " & rgRef.Test(str) ' Matches集合(包含0或多个Match对象) Dim mes : Set mes = rgRef.Execute(str) Dim rgCount : rgCount = mes.Count         [<<ln] "regExp.Execute("""&str&""").Counts = "& rgCount If rgCount > 0 Then ' Match对象(含各种属性) Dim m0 : Set m0 = mes(0)             [<<ln] "regExp.Execute("""&str&""").Item(0) = " & m0             [<<ln] "regExp.Execute("""&str&""").Item(0).FirstIndex = " & m0.FirstIndex             [<<ln] "regExp.Execute("""&str&""").Item(0).Length = " & m0.Length             [<<ln] "regExp.Execute("""&str&""").Item(0).Value = " & m0.Value 

' SubMatches集合(包含0或多个字符串) Dim submes : Set submes = m0.SubMatches Dim smCount : smCount = submes.Count             [<<ln] "regExp.Execute("""&str&""")(0).SubMatches.Counts = "& smCount If smCount > 0 Then Dim sm0 : sm0 = submes(0)                 [<<ln] "regExp.Execute("""&str&""")(0).SubMatches.Item(0) = " & sm0 & Space(10) & "<font color=#CCCCCC>This is the 1st sub match, For More:</font>" Dim i For Each subStr In submes                     [<<ln] "regExp.Execute("""&str&""")(0).SubMatches.Item("&(i-0)&") = " & subStr                     i = i + 1 Next End If End If End If     [<<ln] "</div>" 

If Bool(endFlag) Then         [<<!] []End If End Function %>


regExp.Pattern = \bdreamyoung(\d{0,4})_([^dreamyoung]+)\b
regExp.IgnoreCase = False   (False For Default)
regExp.Global = False   (False For Default)
Matches Is A Dictionary For Match Object  Matches Come From : Set Matches = RegExp.Execute(str)
Matche Come From : Set Matche = Matches.Item(i)
SubMatches Is A Dictionary For String  SubMatches Come From : Set SubMatches = Match.SubMatches
SubMatche(String) Come From : SubMatch = SubMatches.Item(i)   (Tip:No "Set" , Because It is only a string!)
Input String: dreamyoung2011_sw.hf,dreamyoung2012_sw.hf and dreamyoung2013_sw.hf$
regExp.Test("dreamyoung2011_sw.hf,dreamyoung2012_sw.hf and dreamyoung2013_sw.hf$") = True
regExp.Execute("dreamyoung2011_sw.hf,dreamyoung2012_sw.hf and dreamyoung2013_sw.hf$").Counts = 1
regExp.Execute("dreamyoung2011_sw.hf,dreamyoung2012_sw.hf and dreamyoung2013_sw.hf$").Item(0) = dreamyoung2011_sw.hf,
regExp.Execute("dreamyoung2011_sw.hf,dreamyoung2012_sw.hf and dreamyoung2013_sw.hf$").Item(0).FirstIndex = 0
regExp.Execute("dreamyoung2011_sw.hf,dreamyoung2012_sw.hf and dreamyoung2013_sw.hf$").Item(0).Length = 21
regExp.Execute("dreamyoung2011_sw.hf,dreamyoung2012_sw.hf and dreamyoung2013_sw.hf$").Item(0).Value = dreamyoung2011_sw.hf,
regExp.Execute("dreamyoung2011_sw.hf,dreamyoung2012_sw.hf and dreamyoung2013_sw.hf$")(0).SubMatches.Counts = 2
regExp.Execute("dreamyoung2011_sw.hf,dreamyoung2012_sw.hf and dreamyoung2013_sw.hf$")(0).SubMatches.Item(0) = 2011 This is the 1st sub match, For More:
regExp.Execute("dreamyoung2011_sw.hf,dreamyoung2012_sw.hf and dreamyoung2013_sw.hf$")(0).SubMatches.Item(0) = 2011
regExp.Execute("dreamyoung2011_sw.hf,dreamyoung2012_sw.hf and dreamyoung2013_sw.hf$")(0).SubMatches.Item(1) = sw.hf,



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