

//根据区域id获取对应的 楼宇、楼层、房间数据范围
List<DbAread> findBuildingListByAreaId(@Param("dbAread")DbAread dbAread,@Param("type")Integer type);


<!-- 根据区域id获取对应的 楼宇、楼层、房间数据范围 -->
<select id="findBuildingListByAreaId" resultType="DbAread" >
<include refid="dbAreadColumns"/>
FROM db_aread a
<include refid="dbAreadJoins"/>
area_id  =#{dbAread.dbArea.id}
<when test="type !=null and type == 1 ">
<when test="type !=null and type == 2 ">
<when test="type !=null and type == 3 ">

@Param("")   不用写 dbAread参数

//根据 楼宇楼层房间  获取区域明细 (找对应的区域)
List<DbAread> findDbAreadByBBR(DbAread dbAread);

<!-- 根据 楼宇楼层房间  获取区域明细 (找对应的区域) -->
<select id="findDbAreadByBBR" resultType="DbAread" >
<include refid="dbAreadColumns"/>
FROM db_aread a
<include refid="dbAreadJoins"/>
<where> 1=1 
<if test="dbBuilding !=null and dbBuilding.id !=null and dbBuilding.id != ''">
and a.building_id  =#{dbBuilding.id}
<if test="dbBuildingStorey !=null and dbBuildingStorey.id !=null and dbBuildingStorey.id != '' ">
and a.storey_id  =#{dbBuildingStorey.id}
<if test="dbBsRoom !=null and dbBsRoom.id !=null and dbBsRoom.id != '' ">
and a.room_id  =#{dbBsRoom.id}

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