The hh-index of an author is the largest hh where he has at least hh papers with citations not less than hh.

Bobo has published nn papers with citations a1,a2,…,ana1,a2,…,an respectively.
One day, he raises qq questions. The ii-th question is described by two integers lili and riri, asking the hh-index of Bobo if has only published papers with citations ali,ali+1,…,ariali,ali+1,…,ari.
The input consists of several test cases and is terminated by end-of-file.

The first line of each test case contains two integers nn and qq.
The second line contains nn integers a1,a2,…,ana1,a2,…,an.
The ii-th of last qq lines contains two integers lili and riri.
For each question, print an integer which denotes the answer.


  • 1≤n,q≤1051≤n,q≤105
  • 1≤ai≤n1≤ai≤n
  • 1≤li≤ri≤n1≤li≤ri≤n
  • The sum of nn does not exceed 250,000250,000.
  • The sum of qq does not exceed 250,000250,000.
    Sample Input
    5 3
    1 5 3 2 1
    1 3
    2 4
    1 5
    5 1
    1 2 3 4 5
    1 5
    Sample Output
#define ll long long
using namespace std;const int maxx=1e5+100;
struct node{int l;int r;int sum;
int a[maxx],b[maxx],root[maxx];
int n,m,tot;
inline int build(int l,int r)
{int cur=++tot;p[cur].sum=0;if(l==r) return cur;int mid=l+r>>1;p[cur].l=build(l,mid);p[cur].r=build(mid+1,r);return cur;
inline int update(int rot,int pos,int l,int r)
{int cur=++tot;p[cur]=p[rot];p[cur].sum++;if(l==r) return cur;int mid=l+r>>1;if(pos<=mid) p[cur].l=update(p[rot].l,pos,l,mid);else p[cur].r=update(p[rot].r,pos,mid+1,r);return cur;
inline int query(int lrot,int rrot,int l,int r,int pos)
{if(l==r) return p[rrot].sum-p[lrot].sum;int mid=l+r>>1;int sum=0;if(pos<=mid) sum=query(p[lrot].l,p[rrot].l,l,mid,pos)+p[p[rrot].r].sum-p[p[lrot].r].sum;else sum=query(p[lrot].r,p[rrot].r,mid+1,r,pos);return sum;
int main()
{int l,r;while(~scanf("%d%d",&n,&m)){tot=0;for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) scanf("%d",&a[i]),b[i]=a[i];sort(b+1,b+1+n);int len=unique(b+1,b+1+n)-b-1;//离散化root[0]=build(1,len);for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) root[i]=update(root[i-1],lower_bound(b+1,b+1+len,a[i])-b,1,n);while(m--){scanf("%d%d",&l,&r);int L=1,R=n,mid,ans;while(L<=R){mid=L+R>>1;int zz=query(root[l-1],root[r],1,n,lower_bound(b+1,b+1+len,mid)-b);if(zz>=mid){ans=mid;L=mid+1;}else R=mid-1;}printf("%d\n",ans);}}return 0;


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