
If you’ve played Minecraft, then it’s easy to see how much fun it can be. Running your own server lets you bring all of your friends into the same game, and you can play with rules you get to make or break. It’s the ultimate in an already addictive game!

如果您玩过《我的世界》,那么很容易看到它有多有趣。 运行自己的服务器可使您将所有朋友带入同一个游戏,并且您可以按照自己的成败规则进行游戏。 这是本已令人上瘾的游戏的终极目标!

We’ve already shown you How To Get Started with Minecraft, a Game Geeks Love. What’s better than single player? Multiplayer, of course! You can join one of hundreds of servers at minecraftservers.net to get started, or search around for more exclusive ones, but ultimately you’re bound by their rules and discretion. Running your own server lets you and your friends can play together with your own set of rules, and it’s really easy to do.

我们已经向您展示了Gines Love游戏Minecraft的入门。 有什么比单人游戏更好? 多人游戏,当然! 您可以在minecraftservers.net上加入数百台服务器中的一台,以开始使用服务器,也可以搜索更多的专用服务器,但最终您会受其规则和自由裁量权的约束。 运行自己的服务器使您和您的朋友可以一起使用自己的规则,这非常容易做到。

下载并首次运行 (Download and First Run)

Head on over to the Minecraft Download page and go down to the “Multiplater beta server software” section. Windows users can Just download the .exe file and run it.  OS X and Linux users should download the .jar file, then run the server using the following command in Terminal:

转到Minecraft下载页面,然后转到“ Multiplater beta服务器软件”部分。 Windows用户可以下载.exe文件并运行它。 OS X和Linux用户应下载.jar文件,然后在终端中使用以下命令运行服务器:

java -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M -jar minecraft_server.jar nogui

java -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M -jar minecraft_server.jar nogui

If you want to devote more (or less) RAM to your server, change the 1024M to something else, like 2048M. The first number is the maximum amount it can use, and the second number is the minimum. Since everything is in Java, you should have at least a spare gig of RAM to devote to Minecraft. Things can get unruly with a decent amount of people playing, especially when you start to do crazy stuff like blowing up huge caverns with massive amounts of TNT.

如果要为服务器分配更多(或更少)的RAM,请将1024M更改为其他内容,例如2048M。 第一个数字是它可以使用的最大数量,第二个数字是最小的数量。 由于所有内容都是Java语言,因此您至少应有一个备用的RAM用于Minecraft。 大量的玩耍会使事情变得不规则,尤其是当您开始做疯狂的事情时,例如用大量的TNT炸毁巨大的洞穴。

In the server window, you’ll see the memory and processor thread use on the left, the list of connected players in the lower left, and the log and chat window on the right side. The first time you run the server, you’ll get some errors at first. That’s normal, so don’t panic!

在服务器窗口中,您将在左侧看到内存和处理器线程的使用,在左下方看到已连接播放器的列表,并在右侧看到日志和聊天窗口。 第一次运行服务器时,首先会出现一些错误。 那很正常,所以不要惊慌!

The server didn’t find the configuration files it needs, so it’ll make them. You’ll see some new files come up in the same folder as your server.

服务器找不到所需的配置文件,因此将其创建。 您会看到一些新文件出现在与服务器相同的文件夹中。

There’s the “world” folder, which contains your generated map area, an ops list, and a server.properties file, among other things.


Once the world is finished generating, you’ll get a little notice about the help file. Close the server, or if you’re running it in Terminal, just type “stop” (without the quotes). We’re going to tweak and we can’t do that while the server’s running.

一旦完成生成,您将获得有关帮助文件的一点通知。 关闭服务器,或者如果您在终端中运行它,只需键入“ stop”(不带引号)。 我们将进行调整,并且在服务器运行时无法执行此操作。

调整服务器的属性 (Tweaking the Server’s Properties)

Open up the server.properties file in notepad. You’ll see something like this:

在记事本中打开server.properties文件。 您会看到以下内容:

You’ll see some important options.


  • level-name: This is the name of your Minecraft world. If you change this name, the server will look for a folder with a matching name, and if none is found, it will generate a new level with this name.level-name:这是您的Minecraft世界的名称。 如果更改此名称,则服务器将查找具有匹配名称的文件夹,如果找不到,则它将使用该名称生成新级别。
  • spawn-monsters: If set to false, monsters such as zombies, skeletons, and creepers will not spawn. Often turned off for “op” or “creative” servers, where everyone builds and survival is not the focus of gameplay.生成怪物:如果设置为false,则不会生成诸如僵尸,骷髅和爬行者之类的怪物。 通常对于“ op”或“ creative”服务器关闭,因为每个人都在这里建造,生存并不是游戏的重点。
  • spawn-animals: If set to false, animals such as wolves, cows, sheep, and chickens will not spawn.spawn-animals:如果设置为false,则不会生成诸如狼,牛,绵羊和鸡等动物。
  • pvp: If set to false, players will not be able to harm one another, although you can still inflict damage by pushing other players off of ledges.pvp:如果设置为false,玩家将无法互相伤害,尽管您仍然可以通过将其他玩家推离壁架来造成伤害。
  • white-list: If set to true, the server will only allows the usernames in the “white-list.txt” file to successfully connect and play.白名单:如果设置为true,则服务器将仅允许“ white-list.txt”文件中的用户名成功连接并播放。

For a complete description of all of the options, check out the Minecraft Wiki’s page on server.properties. Once you’re done changing things to what you want, save the file.

有关所有选项的完整说明,请查看server.properties上的Minecraft Wiki页面。 完成将内容更改为所需内容后,保存文件。

Since it’s your server, be sure to add your Minecraft username in the “ops.txt” file. That way, you’ll be an “operator” with full admin rights. You can generate any item you want, ban players, make other players ops, and change the in-game time.

由于它是您的服务器,因此请确保在“ ops.txt”文件中添加您的Minecraft用户名。 这样,您将成为具有完全管理员权限的“操作员”。 您可以生成所需的任何物品,禁止玩家,进行其他玩家操作并更改游戏时间。

In order for your friends to connect to your server you’ll have to configure port forwarding on your router. The default port is 25565, but this can be changed in the server.properties file. Your friends will need your IP address (or DNS alias/redirect) and this port number so that they can connect.

为了让您的朋友连接到您的服务器,您必须在路由器上配置端口转发。 缺省端口为25565,但是可以在server.properties文件中更改此端口。 您的朋友将需要您的IP地址(或DNS别名/重定向)和此端口号,以便他们可以连接。

When you’re ready, start up the server again.


在服务器上播放 (Playing On a Server)

When you start Minecraft, you’re given the option of connecting to a multiplayer server. Clicking on it will allow you to enter its address information.

启动Minecraft时,可以选择连接到多人服务器。 单击它将允许您输入其地址信息。

If you’re playing on the same computer as your server, you can just type “localhost” (without the quotes). Otherwise, plug in your server’s IP address or domain name. Click connect, and you’ll join the server.

如果您与服务器使用的是同一台计算机,则只需键入“ localhost”(不带引号)即可。 否则,请插入服务器的IP地址或域名。 单击“连接”,您将加入服务器。

Hit T to bring up the chat console.


You’ll see all of the public messages by users, system messages, and commands that you’ve executed. Notice the little prompt (>) in the lower left corner. Typing something and hitting Enter will send a message to all other players in a group chat. You can execute commands here, too, and they always start with a forward slash (/).

您将按用户,系统消息和已执行的命令查看所有公共消息。 请注意左下角的小提示(>)。 键入内容并按Enter,将在群聊中向所有其他玩家发送消息。 您也可以在此处执行命令,并且它们始终以正斜杠(/)开头。

As an op, you should be able to type “/list” and hit Enter to list all of the connected players. You can also give items to any player (including yourself), ban and pardon specific users, and change the system time. If you’re unsure of a specific command’s requirement, you can type “/help” to get more info. For the full list of server commands, check out the Minecraft Wiki’s Server Commands page.

作为操作,您应该能够输入“ / list”并按Enter列出所有已连接的播放器。 您还可以将物品提供给任何玩家(包括您自己),禁止和赦免特定用户,以及更改系统时间。 如果不确定特定命令的要求,可以键入“ / help”以获取更多信息。 有关服务器命令的完整列表,请查看Minecraft Wiki的“服务器命令”页面。

Now go and tell all of your friends to join! There’s nothing that beats building massive structures, exploring the vast landscape, and mining into moutains, except doing it with 8 of your best friends.

现在,告诉所有朋友加入! 除了与您的8个最好的朋友一起做之外,没有什么比建造大型建筑物,探索广阔的景观和挖掘山寨更好的了。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/58968/how-to-start-your-own-minecraft-server/



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