
文件isatty()方法 (File isatty() Method)

isatty() method is an inbuilt method in Python, it is used to check whether a file stream is an interactive or not in Python i.e. a file stream is connected to a terminal device. If a file is connected to a terminal then it will be an interactive and the method will return "True".

isatty()方法是Python中的内置方法,用于检查文件流在Python中是否是交互式的,即文件流已连接到终端设备。 如果文件连接到终端,则它将是交互式的,并且该方法将返回“ True”。






  • It does not accept any parameter.


Return value:


The return type of this method is <class 'bool'>, it returns True if file stream is an interactive and returns False if files is not interactive.

此方法的返回类型为<class'bool'> ,如果文件流是交互式的,则返回True;如果文件不是交互式的,则返回False



# Python File isatty() Method with Example
# creating a file
myfile1 = open("hello1.txt", "w")
# checking whethet the file stream is
# an interactive
print("myfile1.isatty():", myfile1.isatty())
# closing the file
# opening file in read mode
myfile1 = open("hello1.txt", "r")
# checking whethet the file stream is
# an interactive
print("myfile1.isatty():", myfile1.isatty())
# closing the file



myfile1.isatty(): False
myfile1.isatty(): False



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