
Given a string and we have to reverse it by using stack and by using reversed method in python.


1)通过使用堆栈反转字符串 (1) Reverse a string by using stack)



  1. First create an empty stack


  2. Push each character one by one in stack


  3. Pop each character one by one and put them back to the string


2)使用reversed()方法反转串 (2) Reverse a strung using reversed() method)

In this method, we will use reversed() method and iterate over the reversed iterator to get the reversed string.


Python代码反转字符串 (Python code to reverse a string )

import sys
def push(element, size, stack):
this function is used to push the elements
in the stack and it will return Error! message
if the stack is full and terminate the program.
global top
if top >= size - 1:
print('Stack Overflow')
top += 1
stack[top] = element
def pop():
this function is used to pop elements from
the stack and it will return Error! message
if the stack is empty and terminate the program.
global top
if top < 0:
print('Stack Underflow')
element = stack[top]
print('%s' % element, end='')
top -= 1
def reverse_by_sort(string):
This function is used to reverse any string
by reversed() method.
string = list(string)
rev_str = ''
for i in reversed(string):
rev_str += i
return rev_str
if __name__=='__main__':
size = 11
stack = [0]*size
string = 'Includehelp'
top = -1
# Pushing value in the stack
push('I', 11, stack)
push('n', 11, stack)
push('c', 11, stack)
push('l', 11, stack)
push('u', 11, stack)
push('d', 11, stack)
push('e', 11, stack)
push('h', 11, stack)
push('e', 11, stack)
push('l', 11, stack)
push('p', 11, stack)
print('Original String = %s' % string)
print('\nUsing Stack')
# Popping values from stack and printing them
print('Reversed String = ',end='')
for i in stack:
print('\n\nUsing sort()')
print('Reversed string = %s' % reverse_by_sort(string))



Original String = Includehelp
Using Stack
Reversed String = plehedulcnI
Using sort()
Reversed string = plehedulcnI




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